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St. Germain 04.30.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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a straight line and you set a goal in your sights, and you head for it. You might drop off the line and divert your attention to something else, but it is always possible to get back onto the original path. Humans tend to be easily distracted, and find it hard to concentrate for any length of time. This is a discipline that is essential to achieving success, and applies all round. In the higher realms it is not as difficult, as you will be able to manifest whatever it is that you desire through the power of thought. It requires little concentration or focus, as the result is immediate.

Even in what you may describe as the realms just above Earth, the souls there can bring things into existence by thought. If you are below the Earth’s vibration into what you call the Lower Astral regions, matter falls apart more easily, and it is virtually impossible to successfully use the power of thought. Now, what of you who read this message, because you will reason that you too must have some measure of power to bring the focus of your thoughts into being. This is so, and some individuals have proven this to be the case. Generally however, you do not have the power to affect immediate manifestation. But place you in a group, where all concentrate on their objective and the power is magnified tenfold.

We often tell you of the power generated when numbers of people come together, and I am sure many of you have experienced this in meditation or healing groups. As the vibrations of Earth are ever increasing, so the individual power that you have will also increase. Soon, you will hear of instant healing that will seem miraculous, and it will not just be isolated cases. Self healing is also more likely, although this requires a great belief in your own ability and constant attention to the healing process. You are growing in self power all of the time, and these are the first signs of the changes that are affecting everyone.

Think of how you conduct experiments that divide people into two groups, one group is given some form of medicinal or drug treatment, the other one a placebo. Do you know that the placebos are nearly as effective as the medicine or drug? There is no, other conclusion than that the power of suggestion is capable of great things. People are self healing because of their power of thought, so there is no reason why it should not be effective in other circumstances. It comes down to faith or belief, and there is really no limit to what you will eventually be able to achieve.

Dear Ones, start to have that belief in your own ability, try healing yourself, and be in charge of your body. Every cell of your body has a consciousness and they respond to your thoughts. Tell your body how wonderful it is, love it and thank it for carrying you around. Expect results and do not be put off, it may take time but eventually you will make a difference. Equally, give your body a sporting chance to help you and look after it and respect it.

Look at the power of thought another way, how if you express negative thoughts they are also going to manifest a result. How many of you tell your body you dislike it, or that it is never going to get better from an illness or disablement. By doing this you actually strengthen the condition and you are simply confirming it, and so be it. Think also when you express negative thoughts against another wishing them harm. It is another energy that has to find a home, and you are creating Karma for yourself by such actions. Realize that if such negativity is directed to a person of Light, it will not harm them but simply return to the source from where it came.

Now, ask yourself how you can help speed up the changes upon Earth, how you can contribute to the energies of change. It is simple my Dear Ones, you visualize the result and help manifest it, and you will be adding your energy to the great pool of energy that already exists. It is a thoughtform that has the power to bring itself into being, and it will enable whatever expression it is to do so. Let me give an example, after the First World War ended, the German people still harbored thoughts of world domination. These were so strong that they brought another leader to the forefront, who could continue the war that never really ended. Hence, you had World War Two, and the thoughtform was able to work itself out.

Let’s come back to the present day, and imagine the different thoughtforms that exist. There is one that dominates the dark side, and is for world domination, and another that is for your liberation, freedom and Ascension. Each one is fighting for supremacy, yet in reality the dark cannot win as the Light is always the superior force. You can help to transmute the dark by adding your Light to what already exists, and a simple daily prayer or thought for good will suffice. You would not expect to do this by sending more dark energies to those that already exist. This is why you must avoid being negative when addressing the actions of the dark. Send Light all of the time, and enfold each person in the dark with a cocoon of Light. If you can, tell them you love them, recognize their divinity and Light spark within and they will eventually accept the Light.

I am St. Germain, and tell you that you are on the way to great times, and the changes are beginning to come in and will soon manifest. There will never be going back to the old ways, they are already of a different era, and so they shall be consigned to history once and for all. The Light shines out from Earth like a glorious Sun, announcing to the Universe that you are becoming Lighted Beings once again.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey
