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St. Germain 06.20.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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discerning. The dark are well aware of what a powerful medium it is, and they too use it for their dissemination of false information. With a degree of analysis it should be fairly obvious as to which ones these are, as the information they give flies into the face of reason.

Have you considered that the biggest battle is the one that goes inside of you? It is one that is continual, and pitting your ego against your Higher Self. Let’s put it another way, and say your personality against your intuition. Some of you claim that you are what you are, and that you cannot do anything about it. I tell you that you are what you want to be, and it is no use making excuses. Take the showing of bad temper, and some will say “I cannot help it, that is the way I am” and therefore never apply themselves to making an improvement in their behavior.

The point I am trying to make is that you are totally in charge, and if you do not like what you are, you do have the ability to change. Your outlook will have been colored by various influences around you as you have grown up. However, as an adult you can break out of any conditioning that has affected your manner or attitude. What is important is how you see everyone else, because this will determine your relationship to them. Prejudice is often born through parental upbringing, but there is no reason why you should not be your own person. In your subconscious you have a pattern that is derived from your experiences over millennia of time. It will clearly surface and affect your thinking, but what was normal or appropriate in another time may no longer be acceptable now.

Have you noticed how you can follow some decisions through with utter conviction, yet others can cause a great degree of consternation. The battle takes place many times a day. By what measure do you interpret Man’s laws, as I would say that you have a “feeling” about things that sometimes tells you that they are wrong and oppressive? Thank goodness that your Higher Self is able to reach you and make itself felt. For some time now you have seen your rights taken away, and in part you have accepted that it has been in your best interests.

Now, you are questioning the reasons given, and see the dishonesty that is often behind those moves. You know or sense that you have not just a claim to freedom, but a God given right and this is embodied in your original Constitution. So you now find the battle is on your own doorstep, and it begs of you what action you will take. For quite a long time there has been little resistance, but now everything is coming to a head. The challenge seems insurmountable, yet every thought and action that is intended to change the situation is important. Never feel that you have little to offer, as everyone can contribute to bringing about the changes. Do what you are best at doing, and most important, talk to others for supporting views and opinions.

There are many souls who have incarnated to be here for this particular time. They have a pre-determined role to play, and number among the Lightworkers who work on a different level to most others. The Spiritual Hierarchy fully intended that in these end times that there would be a force of Light upon Earth that would be equal to the dark, and ensure that the Creator’s plan would work out. The subtleness of this plan is that the Light is forever increasing in its power, and eventually it is the dark that will have to concede victory. Indeed, you are not too far from accomplishing it, and this is why we repeatedly inform that the victory is already yours.

Meantime, I come back to the personal battle that each of you is fighting. Try to be more aware, and listen carefully to your inner voice as it is your guiding light. Begin lifting yourself up, and change those aspects that are not of the positive energies. You will be surprised as to what success you can achieve when you become fully committed. Move away from the lower vibrations because they will impinge themselves upon you. Be true to yourself, that is your Higher Self, and notice how you gradually become at One with all else, and the internal conflicts start to disappear. You can bring about a peace within yourself, that goes out into the ethers and affects others in a positive way.

You sometimes refer to the battle for your soul, I tell you that it is within you, and no negative influence can affect you unless you invite it in. It is most important that you approach life in a positive manner, and do not allow fear to overcome you. Fear is the energy of the dark, and without it they will lose their power and ability to control you. Regrettably, some religions are based more on fear than love, and they create the very things they are fearful of without realizing what they do. It would do well to draw back and concentrate on the power of love, and with that energy you will be safe from the unseen.

I am St. Germain, and I can say that everything goes according to plan and we are as near as ever we were to manifesting the first changes. It is a matter of faith, and I know you have been well tested. Always bear in mind you have never been forsaken, and the promises that have been made for your salvation will be fulfilled. See the greater happenings, and know as always you are greatly loved beyond measure. The Heavens already rejoice for you, and surround the Earth with their Light and Love.

Thank you St. Germain,

Mike Quinsey
