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St. Germain 04.26.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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brought down. It was the power of the people who came together with such focussed thoughts, that brought about the massive changes that happened. In most countries there is unrest, and in the Western World and the Middle East it is clearly rooted in the affect of the war in Iraq. Leaders are being held to account for their roles in supporting an unjustified war against people that presented no threat.

The Iraq war has become the focal point from which the future hangs, and indications are that it will be expanded into other areas of the Middle East. People are aghast at the idea. After centuries of war they have reached the conclusion that it achieves very little for anyone, except those in power with their eyes on other countries resources. The Imperialist days of land grabs and the imprisonment of people in their own country are no longer acceptable. It is seen that there are other ways to live on this planet, both allowing for the individuality to be expressed, and without interference with others. Peace is seen not just as a possibility, but essential at a time when the threat of world-wide destruction is possible.

The expansion in the use of powerful weapons by taking them into space has gone ahead, with the potential danger that no one is safe wherever they are in the world. If ever there was the potential for Armageddon, it will soon arrive if these developments go unchecked. Not a pretty scene, or one that you have contributed to apart from your hard earned money which is being used to fund such plans. The Government that was put into power to reflect your wishes does no such thing, and carries on with its own agenda regardless of public opinion. You know by now, that situations are contrived by them to give the opportunity for the development of their plans. It would seem that that the express train of disaster is heading for the buffers at full speed, and the driver seems oblivious or not to care about the result, or it’s affect upon the passengers.

Dear Ones, I mention the facts of the activities of the dark, simply to indicate where you are at present. I do so without any purpose of generating further fear, and on the contrary wish you to know that you hold the greatest weapon of all that can halt the dark in their tracks. It is Love, and indeed you have already understood its power to transmute the dark. For quite some years now, you have applied yourselves to anchoring love all over the Earth. Great centers of Light have arisen as a result, and these continue to grow as even more Light is attracted to them. They have become a formidable grid of Light that is forever expanding into the areas of dark. The dark will yield to the Light, and so the planet is quickly changing, and the vibration is being lifted to new levels. The dark have no answer to the Light except to instil fear by whatever methods they can, and up to now they have been very clever if not devious in their ways to achieve it.

You can ignore whatever is happening around you that you can see is calculated to bring about fear. Do not give your energy to it, if you believe that you cannot be touched by it, then it shall have no affect on you whatsoever. This is what I ask of you, and you can do it and thereby contribute to forces of good that will confront the dark with their Love and Light. Sounds impossible you say, using Love against such dark forces, I can tell you that but for your efforts you would have succumbed to the dark a long time ago. However, I let you into a little secret that you also have the full backing and Love of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and that is a force to be reckoned with at any time.

You have never been alone on your travels through physicality. You may not have always acknowledged your group of helpers, but they have always been there for you. Be aware of their presence, talk to them and tell them what it is you desire from them. You can expect miracles where it is appropriate, but leave the way of manifestation up to them. Sometimes things take place in the most unexpected way. If you do not get exactly what you want, please acknowledge the wisdom of those who know you better than yourself, and also, who know your Karmic commitments in this lifetime. Certainly make your own pathway to achieve your ambitions, but also be ready to seize opportunities that come your way. Your life will not be lead for you, but you will certainly get help if you so request it.

Set your sights on what it is you are planning, and as you are often advised, be in the world and not of it. Allow the energies of the dark to pass you by, as they will only impinge upon you if you attract them to yourself. Keep firmly in your private space of harmony that you have created around you, and deflect any attempt to pull you down. To achieve this you must have control over your emotions, and even the most tested and positive people can be caught unawares. Anger is very prevalent on Earth at this time; avoid it as it poisons your body, let alone your mind. You live in hard times to be sure, but the outcome is assured and you need not worry about delays and other distractions that abound at present.

Concern yourself not with the details, but know that everything you have been promised will become yours. You have willed the gifts of the Creator into being, and they will be yours by Divine Decree. The plan for your upliftment has never been more certain, and you can already consider the past behind you. A new vista has opened and you are seeing the first glimpses of the great future that is yours. Look to that future, and let go of the tangled web that still clings to you, that is the old you.

I am St. Germain and tell you all is going to plan. It is a mighty plan that will carry you through to the Ascension that you richly deserve. All heaven rejoices that you have come so far, and you will leave the old Earth behind, and take your place in the Golden Age of beauty, peace and great wonder. As always you are carried forward with immense Love and admiration, and believe me, you are great Beings.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey

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