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"Hello, Central!" Is There A Point to the Many Visions and Sightings of "Other Visitors" Today?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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pe of contact? or is there a purpose?. I have seen a bit but have no idea what to do with what i have seen and know. Any thoughts?


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 17, 2006


Dear M:

The veil is becoming much thinner between 3D and the higher dimensions, as our frequencies rise. Many people are "seeing" glimpses into these higher dimensions through various means and are remembering more of their travels during their sleep state. These "visitors" from the higher dimensions are from the Light and are trying to wake us up.

There may be some Dark entities around, if you have not asked for protection, but you would feel their negative energies and identify them as such. Be open to the nudges from the Angels and our Star Friends and Relatives.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer