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St. Germain 06.25.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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nterest and importance. Censorship and outright cover ups are not what is expected in a free society. The dam of lies and denial of the truth is breaking up, and soon the pressure from people to have matters addressed will cause a massive explosion of facts surrounding the truth. Already more evidence is coming to light, and the protection placed around those who were guilty of the acts of atrocity is now paper thin.

There is no longer any escape for those guilty ones, who had hoped to bury the truth with the remains of the Twin Towers . Through their arrogance and belief in their own infallibility they are about to fall flat on their faces. One of the most audacious and evil attacks on the people cannot be buried by the official version of the truth. Many souls are pondering their part in the cover up, and their conscience is at odds with their actions. The truth is like new shoots pushing their way up through the slime and dirt, and breaking forth into the light. Once this break through occurs, there is no stopping its quickening growth.

When a government has shown itself to have no regard for the sanctity of life, and its treasonous acts are against their own people it is time for a showdown. We help those brave souls that stand forth at no small risk to themselves, as you have pleaded with us for the truth to be allowed to come out. There are thousands of people who were touched by the murder of their loved ones, and they rightfully demand to have answers to their questions. The pain, sorrow and anguish will not go away until those guilty ones are brought to account for their actions. All through your history those in power have used people like pawns on a chessboard, and have not looked beyond their own greed and selfishness. Power and money are two hypnotic ingredients in the quest for control over other people.

People under oath for security reasons are now questioning their allegiance, and once the main culprits responsible for 9/11 are apprehended they will feel free to give their evidence. So much depends on events that are now in progress, and a delicate operation is in hand to provide the means to once and for all remove your last cabal. This action is planned to ensure that a halt is brought to warlike preparations that already exist to extend the activities in the Middle East . This one action will bring the release of the people from the express train of death and oblivion, and it will be halted in its tracks. The Light of peace will shine all over the world, and for the first time in recorded history there will be total peace.

You cannot have peace where there is chaos and confusion, and this is why our actions are designed to bring changes in a specific way so as to avoid it. It has been a long time since you first reached that point of conscious awareness that you had the power to bring about changes yourself. You have realized that you are not simply subject to the authority of those in power, that there is a higher one to which you have your allegiance and no one can take that away from you. Those in power have normally obtained their position through your grace and should honor it by fully representing you. If they do not honor and serve you, it is perfectly correct for you to have them removed. Government is for the people, and not to provide exalted positions for those in power so that they may use it against you.

We know what is required to bring in the changes that will see a fair and just distribution of your wealth. We know that many draconian laws need to be removed to restore your freedom and sovereignty. All is in preparation and ready to be instigated, and our strength and forces of good are primed and eager to bring you the changes that are necessary. It might be unthinkable that anyone would stand in the way of changes for the better, but those who are very materialistic and self centered are reluctant to give up their exalted positions. In a fair and just society there is no room for the aggrandizement of the few who hold wealth way beyond their needs at the expense of others. The distinctions that are made between people that are based upon their wealth will disappear, and equality and respect will be the order of the day.

I am St. Germain and I want you to understand that your needs are fully understood. The loose ends of Karma are being played out, and it will not be long now before it will be the right time to bring this period to a close. The change over to one of freedom from your past will happen very quickly, and you will see the benefits quite rapidly, and these will embrace the whole world. There will be a wonderful coming together of all people, in a new found trust and friendship, and you will truly become One. As always a great Love and Light is with you, and you may draw upon it for your needs.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey
