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"Hello, Central!" The Secret! (Updated March 30, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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nt of view. I totally understand the fact that a lot of Darkness is on this world and that it is inmature to just shut your eyes on this subject. BUT, I have been following the developments on NESARA and the Illuminati for years now. By constantly reading this and getting mad about it, it changed my life for the worst. Okay, maybe I focussed wrongly on these things, so the sad feeling was manifested. On the other hand, since I used the Secret, I feel better. I remember myself to keep a good feeling, a good vibration. I wake up full of energy and ready for the day to come. I will never shut my eyes for all the harm being done, but that doesn’t change a thing! It seems to me that Carolyn has a problem with being rich and feeling wealthy. I say this, because that is the (small) part she is focussing on and calling it Uniquely American. People who read this piece on your website, will absolutely not feel encouraged to better their lives. I can not imagine that this piece is bringing anything good to your readers. It encourages guilt feelings about feeling good in my perspective. I am not claiming to state truth here, just putting my feelings on paper (well, digitally,haha). In order to change the world, one must feel good en throw these feelings into the Universe for the better of all. She gives the idea that this is selfish.

NO, it’s not! It’s working on your own environment in order to give joy and Love to others. In all channelings I ever read, I read clearly that we are creators. The problem is, that many people do not feel that way about themselves, because it seems so hard to do, they never encountered the way of doing it. Since we are here to create, I find the Secret a beautiful possession. It remembers me every day to focus on the good, in order to change the bad. The fact that the Secret talks about creating wealth, is just to wake people up to the fact that they can create ANYTHING. Wealth and money, in the minds of people, are selfish things to ask, but it is really not. Not that it will change MY mind, but I was wondering how you feel about the Secret. If you haven’t seen it, well then it will be hard to answer this question. I you have, I would like to know. But one thing I am really grateful for, is the fact that I regained the power to control my feelings, emotions and vibration I sent into this Universe. Good can never turn out bad. So I would to say to Carolyn, you are right about the bad in this world, but focus on the good. If you feel guilty about wanting wealth, fine, but do not condemn the people who want change, including the stream of wealth coming to them. It is everyones birthright to have whatever they want. Yours also.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 29, 2007


Dear TH:

Thank you for your response to Carolyn Baker's article, "The Secret: Creating a Culture of Cheerfulness as Rome Burns". There is no argument to be made against the basic premise of "The Secret", for it is Law number thirteen of the Laws of God and Creation. It is the most basic of all Laws and is known as the Law of Cause and Effect. Esu Immanuel in explaining it to his disciples said, "You shall reap what you sow".

To explain this further, whatever energy you create by thought, word or deed, whether it be negative or positive energy, goes into the ethers and shall be returned to you in like kind, but in greater or multiple amount, as much as one-hundred fold or 100 x 100. The problem with this Law today is the New Age proponents had done a slight twist to this Law to fool people.

They are saying that you can create anything your heart desires by your thoughts without any restrictions or accountability. If you think and act rich, you will be rich. If you think and act famous, you will be famous. This is basically a self-centered attitude that does not consider others. This is Carolyn Baker's point. People take "The Secret", the Law of Returns" and attempt to build a lifestyle of pleasure and success for themselves, "while Rome burns". This is a selfish attitude of trying to get what I want for myself, now, while the world around me is being destroyed.

It is true that there is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause, but to gain the "magic" of The Secret in reaping success, wealth and fame or the desires of one's heart, the intent of the heart must be aligned with the Laws of God and Creation. If your intent is to gain wealth to have a great home, car, boat and life of leisure for your own pleasure, it won't happen. Oh, through hard work or through fraud you may gain these things, but you will never find true happiness.

When your heart's desire is to create positive energy for the greatest good of all and to use your blessings to that end, then the magic of Heaven responds and miracles happen. Many are being fooled today by paying big money to attend seminars where salespeople are pitching the wrong message.

I am glad "The Secret" is making the public circuit, for it has brought awareness of the "power of positive thinking" to many people. It is really all about understanding the Truth of reaping what you sow. Sow in goodness, whatever it is you want in goodness for the greatest good of all, and your world will change accordingly.

I include here the thoughts of another Fourwinds reader on "The Secret".


----- Original Message -----

From: DM


Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:42 AM

Subject: Misinterpretation of THE SECRET

In the movie The Secret, we learn that what you consistently think, feel, and act is what you attract into your life. There are seven levels to The Secret, just as in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. People at the bottom of the hierarchical pyramid of needs will misinterpret The Secret to mean pursuit of narcissistic values. As one evolves through life one’s attitude changes from service to self to service to others. Their interpretation and understanding of The Secret will also change. The ultimate understanding level of The Secret is where you finally realize that if you hold only spiritually-oriented thoughts and feelings and then manifest these into positive actions you will enter the Kingdom and all that you need will be given including ideas on how to better your life as well as how to help others. One big secret part of The Secret is that if you learn how to listen to your Inner (spiritual) Nature, life becomes so much easier.


This adds further clarity to our understanding of "sowing and reaping". Thank you, gentlemen!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: FM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:47 PM

Subject: Hello Central -The Secret March 29

Dear Patrick:

I want to thank you so much for your answer to the Hello Central -TH. It was so great that it made goose bumps appear all over me. I also enjoyed the last comment after your answer and the answer from you (one sentence) after that.

I also felt uncomfortable when reading The Secret, for so much was about gaining money and such. It just did not make me feel right. It was good to hear what Carolyn Baker had to say so I was not alone on my thoughts. I do try to always be positive and I put it that way as sometimes I am not as positive as I would like to be. As you say, this is nothing new.

Thanks again for your insights. Know that all your efforts of bringing all this information to us is not wasted. I hope this finds you both in good health and I applaud you both for what you are doing for the world.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 29, 2007


Dear FM:

Thank you for your positive feedback to the dialogue on "Hello, Central!" We are pleased to know that it has merit and that our work is helpful.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DK


Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:33 PM

Subject: Hello Central - The Secret March 29

Hello again dear Patrick,

After reading Carolyn Baker's article, "The Secret: Creating a Culture of Cheerfulness as Rome Burns", I was a bit surprised that You put this article on the first page, although I know You like stirring the pot from time to time and giving Us readers a chance to share a few words. For that, and of course for Your outstanding work as a Messenger of God through Fourwinds, We thank You :) The responses of TH, DM and Yourself were very well written and shed much Light on the extremely negative and narrow-sighted perspective Baker put forth in Her article; here are a few more things to consider about this article and The Secret.

Who made this movie, and whom was it made for? Of course it is "...a glitzy, twenty-first century redux of what has come to be called in metaphysical circles "New Thought"." That's because it was written for the mass populace of America, and right now, mainly because of corruption and limiting dogma within formalized and commercialized religion, the American People are naturally tuning into this line of spiritual thinking more than others. It was wise marketing to have a more money-oriented approach as to what can be created with the 3-step process taught in The Secret since American culture largely revolves around money; the wise will see past this and understand that this process applies to all aspects of Life, not just the monetary one.

Let's also remember the general spiritual condition of America at this time; it is a childish one, again, mainly due to negative religious influences (not that all religious influences are negative, just the majority of them). "It's All About Me" is exactly where most Americans have to start in their journey of spiritual awakening; how can We begin to consider what is in Everyone's Highest Interest when We have not even figured out what is in Our own Highest Interest? The greatest way We can help others is by helping Our Self, because in helping Our Self, We are LEADING FROM THE FRONT, BY EXAMPLE. If everyone's focus was on helping others, what assurance would We have of being helped Ourself? If everyone's focus was on helping themselves, everyone would surely get helped!

DM wrote "As one evolves through life one's attitude changes from service to self to service to others." To take this one step further, and to find the MIDDLE WAY (aka. the third level of human consciousness, the Christ Consciousness), COMBINE UNITY AND DUALITY. Ultimately, service to Our Self and service to others is the same thing, since We are all One. What is in Our Highest Interest, in accordance with God's Highest Will? This is the question that leads Us to know in any given situation if service to Our Self or service to another (speaking in separated terms) is the thing to be/do/have; at the same time, there is no difference as both ultimately serve God, if that is Our intention. Live the paradox.

