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"Hello, Central!" What Is The "Planetary Logos?"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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as placed in one of the messages.(at least I assumed it was my question!) Both replies were very useful for me. I add the conversation below.

Now,I have one question from it, what is "Planatery logos". I ask considering Hatonn's recent revelation of himself.

By the way I found Sananda's reply very interesting. I never mentioned to Candace that I am a very involved member in a CwG forum and when I placed the "we stand in awe of you" message on my "NESARA updates" thread, i discovered that the thread had dropped down one slot and a thread on Buddism had gone up to number one. Very interesting considering what Sananda said



[quote]Hi Candace,

Thank you very much for all the work you are doing. It is very much appreciated.

At the beginning of February I reached a stage in my spiritual path where the "I AM" started to feel very real within. I would only have to focus on how no-thing is really real and the needless "I AM" would make itself real within me. Then I understood what Co-creating was. "I AM" combined with I desired.

Two days after realising this, I notice your posts on the fourwinds site. You have been the outer manifestation of what I decide is now real.

I bet you havn't heard yourself described like that before, lol.

My question to Sananda.

Talking about what is real, when NESARA hits the TV box around the world or starships are seen in the skies by all, what would Sananda do if he was watching the news break among friends that are totally surprised.

Sending Love and blessings

K [ end quote]

and the email reply

[quote] Hi K, I will ask him that when he is around and I read him the mail. I'm saving this to my question section! CO Creation is very much about desire. One day I will write my story, but it was the unfailing desire that got me where I AM right now. I had some doubts along with way, but I stuck with it. You must have very strong Desire to CO create. Blessings, Candace [ end quote]

[quote] And Sananda' reply

One reader asked how to talk to people, for me to give some clues. I do not know what to tell you to do. I have been less than successful myself in working with the "brain-washed" pastors. Just do your best in your own ways, and direct people as you can away from the disturbing websites and literature. I think in a fairly short time many will come around, as they notice the changes are of benefit to them. I think few would turn down the benefits of NESARA.

You might try to explain that the idea of rapture was misunderstood, rather than inform them they have been stupid to believe in it. You might explain that the planet is being returned to heavenly status from being a prison planet. It might be better, in other words, to re-define the words and concepts of their knowing. You can certainly say that the dark brothers intentionally changed the concepts to suit their agenda. Their agenda was to prevent my Second Coming with the UFO cover-up. Be gentle, but firm. BE WAY-SHOWERS, just as you have been with all your other outstanding accomplishments.

I would personally suggest that a good series of books for those having difficulty giving up their Bible would be the "Conversation with God" series, by Neale Donald Walsch. They are gently spiritual and should have broad appeal to those trying to change their concept of God.

Now, for those that have read these and wonder who the "God" that is working through Mr. Walsch might be, it is not myself. It is none other than Lord Buddha. Since he is, also one with God, and at this time the Planetary Logos, He can call himself God, for those writings. Should you recommend these books, share in the knowledge that the Buddha is the author of the writings.[ end quote]


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 4, 2005


Dear K:

You asked, "What is the Planetary Logos?" I am also on this learning curve of new concepts. I shall try to answer your question as I understand things.

The word "Logos" means "The Word of God" and associated with the second member of the Trinity or Esu Immanuel (Jesus) Sananda. Sananda Immanuel 2000 years ago came to Earth's people as a Truthbringer, a representative or spokesperson for Creator God/Christ Michael. Sananda Immanuel was the Planetary Logos for that time. He was the Word of God "made flesh", who came and dwelt among the people. He was the example, the "Living Word" the spiritual leader speaking the Truth from Creator God.

Today, apparently Lord Buddha according to Sananda's statement is the Planetary Logos the spiritual leader for our time. He has again spoken the Word of God to our people today through Neale Donald Walsch's "Conversation With God" book series.

I add another thought for your consideration. Sananda Immanuel, prior to his coming to the Judeans 2000 years ago as Esu Immanuel, had come to our planet Earth Shan in a former lifestream in the 5th century B.C. as Gautama Buddha in India. Do you see the pattern?

The Christ Michael energy or Logos of our Creator God of our Nebadon Universe has repeatedly come to Earth Shan through various high spiritual incarnations of the "Christ"; one as Buddha and another as Immanuel Sananda. Both were the Word of God or Logos or spiritual leader presenting of Truth in their time. Is it not a mystery to us in 3D or maybe magic that both Sananda Immanuel and Gautama Buddha are returning in our time in these "last days" to give us a "double dose" of the Christ Michael energy? The Logos, the Word of God, the Truth is now being given to the people of Earth Shan, big time, to wake them up. Isn't this exciting?

In a question to Candace Frieze, she explained that Buddha is our offical "spiritual leader" at this time or Planetary Logos, and he has held that position for approximately the last twenty years. Sanat Kumara is our Solar Logos (or spiritual leader of our solar system), and Sananda Immanuel will soon become our Planetary Prince, which is a teaching and political office of the government of our Nebadon Universe.

Got that? May we all find the Truth we seek!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
