Anne Bellringer
In the process of evil eviction
From our farm family home,
We lived in various places,
And were forced just to roam.
Our furniture was all scattered
To family and friends alike,
We ended up with almost nothing,
But we know that was alright.
We stayed with friends in
And made trips to east coast states,
Lived with our daughter in
The state of many lakes.
We moved to
To my mother’s family house,
But family members didn’t like us,
To them we were like a louse.
We sold the rest of our belongings,
Family members still didn’t agree,
They thought that we were evil—
We still just were not free.
We were forced from my mother’s house
In the blackness of the night,
With snow and blowing wind,
And wind chill that was a fright.
We drove to
To find a place to live.
The Lighted Realms found our home,
Saying it was their time to give.
So we lived in our LYHOTP,
East of the great
The view of all the starships
Gave us many thrills.
“Gather up some pallets, brother,
You know that they are free,
You can make all sorts of things,
Just listen and you will see!”
So we packed in many pallets,
And chopped some up for wood,
And saved the best wood pieces,
With THEIR help, we knew we could.
So we had some furniture
That was beautiful to see,
And yes, except for time and screws,
Patrick built them—all for free.
I got up in the morning,
And sat at my pallet desk,
On my nice big pallet chair,
Oh, I shall tell you all the rest.
My pallet dresser was there,
And my pallet bookshelf/stand,
I think the way he made them
Was fitting and just grand.
I loved the pallet dresser
He made for all his clothes,
And then his matching desk and chair,
Our furniture—it just grows.
The flowers in the living room
Were gorgeous just to see,
They rested upon pallet stands—
Yes, all made fit to a “t”!
The pallet lamps rested on pallet stands,
The books on a pallet shelf,
The bench and T.V. stand—
Indeed—we surely had “wealth”!
I can’t forget the other rooms
With furniture galore,
I must describe it all to you,
Indeed—we just weren’t “poor”!
The gorgeous chair and dresser
That adorned the red room of Star,
Were unique and nicely decorated,
They surpassed bought furniture by far!
The waste-can made of pallets, too.
His books were on a pallet shelf,
They made the room look new.
The bedrooms downstairs,
That belonged to J. and C.
Were filled with pallet furniture,
Art work beautiful to see.
With closets, shelves and dressers,
Made from beautiful pallet wood,
Matched the stands, chairs and HEAVEY foot stool,
Made by Patrick—we all knew he could
I can’t forget the flower boxes
That Patrick made in summer days,
Many flowers bloomed in the sun,
Pallets used in many ways.
Now Patrick did joyously work
In warm and cozy air,
He built a pallet shed—
It really was quite rare.
We loved our big LYHOTP,
The Lighted Brothers had it named,
It was “ Lighted Yellow House On The Prairie”,
And in Heavenly Realms has fame.
We viewed the wondrous starships,
That twinkled in the sky,
And waited the day of Lift-Off,
We knew it wasn’t a LIE.
We followed all the directions
Of the Lighted Realms each day,
And knew that they were with us
For protection and here to stay.
So thank you to our Brothers and Sisters,
And all the Heavenly Host,
We are grateful for all their help,
And our pallet house the most!
We moved from the LYHOTP
Some 15 years now past,
We still have most our pallet furniture
Patrick made it all to last.
The pictures you see on the web
Of flowers upon the stands,
Show what pallet wood can do,
From the work of Patrick’s hands.
(ADDITION, Jan. 12, 2016)
Althought we've moved from there to here,
Our house is fill with very good cheer.
Our furniture is made with his excellent hand,
As there is no doubt--it's very grand.
Patrick is now in the LIghted Realms,
But his work is still here to see
It adorns the place where I live
And brings much joy and love to me.