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St. Germain 11.08.04

By Mike Quinsey

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ments to respect your wishes. Previously you have been fed a few tasty morsels to keep you happy, but as you know from experience, promises are not always kept. You are as you might say, “wising up” and you realise that during the pre-election period there was a lot of window dressing. You are not so easily taken in, and are now beginning to look for accountability in those who are your elected representatives. A number of people have started to leave the political arena, because they have realised that the system is not truly democratic. For those who speak the truth, there can be repercussions that can lead to the end of their political career. But the people are beginning to understand that the power is within their own hands. They are demanding to have a greater share in the decisions that are taken on their behalf. What you will now see happening is a change in the balance of power. The more people that see what can be achieved by their own activities, all the more will get involved and make their voices heard. The Internet is of course a wonderful way to exchange views and opinions, and for the time being it offers freedom of speech. There are people in high places who would like to control or remove such freedom, but when it is widely used by business and your government itself, restraints are difficult to impose. The Internet is a wonderful means of having a free exchange of information, and it is contributing very much to your understanding of the truth. It is not that I refer only to spiritual truth, but another door has opened that for example allows you to understand alternative medicine and treatments.

The momentum of the changes that are taking place cannot be stopped, and it is indeed encouraged by us. It is taking you part of the way towards a new era, and preparing you for a quantum leap forward. What would have sounded quite impossible to you not too many years ago, will come into being and accepted by you quite easily. You are being pointed into the direction of knowledge and ideas that will become your reality very soon. For example the communications systems such as the Internet, your Mobile telephones, Radio and Television will be replaced by virtually a single system that everyone will use. This will be very important when people will travel all over the world quite freely in pursuit of their work. There is a lot of re-building to do, and an immense amount of cleansing to remove the waste and pollution of your industrial and chemical age. Travelling will be free and extremely rapid; there are means of travel that you have only read of in science fiction. You will adapt very easily to these new ways, because they would in any event have been in your normal progression and development. The plan is that you will give according to your ability and expertise, and come together in groups that will be advised and helped by your Space friends. For those people who stay in their own communities, there will be plenty of work to do, and every one who is able will contribute in some way or another. One of the most astonishing achievements will be in the healing sciences, and you will be given the equipment and training to bring about instantaneous healing. Perhaps even more amazing to you, it will branch into curing mental illnesses, and help people that have what you might call, personality disorders. Because everything you need for your day to day life will be supplied, you will be able to concentrate on your work without such worries. Crime will become un-necessary and rapidly fall away, and instead of corporal punishment people will be re-educated so as to be able to once again take their place in society. All of these changes are imminent and will rapidly come into being once First Contact has taken place. Everything is highly organised and the tools and equipment you will need are ready to be distributed.

Dear Ones, this may all sound like a dream, but I assure that it is all true. You are great Beings and you will take to the changes very easily, it is inherent in your make-up that you would feel at home in the new environment. Working in service for others is quite natural for you, and it will fulfil your desires to do something to put things right in your World. Mother Earth also awaits these developments, and it will be your pay-back time for the way you have been allowed to use her as your playground. Some of you smile at that, but realise that Mother Earth could easily have cleansed herself by removing you from her surface. You owe her a debt, and you will be expected to restore her to the original pristine condition, and it will be done.

Keep your eyes and mind on the future, start to think of what you can do yourself, and lift your spirits because it will be a truly wonderful time. I shall be with you and I too am excited at the prospect of our coming together. There will be a great love shared between us, and the most beautiful relationships will take place in the Oneness that you re-discover. Sit and meditate on the thoughts I have given you, and you will find that you can draw this future to you, and enjoy its energies now.

I am St. Germain and leave with my Love to help you on your way.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey
