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SORCHA FAAL: Russia Bewildered Over Who's Really In Charge: Proud Cowgirl, Biden Or Trump

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing issues related to the upcoming 16 June meeting scheduled to be held in Geneva-Switzerland between President Putin and Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, sees this transcript showing Security Council Members having a remarkable exchange regarding who is actually in charge of the United States—an exchange first noting Biden slurring his way through a 9-minute online Memorial Day speechyesterday wherein he said: “I had a long conversation for two hours recently with President Xi, making it clear to him we could do nothing but speak out for human rights around the world because that’s who we are...I’ll be meeting with President Putin in a couple weeks in Geneva making it clear that we will not stand by and let him abuse those rights”—but most astonishing to notice about for this online speech given by a socialist leader said to have received 81-million votes, was it being viewed by only 7,300 people.

What makes barely anyone watching Biden’s slurred online speech so astonishing is that it came at the near exact moment another online Memorial Day speech was being made in America—an online speech delivered by a young woman calling herself The Savvy Truth, who says she’s: “Proud Conservative, Christian, Cowgirl who loves God, Guns, Trump and TRUTH”—in 57-seconds saw Proud Cowgirl delivering a powerful speech in defense of America to rival any given by experienced politicians—now sees this online speech going viral being viewed by millions across numerous social media platforms—thus proving that Proud Cowgirl is more popular in America than socialist leader Biden.  

Fueling Biden’s unpopularity was another Memorial Day speech he gave in front of US military officers and their families where he perversely began flirting with a terrified 6-year-old girl child—an act so shocking it makes it no wonder why reactions are today flooding the conservative press like: “Biden is not well, and if Trump had made a comment like that toward a young girl, it would have headlined CNN for a week…Biden gets a pass because of his political party, but he shouldn’t get a pass from honest people who see this for what it is…I don’t know if this guy is a predator or if it’s just the fact that his senility is showing through — but what I do know is that this is not normal”.

Also “not normal” about what socialist leader Biden is doing was his ordering a vital oil refinery in St. Croix to be shut down for at least 60-days—a shut down ordered after this refinery had a normal accident, and in a response showing what the true agenda of this shut down is, saw a top Biden official stating: “We are at a crossroads…We have an opportunity to examine what we want our economy to look like, what we want St. Croix to be in a world that's moving away from fossil fuels as its primary energy source”—saw this refinery shut down coming on the same day the US military warned their biggest threat in Iraq is coming from drones supplied to Islamic militants forces by Iran—all of which is important notice, because Biden has begun secretly importing sanctioned oil from Iran into America

While destroying America’s energy independence to the shocking point secretly imported sanctioned Iranian oil is needed, Biden is also rapidly turning American schools into godless and demonic socialist indoctrination centers—some of whose latest examples include the publically funded University of Arkansas spending $11,000 student activity fees on a drag queen show and New York City schools showing videos to 6-year-olds instructing them how to masturbate—and for anyone objecting to this socialist indoctrination, they’re suffering the same fate as Virginia elementary school teacher Byron Cross, who was placed on leave last week after refusing to say a biological boy can be a girl a at school board meeting.

In noticing how Biden is rapidly turning American schools into socialist indoctrination centers, it caused President Donald Trump’s former Attorney General William Barr to sound a grim warning—a 20 May warning Barr delivered in a powerful speech before members of the Alliance Defending Freedom organization, part of whose warning included him stating: “The progressive gender and sexuality agenda only begins to scratch the surface of what is now being taught in government-run schools...purging schools of any trace of religion created a vacuum by eliminating the explanatory belief system undergirding moral values…Now, we are seeing the attempt to push into the schools an alternative explanatory belief system that is inconsistent with, and subversive of, the religious worldview”.

Most critical to notice about this warning issued by Barr, however, is that the demonic socialist agenda being forced upon the American people by Biden wasn’t a secret, in fact, the socialist Democrat Party actually published an agenda of everything they’re now doing well before the election, and vowed if they seized power from President Trump it was exactly what they’d be doing—which makes it more than puzzling when after evidence began emerging that the election was stolen from President Trump, it saw Barr personally calling and asking former top US Army intelligence officer Anthony “Tony” Shaffer to stop investigating 2020 election fraud—a stunning revelation that’s been joined by the shocking news that Special Consul US Attorney John Durham spent just $1.5-million during the first six months of Trump-Russia FBI probe—a criminal probe into what’s called the biggest crime in American history—but whose amount of money spend on sees legal experts noting: “Those expenditures are the resting state of an office, rather than an active investigation”. 

With this transcript showing Security Council Members all agreeing that Proud Cowgirl is a much better example of what an American leader is supposed to be than Biden, their discussions involving the puzzling revelations about Attorney General Barr and US Attorney Durham shows them believing that nothing is at it seems to be—which is why this transcript sees them reexamining the bombshell letterreleased this week by Dr. Laurie Roth, wherein she states: “I just got off the phone with a high up and trusted, military source I know...He  confirmed a few things for me...Regarding, the speculation/confusion as to whether President Trump signed the Insurrection Act or not, he did...He signed it on Jan 14th, 2021...The act of signing it immediately gave him 2 more months as President according to the very directives of the Act itself...I was then told that the military gave him 2 more months as President...The second extension was over on May 20th and most likely extended again by the military who is now in control per the signed Insurrection Act”.

A reexamination of the claims made in this bombshell letter causing Security Council Members to request a legal analysis of the Insurrection Act of 1807 it is said President Trump signed—sees this transcript showing them focusing on the legal ramifications of the words: “Constitutional exceptions to Posse Comitatus restrictions rooted in the President's own constitutional authority…Defense Department guidelines describe “homeland defense” as a “constitutional exception” to Posse Comitatus restriction, meaning that measures necessary to guarantee National Security from external threats are not subject to the same limitations”—the legal analysis of which means that in instances of “homeland defense”, a President can sign into force the Insurrection Act of 1807 keeping it secret from both the US Congress and the American people—which if done then puts into full legal force what are known as Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs)—PEADs that are classified “secret”, and no PEAD has ever been declassified or leakedthey are not even subject to congressional oversight—and although the law requires the Executive Branch to report even the most sensitive covert military and intelligence operations to at least some members of the United States Congress, there is no such disclosure requirement for PEADs, and no evidence that the documents have ever been shared with relevant Congressional committees.

Following a reexamination and legal analysis of these issues, this transcript shows a majority of Security Council Members believing that President Trump did sign an act of insurrection putting into force the secret PEADs available to him—an action President Trump was forced to take after being warned that “there will be blood everywhere” if he won the election over socialist leader Biden—a threat of mass violence by socialist forces loyal to Biden the Pentagon was not prepared to counter without igniting a civil war leaving America open to counter attacks from any enemy seeking to exploit this chaos—most astonishingly in this transcript sees Security Council Member Sergei Naryshkin (Russia’s top spy chief) saying he wouldn’t be surprised if President Trump ordered the election stolen for Biden, which he says explains why Barr didn’t want it investigated, and why no US court, including the Supreme Court, has heard a single election fraud case—both of which Naryshkin says a President Trump signed PEAD would secretly order not to take place in such a circumstance fraught with unpredictability—and who opines that President Trump’s ultimate strategy is designed to show the American people how truly dangerous Biden and his socialist forces are before he strikes back against them.   

This report concludes with Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu briefing Security Council Members on the preparations made by the Pentagon to prevent civil war when and or if President Trump is restored to power—a briefing this transcript designates at the highest classification level forbidding it being commented upon—but in its unclassified parts notes another huge “Trump Won” banner being unfurled in a baseball stadium yesterday in New York City—and notes with extreme interest a statement made this weekend by Super Lawyer Sidney Powell, one of only a handful of people that would known if President Trump signed an insurrection act to prevent civil war and secretly stay in power until the Pentagon is able to defend the country, who cryptically said: “We’re definitely in uncharted territory…There are cases where elections have been overturned…But there’s never been one at the presidential level where everybody will jump to point out…That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, though…There’s always the first case…And as far as I know, this is the first case of abject fraud and obtaining a coup of the United States of America…So, it’s going to have to be dealt with…It should be that he can simply be reinstated, that a new inauguration day is set…And Biden is told to move out of the White House…And President Trump should be moved back in”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


May 31, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]