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Thoughts to Ponder for Oct. 16, 2008

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"Thus it is written, thus it is decreed, as long as Man shall live, as long as Man shall breath...  The Law of God is the riddle, the Law of God is the key, within Man, that shall unlock the gates of Eternity.  Thus it is written, thus it is decreed, the Body of Man is the riddle, the Body of Man is the key, ONE with OBEDIENCE to the Law of God decreed, NOW and FOREVER, shall be the only way and means, to recieve his Eternal inheritance and to become Eternally free!"

May the One True God and the Oneness of All-that-is light you and your Path, Sincerely, Semisi

[Obedience to the Law of God is the only way for one to receive his Eternal inheritance and become eternally free!  ---PHB]