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Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe COVID Came From Wuhan Lab; A Quarter Believe It Was ‘Released On Purpose’

Amazon is about to start sharing Alexa owners’ bandwidth with their neighbors

Nestlé caught sending junk food into Amazon rainforests where children as young as seven are now morbidly obese

Georgia Board of Education Takes Major Step Against Critical Race Theory

Facebook Makes Announcement on Trump Ban

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Says “Ask Lord Fauci” About “Green New Deal” Oil Pipeline And Meat Company Cyberattacks

X22REPORT: Patriots Ready To Drop The Nuclear Bomb Of Information, Boom, Trump Confirms Next Move – Ep. 2484


X22REPORT: Ep 2493a – The [CB] Is Struggling With Their Narrative, Patriots Controlling It All

Dr. Byram Bridle Professor of Viral Immunology University of Guelph: The COVID “Vaccine” Spike Protein Is in Bloodstream, Breast Milk, Crossing Blood Brain Barrier

Cities now walking back plans to defund law enforcement as crime rates soar

Pro-vaccine Canadian researcher warns covid vaccine spike proteins are killing people… “We made a big mistake.”

Big Pharma now taking out Big Tech: Oracle VP dies of “covid” after receiving second vaccine injection

X22REPORT: If One [DS] Player Falls, They All Fall, Shot Heard Around The World – Ep. 2493

Mike Lindell Takes Credit for Idea Trump Could be ‘Reinstated’ by August

Conservative TV Host Running for Governor

SORCHA FAAL: “Spiral Of Confrontation” Worse Than Cuban Missile Crisis Erupts As Trump Plots August Return To Power

X22REPORT: [DS] Panic, The AZ Audit Will Be The Gold Standard, Trump Explained The Way Forward – Ep. 2492

SORCHA FAAL: Putin-Biden Summit Breaks Down As Russian Forces Mass On Western Border


X22REPORT: Ep 2492a – [CB] Exposes Playbook For All To See, Event Initiated For Great Reset, Right On Schedule

Make Way for the Snitch State: The All-Seeing Fourth Branch of Government

Chemical Cargo Ship Sinks Off Sri Lanka, Fouling Rich Fishing Waters

CEO of COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna worked with Big Pharma billionaire pal of China’s Xi while promoting lab where virus escaped

mRNA technology pioneer says Covid-19 vaccinated people can shed spike protein, Twitter says delete this

Vaccines Offer No Protection and Cause Mad Cow Disease

X22REPORT: Sometimes You Must Show The People Everything To Remember Those Who Gave Everything – Ep. 2490

SORCHA FAAL: Killer Drones Readied As Armed Americans Set To Collide With Church Of Marxism

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Bewildered Over Who's Really In Charge: Proud Cowgirl, Biden Or Trump

[NEW] THE GARDEN--A Poem by Patrick H. Bellringer

André Rieu ft. Gheorghe Zamfir - The Lonely Shepherd [Pan Flute]

Eceti Skywatch Mothership?

EXCLUSIVE: Deep state planning false flag attack in order to blame “anti-vaxxers” and gun owners

X22REPORT:Ep 2489a – As The [CB] Takes On More Power, The People Take Notice, [CB] Crisis Coming

Biden’s Proposed Budget Lifts Ban on Federal Funding of Abortions

FULFORD: War is Declared After Priory of Sion Fails to Respond [FULL Report]

Inhaled nanobodies could be new secret weapon against severe Covid cases, animal trials suggest

Huge! New Study Concludes Masks Did Not Slow COVID Spread In US

Georgia Governor Restricts School Mask Mandates

Lockdowns ‘heaped misery’ on Canada’s largest provinces, ratings index shows

Papers, please: Oregon demands that residents show “proof of vaccination” in order to live life

SORCAH FAAL: Secret Order Keeps Trump In Power As Australia Faces Dire “God Of War” Threat

X22REPORT: We Have Everything, They Know We Do, What Storm, You’ll Find Out – Ep. 2489



X22REPORT: We Have Everything, They Know We Do, What Storm, You’ll Find Out – Ep. 2489

SORCHA FAAl: Putin Hints About Russia Invading America As Runaway Trump Train Targets Biden

X22REPORT: Ep 2489a – As The [CB] Takes On More Power, The People Take Notice, [CB] Crisis Coming

'Defund The Police’ Atlanta Mayoral Candidate Has Car Stolen By Kids In Broad Daylight

Federal Court Legalizes Discrimination Against Whites

Erica Khan - First In-Depth Analysis Of The Severe Dangers Of Adenovirus 'Vaccine' Injections And The Resulting Massive In-Body Spike Protein Overwhelm

18 Connecticut teens hospitalized for heart problems after COVID vaccines, White House says young people should still get the shots

Black Lives Matter Founder Patrisse Cullors Resigns After Making Millions Of Dollars

Alberta’s COVID restrictions are quietly protecting and promoting abortion, as unborn deaths are considered less important than COVID deaths

Federal Government Taking ‘Very Close Look’ at Vaccine Passports for Travel: DHS Secretary

They are telling us the plan: A future virus “more deadly” than COVID is coming Thursday, May 27, 2021 by: News Editors

SHTF nutrition: 10 Vitamins and supplements for preppers

FDA document reveals 86% of children who participated in Pfizer covid vaccine trial experienced adverse reactions

Left-wing media conveniently “forgets” they claimed lab origin theory for covid-19 was “debunked”

Senate Passes Bill Forcing Biden to Declassify Covid Origin Docs

Trump Responds to Paul Ryan’s Insult

SOTN: “Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity”

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Examines Pandemic Evidence Leading To Pentagon After Assassination of Two US Army Doctors

X22REEPORT: [DS] Is Being Exposed, Panic, It’s Moving At A Faster Pace Than People Realize – Ep. 2488

IRS Sends Out New Batch of $1,400 Stimulus Checks

X22REPORT: Ep 2488a – [CB] Cannot Control Inflation, Panic, Their System Is Unraveling

New Alzheimer’s treatment using ultrasound yields 75% success rate, restoring complete memory function in trial run

The confession of a priest

5.26.21: Reminder from the People's General - Focus on our VALUES and the ENEMY of them. Pray!

10,000 COVID infections reported in fully vaccinated people so far, CDC says

Sweden Goes From Being One of the Safest Countries in Europe to the Second Most Dangerous

Experts warn: Smartphone apps, not social media, pose biggest mind control threat

Facebook No Longer Banning Posts Suggesting COVID-19 Was Man-Made

Bezos Bids Farewell as CEO and Addresses Criticism at Amazon Shareholder Meeting

FDA says natural immunity against covid doesn’t exist, discounts the entire existence of antibodies

Jeff & David Oates - Stunning Speech Reversals Again Show Fauci, Biden To Be Extreme Liars - Listen

New Pfizer study: Four fifths of all vaccinated children aged 12 and over complain of side effects

Kristi Noem Sparks 2024 Speculation with New PAC

Study Finds Nearly 40% of All Stories About Joe Biden Mention Donald Trump


SORCHA FAAL: Putin-Biden Summit Will Finalize Break In Relations As Trump “Kill Shot” And Civil War Nears

SORCHA FAAL: Trump Breaks Silence On UFO Demons As White Powder Terror Strikes America [WITH COMMENT BY SANANDA]


X22REPORTNothing Can Stop The Storm, The People Have A Front Row Seat To The Truth – Ep. 2480

X22REPORT: Victorious Warriors Win First & Then Go To War, Trump Won By A Landslide, Reconcile – Ep. 2487

Mechanisms of COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Injuries/Deaths

X22REPORT: Ep 2487a – It Begins, Countries Push Back On The [CB] Plan, The Plan Has Failed

$3 Billion of Taxpayer Money to Be Used on Ad Campaign to Increase Vaccine Uptake

Senate Preparing $10 Billion Bailout Fund for Jeff Bezos Space Firm

Cyclone Lashes India, Bangladesh After 1.1 Million Evacuated

How Facebook uses ‘fact-checking’ to suppress scientific truth

Australia gripped by rat plague of biblical proportions

Biden Shut Down Wuhan Lab Investigation Probing COVID-19 Origins: Report

US Doctor: “There Is An Antidote For The Vaccine”! (Video)

They Are Telling Us The Plan: A Future Virus “More Deadly” Than COVID Is Comin (with Comment by Sananda]

Trump Teams Up With Newt Gingrich to Develop New Policy Agenda

ICE Officers Claim Biden ‘Functionally Abolished’ Their Ability to Carry Out Jobs

Senate Unanimously Passes Sen. Paul’s Amendment to Ban Funding for Gain-of-Function Research in China

