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St. Germain via Mike Quinsey - 1-4

By Mike Quinsey

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ate success of the response to the Asian crisis. Governments like to be seen to be the one’s leading the way, but this time they have been caught unawares, never believing that there would be a great coming together of the people, in the manner in which it occurred. I see a springboard to yet even greater things, as people will start to realise that they have the power to demand peace, and an end to war. Your governments will not like to have to confront the issue, and will try to prevent you from carrying out peaceful demonstrations. You will also be accused of unpatriotic feelings, quoting the war against terrorism as requiring everyone’s support. Dear One’s it is a matter of degree, and of course there is a realistic chance that America and Great Britain will be targeted for some terrorist attack. In America, the biggest threats have so far come from within, and you will know that your Space Friends, who monitor events on Earth, have prevented numerous attacks already.

In fact, you have been as free from terrorist attacks as you have ever been in the past. The threat is manufactured through fear, and those who operate the secret agenda seize every opportunity to bring in Draconian Laws that are intended to control the whole population. Does it sound like a true Democratic country, when people can be taken off the streets, and placed in prison without charge. Without legal representation, and they now face the prospect of being kept under lock and key for life, with no right of appeal. New prison camps are manned and ready, and who do you think they are for? Give the dark a little time, and anyone that is considered anti-government will be hauled off the streets and disappear. I do not motivate fear, but point out what is happening under your very noses. No, you are no longer a Democracy, and you are becoming imprisoned in your own country, and your representatives have passed the laws that allow such situations, without as much as discussion or debate. You are no longer living in a free Democracy, and indeed you are no longer a free country, having given up so many rights accorded to you under your original Constitution.

Yes, this morning St.Germain has climbed onto his soapbox because he does not want the main issues to be sidelined while you carry out your wonderful relief work. It is clearly too late to reverse what has happened, but you can put your energies behind those brave souls who have stood up to be counted. Souls who are laboriously proceeding with legal matters, which will enable the present dark cabal to be removed from office. This is your only way to prevent total chaos, and I see the event manifesting very soon. But this does not mean that you should sit back and wait for it to happen. It requires your focus of attention and all of the positive energy you can muster. Be assured the dark know what is taking place, and they will use every trick possible to avoid the ultimate result. You may think I have an imaginative mind, when I say that the dark are even prepared to try and leave the planet when the going gets tough. Where to you ask, well let me say that there are options to go to underground bases on the Moon or Mars, which have been developed for many years now and are self supporting Eco-Cities. There are also numerous underground facilities on Earth, equipped with food and other provisions to last several years that are partly self sustaining. But, there is no escape, as the dark cabal is monitored 24 hours a day.

No matter where they hide they will be arrested and removed from office when it is legally possible to do so. In any event they cannot escape the ultimate over view of their life, which will take place once they have left their present bodies. You know that they will not want to have to face themselves, to be stripped bare and admit in truth what their intentions have been, and to see the result of every action they have taken. But this day of reckoning comes to all, and I stress as I have said before, no one judges your thoughts, deeds and actions except yourself. No wonder we ask your patience and compassion when the dark are brought forward to answer the charges against them. They have been pawns in the great game of duality and played their game well, so well that the Light has been forced to grow stronger and now engulfs the dark energies that are rapidly being transmuted.

Dear Ones, I beat the drum today and draw your attention to the ongoing situations that still need your attention. You have many dear souls on my side of the veil that are powering you forward, and protecting you so that you need never worry about any threat from the dark. They rely on your fear to hold you back, so know that as long as you hold fast to the Light you cannot be harmed. I too, as always am with you, and together we march forward as a great force for good that is able to hold the dark in its place. I love your feeling of new found strength and invincibility, you have suddenly found your feet and there is nothing that will stop your onward progress. I say well done, and keep the impetus going and you will achieve your victory.

I am St. Germain and feel proud to be associated with such grand Beings of Light – I Love You All.

Thank you St.Germain

Mike Quinsey
