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Thoughts to Ponder for Feb. 10, 2011

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e carrion birds of humanity.  They must be treated with political justice, not with civil justice.  They are surely not real citizens.  The Jews practised usury since the times of Moses and  oppressed other nations.  We ought to ban the Jews from commerce because they abuse it.  The evils of the Jews do not stem from individuals, but from the fundamental nature of these people." ~Napoleon

Not unlike Herr Hitler, Napoleon, too, egaged in a bit of wishful thinking in regard of the Jews – and, also not unlike Herr Hitler, ended up enriching the Rothschild banksters, instead of sending them broke.  Apparently, what is really needed to deliver justice to the Jews is not an Emperor or a Führer, but a Tahrir [Liberation] Square –as in Cairo, Egypt.  --Rod R.