X22REPORT: Information Waterfall, Public Awareness Kills All Protections, Buckle Up, [Traitors] – Ep. 2486


Another Coup Erupts In Mali As Military Arrests President And Other Top Officials

Still Want To Take The Monstrous Kill Shot? You Better Look At This And THINK - Here's What We Know - Please Watch And SHARE

X22REPORT: Ep 2486a – People Needed To See The [CB] Economic Plan, Economic Irregular Warfare

Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill 28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells...Extremely Alarming

Jeff & Eric Karlstrom - Incredibly Long Trail Of Diabolical, Satanic Planning For MRNA World Depopulation And Control

Full analysis: Vaccines confirmed to be efficient extermination weapons… all human beings have the right to resist in self-defense

Florida gov. signs historic bill to stop Big Tech censorship, allow Floridians to sue

Earthquakes at Congo Border Raise Fears of Second Volcano Eruption

Latest CDC data show reports of adverse events after COVID vaccines surpass 200,000, including 943 among 12- to 17-year-olds

Bill and Melinda Gates: a dark history of exploiting poor children as human “guinea pigs” for mass medical experimentation

Top law enforcement officers conspire with Big Tech to take down “The Truth About Vaccines” documentaries

Dictator Whitmer AGAIN caught maskless at restaurant violating her own orders

X22REPORT: Fake News Prepares For The Fall Out, The [DS] System Is About To Be Exposed WW, AF1 – Ep. 2485

SORCHA FAAL: Feared Air Defense System Deployed To Protect Trump While MI5 Puts Bullet In Head Of BLM Leader

X22REPORT: Ep 2485a – [CB] Push Their Agenda, Nobody Is Listening, The Economic System Is Going To Heat Up

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Moves To Gold As Biden Mocks Ancient Wisdom On Road To Hell Paved With Fake Money

Johnstone: The US Isn’t An Israel Puppet, Israel Isn’t A US Puppet: It’s One Empire

Georgia Judge Unseals More Than 145,000 Absentee Ballots For 2020 Fraud Probe

Red States Lead the Charge in Lowest Unemployment Rates

Waking Up From Wokeness

New Hampshire Auditors Find Problem: Scan Counted 28 Percent of Test Ballots for GOP Candidates

The censorship of Canadian doctors questioning the mainstream COVID narrative is anti-science and an ethical sham

Hard data proves Big Pharma knew COVID vaccines would worsen and prolong the pandemic

NASA’s Voyager 1 discovers mysterious “hum” outside the solar system

Top interviews of the week: Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt, Greg Caton, Tim Truth and Clay Clark


QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

Red States Boldly Resist Mask Mandates

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Bolsters “Armored Train Of Real Power” With War Robots To Fight American Chicken Snugglers

X22REPORT: Ep 2483a – The [CB] Reset Is Failing, China Executes Plan For All To See

FULFORD: Human Sacrifice on Temple Mount Won’t Save Satanists [FULL Report]

2 Separate China Quakes Cause Damage; 3 Dead, Dozens Hurt

Iowa passes constitutional amendment declaring no right to abortion

Flaxseed proteins are great sources of antioxidant peptides, reports study

Media says dogs can sniff covid on a person – can they also identify vaccinated people who are “shedding?”

Dominion Breaks Silence After PA Voting Machine Problems Affected Republican Ballots

China Gloats About ‘Biological War’ on America

Power Outside The Matrix: Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation


‘Drag Queens In Training’: NYC Department Of Education Children’s Show Features 12 Minutes Of ‘Lil Miss Hot Mess’ Reading And Dancing

X22REPORT: It Had To Be This Way,The People Must Be Shown The Truth & The [DS] Must Feel The Pain – Ep. 2481

SORCHA FAAL: Mysterious Mock Attack Joins Trump In New Jersey—Putin Notices And Warns: “We’ll Knock Out Your Teeth”

Oregon First State to Require Vaccination Proof for Maskless Entry Into Businesses, Workplaces, and Churches

X22REPORT: Ep 2483a – The Fed Just Revealed Their Plan For The New Currency System, Conspiracy No More


SOTN: QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

Report: China is a bigger air pollution contributor than all developed nations combined

Georgia Judge Decides to Unseal Absentee Ballots in Fulton County for Review

‘Feminism is a lie’: Christian women defend traditional family values

California politicians demand one-month MASK DEPROGRAMMING period so brainwashed libtards have time to end their mask addictions as “the science” kicks in

Federal judge sides with Biden, rules Christian college must allow biological men to share showers with women

Biden quotes Chinese Communist dictator who killed 80M people in address to Coast Guard cadets

Nearly three-quarters of California slips further into “extreme” drought, worsening food production supply lines

'It's Too Late, Dominion': Mike Lindell Hired Auditors in Multiple States to Uncover Fraud

X222REPORT: Patriots Can Now See The Board Clearly, The First Domino Is Ready To Fall – Ep. 2483

U.K. to deploy door-to-door covid vaccine “hit squads”

X22REPORT: How Do You Know The [DS] Is Panicking? Watch Their Actions, It’s Getting Hotter – Ep. 2482

The WHO calls for a new global system of surveillance, more authority over nations, and billions more in funding

X22REPORT: Ep 2480a – [CB] Moves To Convince People That Their Currency Is King, Watch What Happens Next

Auditor: Information Deleted From Maricopa County Election Machine Has Been Recovered

Dominion Responds After Pennsylvania Election Officials Report ‘Coding Error’ With Voting Machines

Jury Convicts Alabama Woman on Federal Anti-Riot Charge

Pentagon: National Guard Deployment at US Capitol to End

It’s past time to recognize that we have grossly overcounted the number of COVID deaths for political purposes

Chinese military tied to Pentagon-funded virus research center that manufactures biological weapons

Everything Is Crashing: Stocks, Bonds, Crypto, Commodities All Tumble

Biden plans to spy on military members' social media to find 'extremist material': Report

House Republicans Unveil Counter to Biden’s Budget and It Would Eliminate the Deficit in 5 Years

REPORT: Biden Administration Secretly Flying Migrant Children Into GOP State

It's possible someone found us before we found them': Two retired Navy officers warn that infamous UFO Tic-Tac sighting indicates 'technology that outstrips our arsenal by at least 100 to 1,000 years'

SOTN: Covid Super Vaccination Agenda OVERWHELMS the Entire Planetary Civilization

BOMBSHELL: Connecticut Govt. Secretly Tells Health Care Workers Covid Vaccines Are DEADLY, But Withholds the Same Information From the Public

SORCHA FAAL: America Slides Away From “Rule Of Law” Towards “Rule By People With Guns”

X22REPORT: Ep 2480a – [CB]s Fiat System Is Failing, Yes Gold Will Destroy The [CB]

Mitch McConnell Makes Decision on Jan. 6th Commission Bill

Shocker: Why is this substance in the Moderna COVID vaccine?

How Bill Gates & Big Pharma used children as “guinea pigs”…and got away with it.

Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Tech, Capabilities

Tycoon Who Dumped 47M Gallons of Toxic Waste in Flint Gets 1 Year, As Man Gets LIFE for Cannabis

Texas governor signs law letting anyone sue abortionists for killing babies with heartbeats

Pentagon uses world’s largest ‘secret army’ of 60,000 undercover operatives to carry out ‘domestic & foreign’ operations – media

Watch: Uniformed Troops Go To Bars & 7-Eleven In Dallas To Randomly Vaccinate “Younger Crowd”

McCarthy, GOP Doctors Caucus Move to Rescind Pelosi’s Mask Policy

House Democrat Campaign Chief Says Dems ‘Hit Bad’ By GOP Attacks

SORCHA FAAL: Pentagon Proclaims America And Whites “Are Inherently Evil”—World’s Largest Secret Army Isn't Amused

X22REPORT: Ep 2480a – Great Reset Is Failing, The People Are Taking Back Control

NEANDERTHAL THINKING? Texas just reported ZERO COVID deaths for the first time

Cyclone Sinks Indian Barge, 96 Still Missing

COVID vaccine and genetic thunder nobody is listening to

Billionaires Are Offloading Massive Amounts Of Stock

A Primer For The Propagandized: Fear Is The Mind-Killer


Biden has ‘bloody hands’ for backing Israel, Erdogan says

“Woke” ad for U.S. Army focuses on LGBTQ issues, lesbian mothers, while Russia focuses on recruiting manly men

The 10 most popular Western “medicines” and treatments that FAIL to heal you… and how they make health matters WORSE in the long run

Delta Air Lines FORCING new employees to get vaccinated against coronavirus

Trump to Restart MAGA Rallies This Summer

Andrew Giuliani Announces Campaign for NY Governor in ‘Fight of The Century



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