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St. Germain via Michael Quinsey 03.19.05

Michael Quinsey

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ind is that all of you in the family circle are primed as to the coming of your children. Sometimes the new arrival will in fact be a soul that has extremely strong links with you through past life associations. No wonder that you can have an instant feeling of love when such a child is born.

The generally held belief is that a baby is the result of some chance coming together of the parent’s genes. This is true, except for the fact that they are programmed for each birth to ensure that the physical, emotional and spiritual make-up will develop in a certain way, away that will progressively provide the experiences that are needed for that soul’s evolution. There is no reason why this programming should be apparent, as freewill is always a factor that makes it appear that there is no pre-ordained path. There is also the placing of the soul with a family that is able to give the special opportunities needed for growth. All told, there are usually common factors that come to the fore, and parents can be forgiven for believing that what they see in their child’s character is entirely due to hereditary reasons.

Perhaps, if parents understood how they are selected to play that role, they would do more to allow for a child’s growth in line with that child’s own desires. You will have found that although you have much influence as they pass through the tender years, it gradually lessens. A child has a subconscious memory of making its life plan, and accordingly it will gravitate towards opportunities that allow it to manifest. For parents this can be a most frustrating time, as they see their own plans for their child being thwarted. Young people are forever establishing their right to make decisions of their own choosing. If it goes against their parent’s expectation, this is how friction and upset are often caused. Parents must understand, that they have in no way let their children down if they go against their parental advice.

You know that eventually, you will see your offspring leave home to find their place in the big wide world. There will inevitably come a time when you must see them as in an equal position to yourselves. Growing up is a hard time for every one involved, but could be easier if parents understood what is behind their true role. Children must be given room to expand into their own idea of where they want to go in life. The occasional failure matters little, as eventually the correct path will be found. Riding along with it all are karmic reasons for particular choices being made, so as to lead to the desired goal. Parents often hold themselves responsible for their children’s failings, as though there has been some shortfall on their part. This may be a contributory factor, but please remember that whatever happens is not taking place by chance.

Understanding the relationships that are formed within families is difficult, particularly when a number of children are involved. Parents probably try to give each one of them the same opportunities, and then are baffled as to why they turn out so differently. I say to you, try not to worry, as you will have given each one the experiences they needed. Remember also, that in one way and another you are all benefiting from having been together. Furthermore, all of you have your Guides and other helpers that, so to say, help pull the strings and guide you to your pre-ordained destinies.

Parents who lose a child in its early years often experience recriminations against themselves. As hard as it is to comprehend, some souls only wish to briefly link with a family and do not come into life for a full span. Again, this is karmic and I assure you that even the shortest of lives has an impact on all concerned, and it will have worked out according to everyone’s life plan. It is, perhaps, some consolation to know that you will meet again, and you will learn the reasons for what has happened, and have your mind put at rest. If you have a strong belief in an all caring loving God, then accept that there is no question of God deliberately taking your child away. Rest in the knowledge that all of you Dear Ones are loved in the perfection of God’s immense Love.

At a time when you are rapidly approaching Ascension, you may wonder how much it will affect family relationships. I will tell you that in the future, when you move into the higher dimensions, families will still exist from a parental point of view. The difference is that when you desire to have another soul join you, there will be prior meetings of all three of you. You will decide between you whether it would prove to be the most ideal and fulfilling arrangement. There will still be a mystical union between the male and female energies to bring that soul to you. However, birth such as you are familiar with will no longer be a physical experience, and the “birth” into your energies will see the new arrival coming to you in a semi-adult form, and not as a baby. A soul joining you will come on a vibration of Love and totally harmonize with your vibrations. You have many wonderful changes to contemplate, and prior to ascending we shall make you aware of them.

I am St. Germain and I ask you to understand that Ascension is a massive step forward, and one you could not take unless you were fully prepared. You have been working towards it for eons of time, and you are worthy souls who have diligently earned the right to leave the cycle of re-birth into physical matter. Heaven is a word you hardly understand, yet it is to “Heaven” that you shall go. Whatever you have dreamed it represents, it will far exceed your expectations. The new energies are not called the Golden Age without good reason. I can only say, well done my brothers and sisters. You are fully deserving of the Creators Love.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey
