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My Gift to You Will Be To Pass it On

Mark Clarke

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From: Mark Clarke
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:46 PM
Subject: My gift to you will be to pass it on...
Anne and Patrick,

I send Golden Rays of Love to you. In Light of recent developments I decided to write this email in this NOW moment.

Often times I have said 'If I could help just one person, it was all worth it!' I would like you to have accomplished just that, by saving me. You helped in teaching me to save myself, so I could help others. After eons of time The Christ Consciousness is more powerful than it began. It continues to grow within us.

My gift to you will be to pass it on...

It has proven to be difficult to pass this Love on to would be no fun without a challenge:) I AM up to it with your Guidance and Love.

When sending gratitude to our Light Warriors I prefer not to use names. I always feel like I am forgetting someone after writing...I know that there are many behind the scenes working to bring Creations Plan to victory. I also realize that those 'up front' are subject to different forces.

So I send this to THE ONE within us all...

I AM Mark of the Light. I call upon the Creators Love to shine brightly from your Diamond Heart. We are grateful for your Loving Service to Earth Shan and her children.

May you always feel deeply blessed knowing YOU are the builders of a new age in Love.

I AM deeply honoured to have been exposed to your Loving Energy. I will mix it in my Heart and give it to freely to others...

Namaste *hands together...and a deep bow*

Love Always...
