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Some Comments On Cults & Sects


12/24/94 #1   HATONN



I am asked to comment on Cults and Sects and why do people follow leaders in these set-up organizations.  I can tell you one thing right off: YOU DO NOT NEED AN ORGANIZATION TO SERVE AND HONOR GOD.  THAT IS WHY YOU WILL FIND NO SUCH THING IN THIS SERVICE.

So, why DO people follow the leader???

I think the following article from The Orlando Sentinel, Sat., Dec. 24, 1994 speaks to the issue very well.



by Wendy Marston, A&E Monthly


In 1971 comedian Steven Allen received a distressing letter from his son Brian: "I have given up my old name and all that went with it.  My new name is Logic Israel.  I do not expect to return to Los Angeles.  This will be my last letter."

So began Allen's encounter with the Love Family, the Seattle cult his 24-year-old son had joined.  In Beloved Son: A Story of the Jesus Cults (Bubbs-Merrill, 1982), Allen describes his family's ordeal in trying to remain in contact with Brian, who, after years of membership in the Love Family, did finally make a break.  [H: Why do ones INSIST on calling these "Christian" groups or "Jesus Cults"?  Because the enemy wants you to believe, that's why!  Allen is "Jewish" and yet if he paid attention he would see exactly WHO structured this organization--by the naming of his son "Israel".  For goodness sake, will you never see?]

The term "cult" has been used to describe groups ranging from Grateful Dead fans to Jehovah's Witnesses to Mary Kay cosmetics sales women, but what exactly is a cult?  [H: Yes indeed, I am also interested for you NEVER find the MAJOR CULTS being labeled as such, i.e., Anti-Defamation League, World Zionism Organization, American Jewish League, etc.]

"Ideology is irrelevant", says Richard Ofshe, a [H: Jewish] sociologist who shared the 1979 Pulitzer Prize for Public Services for helping to expose Synanon, a violent cult that began as a drug-rehabilitation center in California.  "What is important is how power and authority are used in the group.  When people's confidence in themselves is shattered so they accept exploitation, then that's a cult."  [H: Does that not suit the definition of ALL SO-CALLED JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS AND PACs?  How many people thinking themselves "Jewish" but are NOT, are sucked into the payoff to Israel and the World Order Masters?  We have a full-page advertisement for funds from American "Jews" from last week's leading New York paper, but the ad ran NATIONWIDE AND IN CANADA.  If there is space, please run it.  {See p. 25.}  THIS IS THE BIGGEST "CULT" OF THE OCCULT OF ALL KNOWN GROUPS EVER IN HISTORY.]

Ofshe has watched cults and the ways they operate for the past 20 years.  He stresses that looking for a specific philosophy is not the way to identify a cult.  Instead, determine what the method the organization USES TO CONTROL MEMBERS' BEHAVIOR!  [H: This one should know for he helps set the guidelines for the major Jewish groups and that means he knows all about controlling behavior!!]

What usually propels someone to join a cult is the intense insecurity and vulnerability experienced after a personal upheaval.  Thus people who have recently moved, lost a job, left a marriage, or started college are all prime candidates.

The leaders of cults, however, are a VERY DIFFERENT BREED FROM THE MEMBERS.  The ones that immediately spring to mind--Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Sun Myung Moon  [H: ALL SO-CALLED AND TRAINED "JEWS".] --have become compelling celebrities.

What is it that enables them to control so many people?

The stock answer has been "charisma", a word that obscures more than it explains: One cult expert described the typical leader as an effective manipulator capable of operating a complex social system.  [H: INDEED!  And that training comes directly from the MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMS AND PERSONS INVOLVED.  JIM JONES WAS TAKEN TO ISRAEL; HE DID NOT DIE AT JONESTOWN AND KORESH WAS SEEN BEING LIFTED OFF IN ONE OF THE OFFICIAL HELICOPTERS AT THE MT. CARMEL SITE IN WACO.]

A common belief--though false--is that leaders started out with good intentions but were corrupted by power.  [H: Boy, is that ever a true statement--FOR THE WRONG REASONS!]  In fact, Manson was a pimp and a hustler before gathering his "family" in the late '60s.  Jones, although he became a preacher as a very young man, had already exhibited signs of violent irrationality when faced with any kind of abandonment.  [H: THE express signs and immoral behaviors trained into trainees through such as the Montauk Project, the Monarch Project and thus and so.]

The leader needs as effective intelligence systems to recruit and keep tabs on members.  Jones' spy network was first-rate.  Strangers attending their first People's Temple meeting would have been interviewed before the sermon and, in many cases, would be shocked to hear Jones revealing their secrets during his talk.  [H: Do you readers and friends NOW SEE WHY I insist on no membership, no pushing of anything and certainly no "recruiting"?  When I found ones even using the word, I cringe and have to get harsh.  We have no group and no recruiting to jobs or anything else.  YOU either are for GOD OF LIGHT or you are not.  I certainly have a job and so do YOU, although I realize that some of you think soliciting members for US is somehow your task.  NO, NO AND NO!  We serve only the CHRISTED energy of GOD--and for that we NEED NO CLUB (OF EITHER VARIETY).  Ones bringing visitors to a "meeting", if we are having one, ERR greatly if they give the impression that these are church-like gatherings.  There is nothing about our meetings which is "church-like" save the message perhaps as would be revealed in a TRUE Christian atmosphere.  There is no donation, no order, no regularity, and no membership, although ones CONSTANTLY desire to structure this perception.  Our KNOWING may well qualify as a "religion" of some sort--but it is NOT, so don't try to make into same.  Note that it is your enemies who continue in such tactics and mispronouncements to suck you into their trap.  If you feel this way about us--please get thee from us.  We have an honorable job to do and good business to be built--no more.  I have a task of sharing the WORD of truth as do many of my friends--however, YOU WILL ESTABLISH AND DO THE PROJECTS.]

He accomplished this trick with a team of skillful spies who would learn during the interview if any of the newcomer's family were still at home.  If not, they would break into the house, snoop around and race back with details.  The new person would be convinced of Jones' omniscience.  Continued use of espionage ensured that anyone who began to question Jones' authority would be found out and quickly dealt with.  [H: This is THE major reason I speak so rarely about personal events and private incidents--so that YOU DO NOT COME TO BE SUCKERED INTO A MAGIC CULT OF "PSYCHIC" NONSENSE.]

Cults also use brainwashing techniques.  One--sleep deprivation--is a tried-and-true way to distort perception, even to the point of hallucination.  [H: And just WHERE would this come from in your daily activities?]  Members aren't commanded outright to stay awake; rather they're given assignments--changing, memorizing dogma, confession--that achieve the same results: postponing sleep.  As their physical state deteriorates, followers fall more firmly under the leader's hold.


I hope that ones of YOU who try to impress ME with your need to stay up all day and night to answer letters, do writings, do service or anything ELSE--are not!  If you are not in the service of the enemy--you will become so when deprived long enough.  This does not infer that ones who serve at night and get the rest they need during the day are remiss.  They simply utilize "different" hours.  Those of you who believe that YOU are somehow "beyond the ability of the dark forces to control YOU" are going to be very sadly mistaken.

I would like to leave this particular writing for the staff is very short on hands today and the paper must go to bed this evening.  Thank you and, Dharma, I would like to continue right on, please.  Take a break and get back quickly and we will try to meet the needs of the other workers.  Salu.


Source:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, December 27, 1994, Volume 7, Number 9, Page 26.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.