"Can you imagine telling twelve year-old girls in Chinese sweatshops-the ones who work sixteen hours a day for pennies, live in squalor, may get raped at any moment, and sometimes are found dead at the ripe old age of twenty at their sewing machines from working themselves to death-can you imagine telling them that their situation is the product of their thoughts?" Yes and no. Obviously it is not the direct result of their conscious thoughts, but are Our conscious thoughts the only level of thought that exists within Our MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BEING? Freud called them the id, ego and superego (superego=higher self=soul/spirit self). No one enters into an incarnation without chosing their external situations. Even new souls who are placed by more evolved spiritual beings into their first incarnations are still consenting to being placed by those more evolved beings although at this time, there are very very few of those types of souls here on Earth. How can We take back Our true power if We don't accept responsibility for creating Our own situation? How can We heal Our Self if We don't take back Our power? How can We change Our circumstances if We don't heal Our Self? Wake up.

"Only children and adolescents believe that they can, as The Secret insists, have anything they want." To view this as negative is to not understand the entire reason for the American People's plight. INNOCENCE and OPENNESS are two things that the adulterated American populace is finally remembering, for without these two things, divinely-inspired miracles will not occur. Returning to a child-like state of innocence and discovery is crucial for several reasons: it has allowed God to intervene and facilitate the miracle of NESARA and everything tied to that; it is also preparing Humanity for the Ascension as the photon belt continues to shower Us with higher vibrations of Light. When We do hit 4D, 5D and beyond, We will be as children again, remembering Our way in a new (and old) experience. "Many are called, but few are chosen," and those that are chosen "...shall be known by their fruits."

"What I find offensive and inexcusable is the unwillingness of purveyors and devotees of The Secret to look at the other half of reality-the dark side-theirs and that of their government, move beyond their terminal narcissism, and resist the economic holocaust being perpetrated on them and the rest of the world by a fascist empire." To only look at the negative as Baker has mostly done in this article is to sew the fruit of the dark side and do exactly what they need We of the Light to do so they can continue here on Earth. The Secret gave a process and a few, not the only, examples of how to use it. To say that People who watch and support this resist the dark side of Our situation is ignorant of those of Us who are integrating OUR WHOLE BEING and thus setting Ourselves up to move into 5D and beyond. No one single movie/book/event is going to cause everyone to become Christ-Consciousness enlightened; that is not how this reality works and that is not in Our Highest Interest at this time. What Baker completely neglects to mention is how The Secret has given many People another wonderful reminder of how to integrate God into Our Life as the co-Creator of Our experience. Until We do this, We are destined to repeat this level of experience until We finally get it that without God as Our chosen co-Creator, We will never reach Our ultimate potential, which is, of course, what Life is all about :)

When We do finally realize this critical Truth of living Heaven here on Earth, We remember that all of this 'crap' We are going through is a simple case of taking two steps back to take six forward. We also remember that listening to Our feelings before allowing God to co-Create the thoughts that exist in Our mind is the other half of the process that brings completion to the entire co-Creation process. What does Your heart tell You about the outcome of Our situation? Do You feel that God has spoken and that We of the Light have already won? I know for a fact, with God as My co-Creating servant and master, that My heart tells Me that those of Us who are ready to experience Heaven on Earth, as each of Us know that to be for Us as an individual and a collective, will come to experience this WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT. So until then, I urge You all to continue finding the glorious in the mundance, the miraculous in the chaos and the Light in the darkness in preparation for Your call to service as a physical-human-angel-god(dess) within Our most glorious Heaven here on Earth.

God Bless Us All, Light,

Love And Power Be Us Now,



----- Original Message -----

From: D


Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 10:47 AM

Subject: The Secret

Dear Patrick,Here’s another thought on The Secret: There is NOT just ONE Law of the Universe. The Secret or The Law Of Cause and Effect is ONE but the other Laws must be considered to be in cooperation with each other. This is like B Vitamins, separate one from the other and ‘vitamin chaos’ reigns. :-)) There is a book called The Kybalion that has been around for decades and explains the Basic Seven Laws, they are called Laws because they are ALWAYS in effect. Newton’s Laws are not real laws because they are not ALWAYS in effect. Our religions have indoctrinated people to believe abundance for oneself is sinful and selfish. NOT!! God wants abundance for all equally. The way that works is: want good for everyone and you receive, too.

If one looks at the attitude of royalty in the last centuries, taking from tenant farmers, caring not for the welfare of people who are not royalty, one gets a bad smell from wealth. ALERT!! Being wealthy doesn’t mean that someone does without BECAUSE you have a little more, The Secret is available to all equally, some are not tuned into it. I have noticed that there are more ‘clues’ to the workings of the Universe popping up but are not including the whole picture. We are being gradually educated to the Truth. Our leaders have, if they knew it, withheld the Truth for their own agenda. They are not interested in equality and prosperity for all. They don’t want followers craving leadership, they might get bumped. Some are correct when they think that having wealth does not mean that one is superior, what one does with it can define the level of spirituality. The church wanted wealth and the easiest way to get it was to convince people that they could not get into Heaven if they were wealthy, misquoting and deliberately misinterpreting the ‘eye of the needle and the camel’ story from the Bible. The ‘eye of the needle’ was a small door in the wall around cities. The big gates were closed at sundown, if a merchant and his loaded camels were caught outside of the gates, the ‘eye’ could be opened to admit him. However, the loaded camels had to be unloaded and everything carried inside and then the camels had to be convinced to go through a small door. To be caught outside at night was to invite thieves and possibly death so one was encouraged to be precise in their timing. The moral, in my mind, was NOT about wealth but about personal safety, i.e. being safely within the city walls at night, and possibly about how hard it is to get your camel to do anything they don’t want to do!! Carolyn is resisting because of her PROGRAMMING. It is worse for women, we allowed society to define ‘ feminine’ to be serving rather than to want things for oneself, which invites criticism.

Point: I saw a sewing machine that I had my eye on for several years, waiting for the price to come down. I mentioned to my husband one day when I saw the machine at a very reasonable price, that I would like it. He looked at me strangely. He said, “ I didn’t know that you ever wanted anything!” Maybe because I put the kids and him first ALL the time, but when the kids were grown then I could entertain the possibility that I could actually have something that I desired. He bought it for me on the spot. He learned something that day about me and I learned something about him. That machine has served me well and everyone I loan it to or sew for. It doesn’t mean one is selfish to want something useful. The word selfish is manipulative, by the way, if you hear it directed at you, the person using it is trying to manipulate. I feel for Carolyn, as a woman and being a recipient of church and society generated manipulation. She is trying to ‘fit’ what she thinks she knows with what she is hearing. The point of my ramblings is: The Secret is a piece of the puzzle, not the whole. It is meant to awaken us slowly and gently. Desire the whole truth. Keep up the good work, I enjoy your site immensely,



----- Original Message -----

From: CS


Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 2:17 PM

Subject: The Secret comment

Hi patrick

a few thoughts on The Secret

from The Secret pg 147

Michael Bernard Beckwith

What's beautiful about the teachings of The secret is that there is more than enough to go around for everyone

There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, "There is not enough good to go arounf. There's lack and there's limitation and there's just not enough." And that lie has people living in fear, greed, stinginess. And those thoughts of fear, greed, stinginess and lack become their experience. So the world has taken a nightmare pill.

The truth is that there's more than enough good to go around. There's more than enough creative ideas. There's more than enough power. There's more than enough love. There's more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature. (end quote)

The more abundance and joy we create, the more there is to share; the more there is to share, the more abundance and joy we create......

We are Magnificent Creator Beings; we just forgot, for a moment.

thanks for your continued good work