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"Hello, Central" Why Is There So Much Chaos And Rioting In Our World Today, And What More Can We Do To Assist In These "End Times"?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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s by Cindy Sheehan amongst others. It was encouraging to see so many Americans calling for truth and peace, although concerning that this mixed group of anti-Government campaigners seemed to know nothing of NESARA, let alone any of the other forthcoming events.

Given the recent comments from both yourself and Christ Michael, I can't help thinking that the recent, and continuing events in the UK, France and now, Belgium are a part of the "beginning of the end". The question then becomes, are these cabal-driven games or independent minds searching for the truth and advancing the heavenly agenda? I would be grateful for your comments on these recent events and what more (if anything) we can do that you may not have already commented on, to assist in the process.

Thanks again for your wondrous contribution to the coming events.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 10, 2005


Dear BA:

Thank you for your letter. The riots in France stem from two basic problems. The first is the Karma accumulated from the many years of segregation and neglect of the Arab-Negro citizens living in high-rise poverty in the northern Paris suburbs. They were invited to come to France after World War II to provide the necessary workers needed for France's booming economy. They were isolated from society from the very beginning,and today, experience high unemployment, low education, high crime and lack of government assistance. They have no real future and rioted in 1968 to try to get attention to solve their problems. Little was accomplished at that time.

Secondly, today, the British MI-6 and Israeli Mossad are capitalizing on the social unrest of these five million Arab-Negro French citizens, as revenge against France for helping the American people in their struggle against the Crown of England and the One World Order. The Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks (KZB) control the governments of Israel, Britain and the U.S. These Illuminati are pushing hard to establish their One World Order. The Queen, Blair, Bush and Sharon are working together to accomplish this goal.

The Bush Crime Family is presently in control of the U.S. Government. Many U.S. government and military people and citizens do not agree with this evil government and are working hard to bring change, namely NESARA. Patrick Fitzgerald is a key player at the moment in bringing indictments against this corrupt system. By the way, Patrick Fitzgerald is a walk-in of John Patrick Fitzgerald Kennedy, the U.S. president, who in 1963 tried to establish a gold standard money system, end the evil CIA and tell the world of the alien presence. He was assassinated for trying. Now he has returned to complete that mission.

As you will recall, earlier this fall there was a terrorist threat reported in Chicago, USA to the Federal Buildings, but according to the media, nothing came of it. The Truth is that British MI-6 and Israeli Mossad tried to kill Patrick Fitzgerald, the Special Prosecutor for the Valerie Plame case. Fitzgerald had indicted Tony Blair in the case earlier in the summer, but Blair refused to cooperate and ordered Fitzgerald assassinated. The French Intelligence intercepted this action by killing some and arresting others of the attackers.

In retaliation for the Chicago interference by France the MI-6/Israeli Mossad promptly "took out" a France Airbus, as it was landing in France. Because of France's good intent the Forces of Light protected the landing and none of the passengers were killed and only a few had minor injuries.

Then not long ago there was another terrorist threat alert in New York City regarding the subways. Again the media reported it as a false alarm. This was not true. The MI-6/Israeli Mossad/CIA connection tried to bomb the New York subway system to create a national emergency, so G.W. Bush could declare martial law and lock the U.S. down under the New World Order control. Again, the French Intelligence intercepted this terrorist action, killing four and arresting five of the attackers. Since the inception of their nation the American people have been aided by France, at times even against the evil actions of their own U. S. Government, while France and Britain have had animosity between them for centuries, which still continues to this day.

Unrest is occurring in many countries, as karma is being released and the way prepared for establishing governments and societies of right living under the Laws of God and creation. Our world is in ferment, as the energies continue to rise. At some point not far off this process will create all things new. Our task is to hold our own personal world steady with wisdom, compassion and positive energy. By doing so we add our part to the "mass consciousness" of positive energy.

Positive energy is bringing peace and restoring balance again to Earth Shan. This has been a slow process in confronting the Darkness, but all is now moving quickly to close down the Age of Darkness and usher in the Age of Light. It is both an honor and privilege to be a participant in these great changes that are occurring to bring Earth Shan into 5D. Use wisdom and discernment, my brother, as together we hold the fort until victory is declared.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
