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"Hello, Central!" How Can The NESARA Announcement Decision Team Over-ride Sananda's Decisions?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ouncement made this week without any further waiting. However, some members disagreed and thus it did not happen.

1. Who are the members of the Decision Team and are they from The Galactic Federation or politicians, military, etc.?

2. How can any of these members have enough power to override Sananda's decision to carry out Creator God's Plan for Nesara Now? (that would be a scary thought and it is confusing to many of us).

Again, thanks for keeping us informed. I hope Anne is continuing to do well.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 25, 2006


Dear RH.:

Thank you for your letter.

Under Cosmic Law on any freewill planet certain decisions must be made by 3D humans to direct the course of events. In other words the Star People can not "do it for us", but they can only help us cooperatively to accomplish our goals to goodness. The NESARA Decision Team involves just such a situation. When they decide NESARA should be announced, then the Star People can help make it happen.

Of course the Galactic Councils and Creator God can over-ride any and all 3D situations, but that is seldom done, because it may alter soul contracts and obstruct soul growth lessons for the 3D people involved. That is why for us things seem to take so long to be accomplished. Creator God is patient and He allows for repeated opportunities for people to make the right choices.

We have all been in similar situations to learn our lessons in this or in past lifestreams to be where we are today. We were grateful to Creator God for allowing us repeated opportunities to "get it right". Now, it is someone else's turn. Having been there and done that, we get really impatient and upset with those, who are having to make the needed decisions today for their soul growth. If we could step into their situation right now, we would have no question about how to do the right thing, and we would have no fear or doubt about doing it. Why? --because we have learned those lessons.

There does come a time when the needs of the many must be considered by Creator God over the needs of the few. We are definitely at that point in our present civilization. Also, there are a few individuals, like Angela Merkle, who are taking a definite stand against the Darkness and are causing great change to happen.

The NESARA Announcement Decision Team (NADT) has been composed of various people such as Sandra Day O'Conner, Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf, but the members have been changed several times over the past six years. I do not know who makes up the present NADT. Please understand that it is not a matter of the team having the power to over-ride Sananda's wishes, but working together cooperatively within both 3D and Cosmic Law to accomplish the mission as expeditiously as possible.

Creator God Aton of Light has called a halt to the Darkside's control over Earth Shan, but within that decision He allows for certain lesser 3D decisions, so that we still have input in directing the course of our human events.

Expect good things today and every day, my friend, as we continue to learn our own lessons of endurance, patience, forgiveness and love. The wait will be well worth it! Remember that the four great virtues are Wisdom, Courage, Fortitude and Generosity.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer