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St. Germain 07.02.05.

Through MIke Quinsey

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In both, you have to make an effort to have a working relationship with each other. This is good inasmuch that egos often clash and you have to find a way to get over those problems.

Life is all about getting on with other people, and tolerance is a value that you soon have to learn. Pride of the egotistical kind can be a problem as two hard headed people may not wish to give way to each other. There is hardly a day that you do not have an experience that could lead to a confrontation. Tolerance and understanding will perhaps carry you through without any adverse affect. All of the time you live on an emotional plateau and normally it does not take much to get you going. Those of you that continually live on your emotions throughout your day, live a roller coaster of highs and lows that can be very exhausting and at times very stressful. Often people assume that their emotional responses to events are not within their control, and little attempt is made to do so.

I ask again, have you decided what you want out of life, or will you just go with the flow as though you have no say in the matter. Do you feel at the mercy of outer events and get tossed around from one thing to another. Some people have not yet come to the realization that there is a purpose in life, and see no order or design in things that take place. They do not see the hand of God in all creation, and indeed many cannot even concede to the idea of any kind of God at all.

Dear Ones, everyone came into life for a purpose that placed them where they were best able to carry out their life plan. They may not have any idea as to what it is, but this is where their many Guides ensure that it is presented to them. Remember, no one is forced to do anything against their freewill, but certain opportunities will come up time and time again if there are lessons to be learned. Even experiences that you would rather have gone without are put across your path, and there are some that you will not be able to avoid having agreed to them before you incarnated. Those who have not yet come to the realization that life is infinite, and that you have many lifetimes that are a continuation of your lessons are at a disadvantage. You will feel much more at ease knowing that whatever happens in your life, you can always atone for your errors another time.

Decide now if you have not already done so, exactly what you would like to achieve in your life. Have a vision of what it is and hold fast to it and in time it will begin to manifest in some way that you may notice. However, be realistic if you want to have some result in this lifetime, otherwise it may not be appropriate until another one is started. Once you find a purpose in life, it becomes much more interesting and rewarding. You will feel that your energy is being put into something that will yield results for you.

What is the special ingredient in life that puts it on another level; it is your spiritual understanding. I say this loosely as it matters not if you are with a Church, a New Age Group or seek purely from within. It is important that you recognize the order and beauty all around you, and see through this the existence of a higher force. It does not matter what name you give it, as it is one and the same. Once you realize that creation is forever ongoing and that includes yourself, you cannot but acknowledge that you are also a creation of God. Once you begin to see life from this higher perspective a greater understanding comes to you. The Oneness of everything becomes apparent and you can see it all in a new light.

What you want out of life and how you visualize it becomes more purposeful, and you will have an important focus that takes in your spiritual growth. This in turn very much determines your attitude and approach to other people, and strangely enough also to yourself. You learn that all are considered equal in God’s Kingdom, and once you can treat others accordingly you are beginning to tread the true path. Eventually you will want to become the God that you already are, and with it do the Will of God as your own. However, such an achievement will not be beyond any of you is one that will follow naturally as you progress. There is no hurry and you have all infinity to find your particular path.

See the goal ahead of you, and quietly work towards it and once you have made that decision you will have immense help. Many who are enlightened have already made it, and they want to be part of Ascension and so they set their sight upon this next step in their evolution. For others it would seem a step too far, and they still work towards their own vision of where their life is taking them. For those who have no idea of what the future holds and in some cases do not even care, their path is nevertheless mapped out and they will progress.

I am St. Germain, and I have to say how important it is that you do know what you want from this life. Use your time sensibly, treat others as you would yourself, and remember one of the biggest lessons you can learn is control of your emotions. Try to be perfection in the energies of love, and the more success you have, the more you will leave the undesirable behind. You aspire to be Master’s and it shall be so, but first prove to yourself that you can be masterful where your self control is concerned. When I along with my Brothers return to Earth we shall be pleased to help you find the true path that is one of Love and Light. Our task will not be complete until everyone has been lifted up, and it gives us much joy to serve in this way. We love you all as our dearest Brothers and Sisters.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey

