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The Single Most Important Activity THe Whole Earth Needs To Learn!

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escription. It is the cause of insanity, vicious appetites, vicious actions, crime, and contagious diseases and physical exhaustion. They even often times block business deals! They are the cause of ALL Cataclysmic activity!

Entities — carnate and discarnates do exist on this earth, but through our call to The "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Masters, every individual has Complete Mastery over them and our world!

Read Saint Germain’s message to us teaching us about this most important teaching and also HOW TO RELEASE THE ACTION TO SET YOURSELF AND THE WORLD FREE FOREVER! See TRANSCENDED FREEDOM AT END OF TODAY’S REPORT!


"The Voice Of The ‘I AM,’"

1936, by the Great Cosmic Beings through Godfre Ray King, St. Germain Press.

The Ascended Masters on July 4, 1936, gave Their Third Specific Decree for the Complete Freedom of mankind and the earth. This forms the Triple Activity of Their Application of the Great Cosmic Law and before It no discord nor sinister activity can any longer exist.

This Mighty Decree is the Freedom all mankind has been waiting for throughout the centuries, in order to open the way for the Great Cosmic Law to act with sufficient intensity and speed, to give the complete release that must take place, if humanity is to survive. It is the one thing that the whole earth needs most — today — in order to let the "Mighty I AM Presence have the Greatest Expansion of Its Light and Love. Every human being on earth is benefited tremendously, whenever this Decree is issued for anyone or the whole of mankind.

This Mighty Decree, which the Ascended Masters sent forth on the fourth of July, for all mankind and the earth, released the first Wave of Its Action that moment, through every human body and planet itself. Now, it becomes the duty and privilege of everyone, who understands the Law and call to the "Mighty I AM Presence," to issue that same Decree at least three times daily, until It sweeps forward with such intensity, that It clears away all obstruction to the full expansion of the Light, within both the individual and the very earth itself.

This MIGHTY DECREE is the Ascended Masters’ Command to Legions of Angels of the Blue Lightening of Divine Love, to descend into the physical octave of earth: to seize, bind and remove from within and around every human being, the earth and its atmosphere all entities — carnate and discarnate. If they be carnate, to annihilate them, their cause and effect from existence forever! If they be disincarnate, to take them to the Ascended Masters and offer them this Eternal Instruction of the "Mighty I AM Presence" for acceptance.

If the discarnate ones accept It, they are taken to the schools of the Ascended Masters, shown how to apply this Law and make their Ascension. If they will not accept this Glorious Light and make conscious effort for their Freedom, they are held bound until they willingly, gladly and lovingly accept this Eternal Law of Life and fulfill their own decree to make the Ascension.

When we refer to entities of human creation, we mean those thought forms created by human beings, through discordant destructive thoughts and words and energized by inharmonious feelings. These exist within the aura of every human being, until he gives the command to his own "Mighty I AM Presence" to consume them.

The use of the Violet Consuming Flame, as Saint Germain has instructed, if used daily with intensity, will dissolve and purify all these humanly created entities; but when the student calls through his "I AM Presence" direct to the Angels of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love, he can have the Assistance of these Blessed Beings, Whose duty it is to render help that the Ascended Masters decree, for all who make earnest call to complete their Victory quickly. This does not relieve the students of the necessity of using the Violet Flame, as they have been taught, but it enables the Flame to have much more instantaneous action and to release more power.

When we refer to the discarnate entities, we mean those human beings who have passed through so-called death. If they do not call to God with enough intensity, to draw the attention of an Ascended Master to cut them free from earth and take them on to the Octave of Light: or if they have not the knowledge of the "Mighty I AM Presence’ to which they can call and be taken out of the atmosphere of earth; they remain in the homes, localities and atmosphere in which they lived, while in the physical body.

These are known as earthbound entities, for they do not know how to make a call, that will bring the Assistance of the Ascended Masters, to cut them free from their earthly appetites and conduct them safely through the earth’s atmosphere, to the Octave of Light. In that Octave, they can be taught the Great Truth and Law of the "Mighty I AM Presence." Then, through their own conscious effort, they can reach up for the assistance, that gives them the Eternal Victory of the Ascension.

The atmosphere of earth is loaded with these discarnate entities. They are good, bad and indifferent — some very vicious. They remain in the aura of the earth because their desires, being principally physical appetites, bind them here for further gratification. Why? Because they are still held within the emotional body, which does not dissolve at so-called physical death, unless cremation takes place. If this is done, they are freed to go through to the Octave of Light for assistance.

Not knowing how to get out of the earth’s atmosphere, they attach themselves to those with whom they associated in the physical life, or to those whom they greatly disliked, many times to gratify their feelings of revenge, and even move about in the same house or localities.

If they have had vicious desires, while in the physical embodiment, they can still gratify those desires from the physical plane, through the body of anyone who will let them stay in his aura. This is what accounts for all drink, smoke and sex obsessions, insanity, cruelty, viciousness, intense anger, jealousy, suicide, continued discord and destructive activity of every kind.

Mankind and students in general do not understand this condition in the slightest degree and hence, do not make the necessary effort to free themselves, from these destructive and disturbing conditions that cause all the tragedy on earth.

However, the Great Law of Life will not operate Itself and until individuals get the Ascended Masters’ understanding of Its operation, there is very little permanent help for humanity, until people can be taught the Law.

If all discarnates entities could be taken from the atmosphere of earth, 97 percent of all mankind’s troubles would be solved, letting peace and harmony reign throughout the world, to the great joy and Freedom of the whole human race: and also to the blessing and freedom of the discarnates themselves.

Students and all readers should remember, that when we call Angels of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love to Seize, bind and annihilate all human created entities, no one can annihilate God, which the Life in human being is. Neither can Divine Love annihilate a human body. Therefore, the only things that can be annihilated are the discordant and vicious thought forms, which hang around the bodies of most individuals.

These are the causes of all chronic diseases and limitation of every description. Such creations should be annihilated and the sooner the better for themselves and the whole earth. Please remember, Beloved ones, Angels of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love never annihilate human bodies. The entities and the discord do that. So, there is nothing to fear in using this application of the Law and the call to the "Presence."

People often say: "But my loved one that has passed on was kind and I loved hi very much." That is no doubt true, but do you realize, how much energy is absorbed from your world by such a discarnate being, Energy that your "Mighty I AM Presence" gives you with which you should expand Its Perfection? You are not helping the disembodied one, by letting him hang around in your aura and absorb your energy, when he should be learning the Laws of Life and of the Universe, working to free himself and gain his Ascension. You are doing such an one an injustice, by enabling him to stay in the earth’s atmosphere, instead of calling your "Mighty I AM Presence" into action to take him through, to the Octave of Light where he can be taught how to gain his Eternal Victory of the Ascension.

In regard to discarnate entities, they are responsible for all the insanity, vicious appetites, vicious actions, crime and contagious diseases. Many times, one’s sense of physical exhaustion is due to nothing else but a discarnate entity in one’s own aura, following him around and absorbing the energy from his physical body, in order to survive.

No end of business deals are blocked for years, by some discarnate entity who does not want someone to succeed because of vicious feelings of revenge, resentment, jealousy and all the other unkind feelings, with which human beings are many times unfortunately filled.

In one case a man, who had not been able to get a position for five years, was told to dismiss all the entities in his body and world. He did as instructed with is wife’s assistance and within twenty-four hours obtained a most remarkable position, which he still holds and that was months ago. This is the trouble in thousands of cases where people do not seem able to get work. If the students of the "I AM " and all readers of these books will do, as the Ascended Masters have requested, in using these Decrees, their own blessings will transcend their fondest dreams and the assistance to mankind and the earth will surpass all description. You will have instantaneous relief from distressing conditions, that have bound you for a life-time or perhaps many lifetimes.

Discarnate entities are also responsible for all mental health conditions of long standings — ALWAYS. To deny that these entities exist is but ignorance of the forces that are acting and which every human being is struggling under to-day, whether he be good or bad, wise or ignorant. To deny a thing does not remove it from existence or having an effect in the physical experience of individuals and the earth.

Entities — carnate and discarnate do exist on this earth, but through his call to the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Masters, every individual has Complete Mastery over them and his world. He can clear all his activities from any such interference, if he will make this call as the Ascended Masters have requested the "I AM STUDENTS" to do. They did this for the entire earth and mankind on the fourth of July. Such is our opportunity to serve! It is our privilege and our duty, that the earth may be freed and we ourselves have Complete Mastery over all in our individual Lives and activities.

Aside for the knowledge of the "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE" and the use of the Violet Consuming Flame, this call to seize, bind and remove all entities from the earth is the most transcendent help and blessing, that can come to every person in the world; and will bring the earth into Divine order through Divine Love, quicker than any other one thing that can be done in the outer Life to-day.

We plead with all the "I AM STUDENTS" and individuals everywhere, to use the following affirmations at least three times a day, to keep your beings and worlds free from all entities — carnate and discarnate. Through this application, you will not only move forward in a world of Perfection of your own, but you will help lift the load that weighs heavily upon all mankind and the earth itself; for even nature suffers from these entities and will not long tolerate their interference with her Perfection. They are the causes of all cataclysmic activity, which is but a recoil of their own viciousness, returning upon them and consuming them from the atmosphere of earth, that mankind may have a fresh start to make further effort toward Perfection.

By the time the students have used these affirmations for a few weeks, they will find their affairs moving forward with great speed and no further interference from intermittent discord, that constantly distresses them. With the intense call to the "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE," and the Ascended Masters to send Angels of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love to seize, bind and remove all entities from humanity, the earth and its atmosphere, the Cosmic Light from the Great Central Sun will blaze with such intensity, that PERFECTION UNBELIEVABLE WILL COME FORTH — almost instantly — at the call of the Students of the " I AM." This is the instantaneous action we want you all to experience and so you shall.



"MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE," Blessed Saint Germain, Jesus, Great Divine Director, Mighty Astrea, Archangel Michael, Oromasis and the Lord of the Flame from Venus! Send Thy Angel Devas of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love to seize, bind and remove from within and around --------------------- all entities — carnate and discarnate-forever: if they be of human creation, annihilate them, their cause and effect this instant: if they be discarnate, take them out of the atmosphere of earth and to the feet of the Ascended Masters: offer them Saint Germain’s Instruction of the "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE" and if they will accept it, teach them this Mighty Truth and prepare them, so they can make their Ascension in the next embodiment: if they will not accept It, keep them bound, until they willingly and gladly serve the "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE" and Ascended Masters in Eternal Love: this which we decree now, we command for all students of the "I AM, " America, mankind and the world: we thank Thee, Great Host of Light, it is done this instant: and we praise Thee, Thou Precious "I AM PRESENCE" forever.


"MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE," Great Host of Ascended Masters, Mighty Legion of Light and Great Angelic Host! Take charge and possession of the earth, its people and all activity! Charge forth the Mighty Perfection of the "I AM PRESENCE" and hold Its Active Dominion here forever.


"MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE!" send your Angel Devas of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love before me! Sweep from my pathway ALL ENTITIES — carnate and discarnate! Keep it and all my activity free from them forever: if it be necessary, send Legions of Angels to produce your Perfection in me and my world and hold it forever.


"MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE" and Great Host of Ascended Masters! Take quick command here! Seize, bind and remove instantly all entities within and around ______________ ! take possession of all and produce your Perfection here forever! It is finished and I thank you.


Stand aside! Thou powerless human creation, while I pass into the Blazing Light and Eternal Glory of my "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE" forever free in the Ascended Masters’ Almighty Perfection of Being — an Everlasting Sun of Limitless Shadowless Light.
