Anne Bellringer
Patrick was a counselor. There was a gentlemand that visited quite often. who had family and financial problems. Patrick counseled him and gave him money on several occassions. This person was also interested in current events happening, and had many questions. Patrick was a master at explaining current events to him. This gentleman was very grateful to Patrick for his kindness , generosity and knowledge.
Sept. 26, 2020
About a year ago, later in the evening, we heard a knock at the door. Patrick went the door. There was a teenager standing in the winter cold with no coat on, and scared to death. She needed to use our phone. We invited her in, heard sobs as she talked on the phone. She was kicked out of her home by her father. She needed to get to her grandmother's place. Patrick calmed her down, gave her some food to eat talked with her about what was the matter, and then Patrick drove her to her grandmother's house. She was so grateful to see such kind people, for she had never seen anyone like Patrick.
Sept. 25, 2020
Patrick cared about the land on which we lived. We rented a house near the Ellsworth Air Force Base, Rapid City. The 40 acres we lived on was filled with all kinds of litter--plastic sacks tin cans boards, etc. Patrick drove the old van along the fence line and filled the van with the trash. He said we had to carry empty plastic bags with us when we walked the land in order to pick up all the trash as we walked. He was disturbed that the person, who cut the grass and hay for the cattle on that forty acres, loved pop. He would throw the empty pop cans out on the field. When he cut the hay, he baled up the tin cans, as well. The owner said his cattle had hardware poisoning, and wondered how they got that way. Well, Patrick told him the problem about the pop cans. I think the hired man continued his trash making as long as we lived there. You can tell what a person's home looks like if that person throws used pop cans all over the land or their car is filled with trash. Patrick was a worker, never stopped fixing up old machinery or tools or cleaning up the places that we lived, building sheds, other buildings, digging trenches for water drainage, or cleaning up root cellers for vegetable storing. The list goes on and on......
Sept. 23, 2020
There were several times I remember Patrick standing in line to pay for groceries and the person (usually an eldery woman or man) ahead couldn't pay for all the groceries. Patrick helped out. I know one time at the ulitlity office this old man could not pay his bill or his lights were to be turned off. Patrick paid the bill.
Sept. 22, 2020
Patrick was honored as Farmer of the Year for Scott County, MN., He was honored as Mr. Christian Endeavor for Wisconsin while he was in high school. He graducated as one of the top students in a class of 72, Ellsworth, Wis.
He gave of his time and effort as the main speaker at patriot meetings held in Minnesota and across the nation concerning our corrupt government. At his cost he prepared an extensvie pamphlet of information and gave them to people for their eductation about our government.
He was honored by being nominated in Who's Who's in U.S. and given an award for being nominated. Patrick earned 5 Degrees: B.S Forest Management, B.S.. B.S. Science Education, Master's Degree Religious Education, and Master's Degree in Divinity.
He worked in the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, and as Forest Ranger in Custer County, Black Hills. He was the one who saved the lives of 30 men while fighting fire in the Rocky Mountains. The fire crew thought he and his crew were dead, as the fire crew lost contact with them, as the fire had boxed them in a canyon. I will tell you of this experience in my recent blog.
He taught Science Education in Edina. Minn, one of the top schools in Minnesto for 18 years, He often said he was never really educated until he found and read the Phoenix Journals.
Since 1996 to 2020 he was President of the StarLight Foundation and President and Editor of Fourwinds10.com.
His Mission in Life was to be an educator to present the TRUTH to people. He wrote hundreds of articles that
are posted on http://www.fourwnid10.com
As we pass this lifestream, we judge ourselves against the Laws of God and Creation. He said that he has passed his test. BRAVO!
Sept. 19,2020
I wanted to add to Patrick's Random Acts of Kindess. He was a Master Gardner and turning lathe artist. Much of the garden produce raised was given to people in need i.e. Men's Mission and Women's Mission, neighbors ad friends. His turning lathe creations were one of a kind. None done the same. He never sold any of these beautiful creations but gave many, many away to friends and acquaintances. They were made from his wood pile of pine, oak, locust, mahogany, cedar, green ash, pitch pine ad others. I am posting a couple of photos for your view:
Sept. 18, 2020
My father was a very wise man, a Circut Court Judge for 49 years. He had a saying that is so true today. "There are only two kinds of people in this world, the givers and the takers. There is no one inbetween".
Patrick was a giver. His whole life he gave RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS AND SENSELESS DEEDS OF LOVE. He helped the neighbors roof their home, he built sheds for people at his cost. He helped a lady rebuilt her tailer house at his cost of $8,000 dollors. He gave money to people in need with no return of the same. He was known as "the jam man" all over town. He gave jam and food to the Women's Mission and the Men's Mission, and to the bank tellers, pharmacists, store clerks, clinics, and people on the street. He cut and baled hay for the neighbors. For 24 years he supported the return to the gold system, and the leadership at the top of the financial world, who needed funds to keep going. He stored food in our home for the needy. He supported our four children with funds when they needed it, especially our webmaster. He used our old 1979 van to move our children to a different home. He cut wood and gave it to those to needed it. He thinned at his cost. four acres of private forest for a crippled owner. These four acres had not been thinned since 1940. Much of the stacked wood was loaded in the van and given to the needy. Countless times the old van was filled with cut wood for that purpose.
Below are photos of the food given away from our home. Patrick was very glad this was done.
Here are the photos:
Anne Bellringer