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St. Germain 05.11.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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ity is taken to guide you back to where you were. If you are determined to avoid a certain event planned for you, it will be allowed to pass. However, it will come back to you on other occasions until it is experienced and cleared.

Many souls complete their lives without fulfilling their Karma, and they are most disappointed when their life review shows this to be the case. Behind everything is the drive for progressive evolution, and until you reach a certain point where re-incarnation becomes unnecessary, you will continue to return to the cycle of duality. You are tried and tested in the cauldron of a mix of energies that can lead to the heights of success, or into the lower levels of vibration that pull you down. When you are lead by your ego and urge for self satisfaction, your intuitive guiding is often overshadowed and ignored. Sometimes it will reap instant Karma, and your lesson is hopefully learned there and then. Occasionally you need more than just the one experience, and repeat the same mistakes until you finally realize where you are going wrong.

There are no privileges in this Law of Karma, even those Dear Ones who are well on the path of understanding have to meet their Karma. Indeed, those Lighted Ones are more likely to take on a greater Karmic clearance, because they have the confidence in their own ability to do so. Certainly, if you are experiencing your last life on Earth, you would expect to complete and fulfil any outstanding Karma. In such an instance, the Law of Grace will allow for any further Karma incurred in that lifetime, to be forgiven. The reality is that having reached such a point in your evolution, you have already learned the lessons of life, and only minor indiscretions would occur.

Obviously at this important time when the cycle of duality is coming to a close, there are many souls who have elected to complete it with Ascension. Accordingly, they not only have their Guides but are also under the guidance of one of the Master’s. They will work with his energy, and often find that they are connected with others of a like kind. For example those of you that work with me, will draw the Violet Flame of Transmutation to themselves, and use it for applications such as healing. This can be on a one to one basis, or even on a planetary level where you work to heal the Earth. Clearly, if you aspire to do good you can be guaranteed help and guidance, but you will, also, need to take notice of your inner self through your intuition.

As you look around you and see people having such a variety of experiences, it must strike you that every aspect of life is represented. There are always people engaged in activities that are attractive to someone somewhere. You have the expression that “birds of a feather flock together”, and so it happens that by some mysterious and chance happenings, you find the level that suits you. It is not of course by chance at all, and you are guided to people or situations that will provide the tests you need. A simple example would be a person who is dishonest and thinks nothing of gaining at another’s expense, but has decided to overcome that tendency. They will be tested by having opportunities to get away with their dishonesty, so that when faced with it they can be reminded of their intentions. If it fails, they may have elected to be punished by the Laws of the Land. These situations are arranged for your experience and evolution, and your Guides or Angelic helpers will take part.

Karma is the tool of justice, and no one escapes its requirement that you answer for your misdeeds. You can carry it over many lives, and clear it when it is appropriate and timely to do so. With the help of your Guides, it is you who decide how quickly you wish to clear Karma. I stress, it is not punishment, and it is experience that enables you to move on out of physicality when the lessons have been fully learned.

When you become free of dogmatic or imposed religious beliefs, you will often change your Guides. Those who come to you will be souls who have themselves experienced such a point in their lifetimes, and have the experience to guide you along a new path. When you mind opens to the idea that there is life in abundance outside of Earth, you will also attract the attention of Guides who have this knowledge already. At very step help is freely and happily given. Bear this in mind if these ideas are comparatively new to you, and when you need help ask for it, and let your Guides know of your awareness of them.

When life is hard and you feel you have had a rough deal, try to understand the lessons that you are being given. Do not blame God or anyone else, as before you came into life you agreed to the experiences. Sometimes your role will be a minor one, but the lessons are there, nevertheless, and you may be using them to affirm something you have already learned. Oh yes, you will be tested to ensure they are well and truly learned.

I am St. Germain, and come at a time when much Karma is being cleared by you, and I wish you to know that it is mainly for your benefit, and sometimes for your loved Ones around you. Also, there is a greater gain to Humanity as the vibrations are gradually raised by your clearing the negative energies carried by Karmic deeds. I will, finally, add that there is good Karma, not that you should think there is only one kind. Believe me when we say we know you better than you know yourselves. You are progressing wonderfully in such difficult times, and a great Love is spurring you on to the final goal. Bless you all for such endurance and purpose in your lives.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey

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