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Thoughts to Ponder for August 29, 2009

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Once the American people understand that they have been robbed blind and that the money they thought was being used to run the government is actually being funneled, in a manner that would make Enron's frauds seem paltry, to the vaults of a few private banking institutions, the people will wake up and join the million man petition for a redress of grievances. The power is with the people, but unless the people use that power it remains dormant. We haven't awoken enough people to their proactive power as the respiratory system of the Constitution and the government. In order to make the government submissive to the will of the people, the people must be educated. ~ Citizen Spook


The legacy of the weapons proliferators, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, and gambling promoters of yesterday ... continues to enrich the same families. It is a culture of death and destruction which is turning Planet Earth into a death star.  ... The United States has become a fascist state where there is no clear distinction between legitimate and clandestine illegal organisations. ~ Leuren Moret


The strangest animals on Earth are the humans (they are also the most dangerous). There are many examples of individual greatness yet collectively the value of the human species might seem debatable. While claiming to be rational they have long acted mainly upon the basis of uninformed emotion of the basest kind, and their collective actions have been so far from rational as to indicate some kind of mass insanity, especially in the last hundred years. War, genocide and conflict seem to have been a prominent part of the human condition since at least 4000 years ago when marauding armies sacked the cities of Mespotamia. How is this inhumanity throughout human history to be explained?---Rod Remelin