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Message From St. Germain, Aug. 19, 2004

By Mike Quinsey

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olatile as you notice, when the size of the sunspots increases. All in all, there is a constant interchange of energy that occurs all through your solar system. On another level you also get energies reaching you from deep space, and these also have an effect. Your experiences upon Earth, should tell you that there is an interplay of energy between yourselves and everything around you. I have to say that you are responsible for many of the imbalances, and therefore the resultant repercussions. It is the negative energies that bring about the need for transmutation, and in the course of which you experience all kinds of re-actions upon Earth. There have been times when the energies have been so negative that it has slowed down, and even developed a wobble on its axis. Perhaps it has not occurred to you how sensitive your Earth is to your collective energy. When you look back to the period preceding the Millennium, and the dire prophecies for that time, realise that it was based on the continuing and growing levels of negativity. Fortunately you all benefited from much work carried out by those Lightworkers intent on bringing more Light to Earth, and a catastrophic period was avoided. Now you are pressing forward, and as the potency of Light increases, so you are beginning to bring back a greater balance than previously.

But there is another factor at play here, and that is the activities of the dark. Their biggest weapon is their ability to create fear, and naturally this causes negative energies to be released. They have also created weapons of such a nature that they can affect living forms, and exercise mind and body control. Their diabolical experiments have long taken them into the realm of weather control, and they cannot only change its pattern, but have used it to create major disruptions. You now see the result of their experiments and weather changes that are rapidly altering your seasons, and the food chain is also affected, and Nature is thrown into turmoil. If you also consider the disregard of warnings about the pollution of the earth, seas and atmosphere, it paints a pretty sorry picture. But you have known about this for a long time now, and those who are powerful and could take the action that would alleviate a lot of it, are so self-centered and materialistic that they largely ignore the warnings. Some token action is taken, but the problems are not taken seriously. Global companies who are the major contributors to your demise, are unprepared to make the financial commitment that is needed to put things right. Yet the detrimental changes are there to see, and each new generation is faced with more serious consequences. You do of course have wonderful groups of people who do their best to pressurise the guilty companies and your politicians, who should be making laws to compel the changes that are needed. But against the might of the vested interests their voices are almost muted.

Fortunately there are higher forces than those on Earth, that also take a hand in the proceedings, and your cries for help have been heard. For some time now not only have the conditions on Earth been carefully monitored, but also action unbeknown to you is often taken to lessen the impact of the negativity. We cannot allow the headlong rush into chaos, through the policies and actions of the few, who have abrogated their responsibilities to you as your elected representatives. We cannot allow the dark to fulfil their covert agenda for world domination and control, and steps have been long under way to relieve them of their powerful positions. Your politicians take an oath to work for the good of the people, but in reality that does not take priority over the big business interests and demands.

When the Illuminati have control wrested from them, as they soon will, it will be in response to the pleas of the people world -wide for fairness and equality, and recognition of their constitutional rights that need to be restored. This action will in no way be against your freewill, far from it, it will be Heavens response to release you from the tyrants that have usurped your freedom, and made you slaves to their vision of world control. The plans for a peaceful restoration of all that is yours by right are well advanced. The forces of Light are ready to replace those minions of the dark forces who defy all requests to change their ways, or their agenda. The hand of peace has been offered many times; so do not think that the Light forces are being heavy handed. Their allegiance is to you, the beautiful souls coming into your Light and desiring a return to the times that are distant memories, when you had complete harmony and peace on Earth. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Man will be restored in recognition of the Oneness of All that Is.

More people than ever have taken their blinkers off and see the truth of what has been going on around them. They are now more alert to the manipulation that takes place, question the glibness and outright lies that are fed to you. The people have said "No More" and that is how it shall be, and Heaven and Earth is moving in response.

I am St. Germain leading as ever from the front, and I thank you for your undivided loyalty to the Light. This is the time for unity and all else will soon fall into place. You are loved and nurtured by the Hierarchy of Heaven, and their strength and resolve is yours. The work is nearly completed; let your Light shine out in the brilliance of your Soul.

Thank you St.Germain

Mike Quinsey
