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Message From Kryon - "Energy In Motion" 5-14-03

Channelled Through David Brown

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n and you will always be. It is for you to heal yourself before you start to heal others, or you will find yourself entrapped by the needs of others before you can truly free yourself from your emotional prison. We call your state of being an emotional prison as your limitations are your emotions. Emotion is energy in motion; emotion is to be used for manifestation, for creation of your own dreams. Unfortunately emotional energy is mainly misplaced and falls in the negative realms; in general most of your emotional energy is either suppressed, or repressed, or creates realities that you would not wish to live.

Emotional energy is what makes the world what it is today. We have spoken before of a hierarchy within a hierarchy that runs the planet; they are fully aware of the need to keep humanity living in fear. This night it is almost full moon, and there will be an eclipse of the moon this week, and also Mercury has passed in the face of the sun; this is a major message of new beginnings. These are all very significant messages and happenings around the solar system and the energy field of planet earth.

The time has come to step into a new freedom, into a new world - into a new world where your emotions are in balance and under control, and directed exactly at what you want to manifest and become. It is not for you to allow other people to offset you, to upset you and to throw you off balance; it is for you to keep and maintain your energy field, your boundaries well sealed and maintain a strong presence of self. These things are easier said than done, however, and it takes a great deal of practise to maintain strong boundaries and to contain one's own energy, and to purely use your energy to manifest your own dream.

If we look around the universe we see that the earth revolves around the sun and that the moon revolves around the earth; the earth and the moon are considered feminine and the sun is masculine. This is no different in your day to day lives; when you are in your masculine power, whether you're a man or a woman, all that is feminine revolves around you and if you are in a feminine state then you revolve around the masculine. It is very much like atoms and molecules - the atoms and molecules know exactly where they belong in relation to one another depending on their form and composition; and each human being has a state of being in relation to whichever situation they are in. A strong and a powerful man will have many feminine beings revolving around him constantly - feminine not only meaning women but also men in their feminine state - and the personal power and the inner strength of such a male will determine how many people revolve around him. Whoever revolves around such a man would always be considered feminine in that relationship and he would be the leader or guide - in the Toltec teachings for instance he would be termed a Great Spirit, a person who can lead people, through their lives, to a better place in the world and to a better understanding of themselves. So, that kind of man represents the sun and the feminine closest to him would represent the earth and those people that surround such a man operate in the feminine in relationship; however they step into their own masculine power as other energies revolve around them, just as the moon revolves around the earth, allowing that person to experience masculinity and holding the energy for other feminine energies revolving around.

This is the way of the earth. The earth and the people who have lived on this earth have corrupted the state of being of this powerful male and this energy has been usurped, taken over. One can see this in the countries that portray heavy masculine energy such as the United States of America and the United Kingdom. We have seen these energies at work recently in Iraq and these energies are being tested very strongly, but these energies are not true to the male that we speak of, for these are the shadows of the masculine. A strong masculine will be able to hold the energy of the feminine in a calm, honest and responsible manner.

As we use this analogy of the earth revolving around the sun and the moon revolving around the earth we see that if there is a problem in the relationship between the earth and the moon, then feminine methods of conflict being resolved will be used between the person who is in the status of the earth and the person who is in the status of the moon. Feminine energies will be used to resolve this and any further conflict in these situations. However, if things get out of hand and the relationship between who resembles the moon and the earth cannot be resolved then the masculine energy that is depicted by the sun will come in and take charge - using for example, the power of the sword.

The universe constantly flows in exactly the same way, day after day. The sun is always in control as the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth - that is the way human life is meant to be; but as you can see in your own lives there is so much feminine energy working against the masculine. Not allowing the feminine energy to revolve around the masculine, but rather by taking away the power of the masculine with so many females using masculine energy is causing a great number of people to be out of balance. It is creating a society that cannot be true to itself and is not true to its children. It is very dysfunctional, very harmful energetically, and it is not the way to go.

We tell you that love is the only way forward; if you are in a relationship with a man, it is for you to place your energy firmly behind him, if you choose to be in a relationship where he is in the masculine and you are in the feminine. It is a very difficult scenario for the man in this position; and we would like to point out that this type of man would be at the level of Christ Consciousness, or working towards such a consciousness, with the feminine welfare at heart. At all times in a relationship someone must take that final decision, and a man in his power is far more capable of taking a decision than a woman in her power. We would like to clarify this - a man in his power is far more masculine than a woman, and a man in his power is able to plumb the depths of the feminine, the energy and the wisdom and the knowledge that the woman/feminine brings to the man/masculine.

For all intents and purposes of this channelling we are going to refer now to the masculine as the man and the feminine as the woman. If you can see the sun and the solar system and the way it works, then you will see that there are many planets that revolve around the sun, and many of those planets have moons that are in orbit around the planet. What makes planet earth out of balance is that certain men have overtaken the masculine energy; and due to the banking and the industrial situation on planet earth, it is easier for a small minority of men to control the planet than at any time in the past. There is a greater concentration of energy in fewer hands - if one man should make a mistake with his power it affects a great deal of people; in the past one man was responsible for a much smaller group of people than today.

The energy being used by these men, this hierarchy, is causing gross destabilisation of the planet. This hierarchy is using fear to suppress the true energies of humanity and they are using fear to cling onto their own personal power. There are many ways that people can be controlled; a lot of control comes through the church and the upbringing of children through belief systems that are not true to one's heart. The earth at this moment is moving towards a new state of consciousness, it is an awakening consciousness and this hierarchy within the hierarchy is doing whatever it can to maintain a low level of consciousness on earth.

This message must be heard as this cannot go on any longer. There is an awakening of humankind right across the globe. There are 144,000 teachers brought here to earth who have their own way of teaching the journey to return to the Divine. These teachers will increase their personal power and will be speaking to more and more people and they will become more and more conscious as this year proceeds. There will be an awakening to a consciousness equal to that of Atlantis - this is only the beginning. Human consciousness will rise far above the consciousness of Atlantis; what is happening on earth today are the same experiments that went on in Atlantis a few thousand years ago. These experiments can no longer be allowed to be continued.

The earth is in a very delicate state of being - one could even call it chaos. Fossil fuels being mined and being burnt are destabilising the earth's crust, and many gases are polluting the earth's atmosphere creating global warming. It is time to ask questions, it is time to act and react. There are many developments in the way of free fuel and free energy available on this earth. The energy, most of it under patent, most of it kept secret should be made available to the whole of humanity. There is little time left for the earth to carry on the way it is. Whoever carries the purse strings of the oil companies must allow the oil business to go, for it no longer serves the planet. There is new technology, far more advanced, and far more available, than burning these old fossil fuels and destabilising the planet.

Personal power is what builds dreams and everybody has a certain level of personal power. We ask you now to close your eyes and to put all your awareness in your power centre, your solar plexus, and we ask you to look inside and see who is taking your personal power. Acknowledge what is going on within you and see the energy that is lost through giving away your personal power. Personal power is developed - the more you work on your personal power, the stronger you will become, physically and mentally, emotionally and also psychically. Power is exactly what it says - personal power is the power to bring love, joy, happiness and freedom to yourself, it is not power over others but power to step into your own truth.

So see within your own solar plexus who takes your personal power and see how much energy flows to that person - it could be your parents; no matter how old you are there could be a belief related to your parents' way of being - giving power away to their way of being. Allow yourself to see a dream in front of you, see what your true dream is about and allow yourself to move towards your dream - seeing the obstacles that take away your personal power in the way of that dream, and then step by step of the way allow each obstacle to dissolve..

Stay with this process for a few moments and allow yourself to feel the energy being released; where there is shame or guilt in the way allow that to dissolve as shame and guilt truly diminish personal power.

This hierarchy within a hierarchy also has a connection to your solar plexus, to your power centre. Scan your power centre for this connection and where you are connected to mass consciousness allow this chord of light, or however it presents itself, to dissolve.

Allow yourselves to feel the energy as your solar plexus clears, and enjoy the feeling, and as it clears set the intention for a true connection between your solar plexus and your heart centre so you can use your personal power with true love and courage. If this process is moving a little too quickly ask your guides for help and they will do the work. Your guides are here this night, this very night, they are at your feet in service, in awe and in honour of the work you are doing. The work that you are doing on your inner self impacts the planet as a whole; it impacts mass consciousness. It only takes a small candle to light a darkened room; and what we're doing here this night is creating enough light within your own heart for you to be able to stand in the darkness with the light of your heart; you need to be able to stand in the darkness to maintain a true balance of power. You will always be challenged on many levels; mostly by the feminine who wishes to push your boundaries.

If you are a mother with small children or a man with a big business there will be no difference it will just be the level of your personal power being tested, being pushed and challenged. You will be challenged to grow. Now allow a deep connection to the heart of Mother Earth through the soles of your feet and allow love to flow. Allow a deep and really meaningful connection to Mother Earth, allow your feet to become so hot that they burn with the energy of Mother Earth, reaching deeper and deeper into the heart of Mother Earth and allow the energy to flow through your feet, your ankles, into your calves, through your knees, clearing any dark or negative energies in these joints. Allow the energies to flow into your thighs and into your hips and lower pelvis, and into your spine, allowing for a cleansing at a very deep level of your joints, removing any frozen grief or any frozen negative energies stored deep in your bones. Allow the energy to move through your torso to the base of your neck, allow the energy to flow across your shoulders down your arms to your fingertips allowing the energy to move up your spine into your neck and head. Allow for a cleansing of any negative energy, and ask Mother Earth to disconnect you from mass consciousness on any level that she is aware of.

Allow your heart to be set free. Allow your throat chakra to be opened and to be cleared so you may express yourself, express your hearts longing, express your true wisdom without any shame or any guilt.

There is much shame and guilt stored in your bones and in your joints. Shame and guilt is in conflict with nature and with your social conditioning and we ask what is natural to come into your body. There can be no shame around nature. This night the moon is almost full and the energies of the moon will affect you emotionally. So allow your heart to connect to the moon and allow the energies that are here to be released with this cycle of the moon; and in turn allow love and joy and freedom to flow into your heart and see yourself becoming closer and closer to your dream, living a life more and more that suits you, a life of your own choosing, not a life based in past patterns but a life based on the present, not a life wishing for the future, but a life knowing that your dreams will come true.

They will come true by staying present within your own heart; by connecting your heart with your own inner wisdom, your own inner love, and accepting yourself as you truly are; acknowledging your inner beauty, your inner love, your inner truth and your own divinity; accepting that you have come to walk a predestined path, that once the inner child is healed you live a life of your own choosing. It is imperative to go to the child, and to heal the child, before one can truly co-create with Spirit; the child within is a powerful creator, as are all victims of circumstance.

Go within and find your own inner child; see what circumstance that child may be in, and what emotion, pain or hurt that child is feeling, or for that matter love or joy. Create a very safe space for the child and give this child full permission to express him/herself in whichever way the child would like. You may be put off by the way the child expresses itself but allow it to go on anyway - your child needs to release, to let go, to know its safe to express itself in whichever way he/she would like; allow this expression to go on for a few moments.

When you feel your child is ready; when you feel your child has expressed whatever he/she needed to express then allow the child to come into your heart. The child is only looking for love; this aspect of your inner child is now healed and should be returned to a safe place in your heart with good strong parenting surrounding the child. Just allow a few moments for dialogue with the child and hear what he/she has to say. Now allow yourself to find that part of you within that is Christ or Christ consciousness and allow the energy of the Christ consciousness to expand throughout your own body, through your aura and connecting with the people sitting close to you, and connecting with all the people in the group. Allow yourself to receive a message from this consciousness, enter dialogue with this consciousness. Ask whatever questions you wish, whatever you wish to know about your past or your future - how to become more present in the now. When you feel you're ready you may come back to normal waking consciousness. See how much closer you are to your dream having received the answers that direct you on your next steps in your own lives; dissolving many of the obstacles on the way to living your dream.

This is Kryon signing out, go well, God Bless and take care.
