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6/2/92 #1  HATONN

It is only a fool who projects "impossible" as mysteries are unveiled.  Demands for "proving" are only allowances of "ignorance to show through".  Things are being discovered every day in your heavens which disprove that limited vision of a century past or even a year past.  Since YOU do not really know what a "starship" IS, how can you pronounce that there are no such things?  The only thing proven in such demands of higher beings is the total narrow perception and ignorance of the one demanding same.  I would remind all of you "astronomers" (of which my accuser seems to allow himself the title) that Neptune was discovered only in 1846.

Yes, this wondrous turquoise planet, long known by antiquity, would have blue-green appearance, be watery, and have patches the color of swamplike vegetation.

So as some of your probes have gone forth you now have a confirmed blue-green, aquamarine planet embraced by an atmosphere of helium, hydrogen, and methane gases, swept by swirling, high-velocity winds that overshadow Earth's own hurricanes.  What else?  Well, it was expected that Neptune would be gaseous--but no, it has a "rocky core" above which there floats (at least in the words of JPL scientists), "a slurry mixture of water-ice.  This watery layer, circling the rocky core as the planet revolves in its sixteen-hour day, acts as a dynamo that creates a sizable magnetic field."

But we are going to look more closely now.  This beautiful planet turns out to be encircled by several rings made up of boulders, rocks and dust, and is orbited by at least eight satellites, OR MOONS.  Of the latter, the largest you have called Triton, proved no less spectacular than its planetary master.  This celestial body has "retrograde" motion and is about the size of Earth's Moon.  It orbits Neptune in a direction opposite to that of the coursing of Neptune and all other known planets in your Solar System, not anticlockwise as they do--but clockwise.  The surface is rugged and mountainous on one side with smooth, almost craterless features on the outer side.  There has been recent and continuing volcanic activity but very odd in nature: what the active, hot interior of this celestial body spews out is not molten lava but jets of slushy ICE.  Triton had flowing water in its past, it had lakes and there were carbon-based compounds which coat parts of Triton AND Neptune.


Now guess what!!  There are some old texts from the Sumerians which spoke extensively of these places.  How could this be if there are no space men, no ancient astronomers, no higher intelligence and no technology in place before now to PROVE such a thing?

So, lets look further, now that you have some backup from that which you labeled" Voyager 2".  Let us attend Uranus.  This jewel is only about two billion miles distant so we should be able to study it "closely".  Unfortunately it lies so far beyond Saturn that it cannot be seen from Earth with the naked human eye.  It was discovered in 1781 by Frederick Wilhelm Herschel, a musician turned amateur astronomer, only after the telescope was perfected.  At the time of its discovery, Uranus was thought to have been unknown in antiquity for it had been held that the ancient peoples knew and venerated the Sun, the Moon, and only five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), which they believed moved around the Earth in the "vault of heaven"; nothing could be seen or known beyond Saturn.

But the very opposite has proven to be true--the ancients knew all about Uranus, and about Neptune, and even about the more-distant Pluto!  So now, Earthling--where do you go to hide?

Ah, and Uranus has some wondrous moons as well.  Uranus is interesting for it just "lies there" on its side after being struck by a very large celestial object yet to be identified by you ones.  Now here is another interesting thing--ITS WINDS MOVE IN RETROGRADE DIRECTION.  Moreover, the side of Uranus which lies away from the Sun has the same temperature as that which faces the sun.

And what shaped the unusual features and formations on some of the Uranian moons?  Especially intriguing is the moon called Miranda which is now accepted as "one of the most enigmatic objects in the Solar System", in the words of your own NASA astronomers, where an elevated, flattened-out plateau is delineated by 100-mile-long escarpments that form a right angle (a feature nicknamed "the Chevron" by the astronomers) and where, on both sides of this plateau, there are elliptical features that are like racetracks ploughed over by concentric furrows.

Two phenomena stand out regarding Uranus, distinguishing it from other planets.  One is its color--in living color on your own Television screens--it is greenish blue--a color totally different from that of all the previous planets seen to date in your vision.

The other different factor is what Uranus is "made of".  It, too, was assumed that Uranus was gaseous--but nay, nay--it is covered with WATER!  BUT--it is HOT!  Thousands of degrees of heat--from radioactive elements.  This too, was EXACTLY as the Sumerians described it to be.  In their texts from millennia ago the ancient Sumerians had not only known of the existence of Uranus but had accurately described it right to its greenish-blue color and as having water.

What does this mean?  It means, little ones, that in 1986 modern science DID NOT discover what had been unknown; rather, it rediscovered and caught up with ancient knowledge.  In the ancient texts, Neptune was listed before Uranus, as would be expected by someone coming INTO the solar system and sees first Pluto, then Neptune, and then Uranus.  In these texts or planetary lists Uranus was called Kakkab shanamma, " Planet Which Is the Double" of Neptune.  Uranus is indeed a look-alike of Neptune in size, color, and watery content; both planets are encircled by rings and orbited by a multitude of satellites, or moons. Further, the magnetic fields of both have almost identical characteristics: both have an unusually extreme inclination relative to the planets' axes or rotation--58 degrees on Uranus, 50 degrees on Neptune.  The two planets have similarly length of the "day" cycles--each about sixteen to seventeen hours long.  Does it not occur to you at this point that it just might be an interesting thing to witness a Photon Belt which is pure light and invisible to sight perception?  Further, if you do not even know there is a "photon belt" present, how can you ASSUME that you are NOT an orbiting system around a sun cluster with the power of Pleiades??  I certainly hope George will not be too irritated with his "friend" to not share this information with him.  He demands information from Hatonn--he shall get information for I weary of the foolish games and accusations.

The ferocious winds on Neptune and the water ice slurry layer on its surface attest to the great internal heat it generates, like that of Uranus.  In fact, Neptune's temperatures are very similar to those of Uranus even though Uranus is more than a billion miles closer to your Sun--oops!

It may be interesting to note that even your NASA scientists made an announcement regarding the similarity of the ancient texts and what you have now seemingly "proven".  They state: "Planet which is the double", the Sumerians said of Uranus in comparing it to Neptune says its size and other characteristics make Uranus a near twin of Neptune."  Not only the described characteristics but even the terminology--"planet which is the double", "a near twin of Neptune"--is similar.  But one statement, the Sumerian one, was made circa 4,000 B.C., and the other, by NASA, in A.D. 1989, nearly 6,000 years latter.


The Sumerians are the first "known" and historically recognized civilization.  It seemingly appeared suddenly out of nowhere some 6,000 years ago; it is credited on your place with virtually all the "firsts" of a high civilization: inventions and innovations, concepts and beliefs, which form the very foundation of your own Western culture and indeed of all other civilization and cultures throughout the Earth as you presently can recognize them or find historical documentation.  [Didn't ALL of you KNOW this?] Entertaining as it might be, the wheel and animal-drawn vehicles, boats for rivers and ships for seas, the kiln and the brick, high-rise building, writing and schools and scribes, laws and judges and juries, kingship and citizens' councils, music and dance and art, medicine and chemistry, weaving and textiles, religion and priesthoods and even temples--they are all thought on Earth Shan to have begun there, in SUMER, a country in the southern part of today's IRAQ, located in ancient Mesopotamia.  Above all, knowledge of mathematics and astronomy were believed to have begun there.

Surely enough, all the basic elements of modern astronomy are found in Sumarian origin: the concept of a celestial sphere, of a horizon and a zenith, of the circle's division into 360 degrees, of a celestial band in which the planets orbit the Sun, of grouping stars into constellations and giving them the names and pictorial images that are called the "zodiac" today, of applying the number 12 to this zodiac and to the divisions of time, and of devising a calendar that has been the basis of calendars to this very day.  I would say the Sumerians made a small contribution to your present society!


The Sumerians recorded their commercial and legal transactions,their tales and their histories, on clay tablets; they drew their illustrations on cylinder seals on which the depiction was carved in reverse, as a negative, that appeared as a positive when the seal was rolled on wet clay.  In the ruins of Sumerian cities excavated by archaeologists in the past century and a half, hundreds, if not thousands, of the texts and illustrations that have been found dealt with astronomy.  Do you see WHY I simply cannot get too interested in some over-hyped and tampered-with Dead Sea Scrolls?  Why not go study where Truth can be found?  I think you know the answer to that one!  Among these are lists of stars and constellations in their correct heavenly locations and manuals for observing the rising and setting of stars and planets.  There are texts among the unearthed tablets that list the planets orbiting the Sun in their correct order; one text gives the distances between the planets.  There are illustrations on cylinder seals depicting the Solar System that are at least 4,500 years old and that are now in the Near Eastern Section of the State Museum in East Berlin (catalogued under number VA/243--for your inquiring minds).

Illustrations appear of a complete Solar System in which the Sun (not Earth!) is in the center.  But later you burned alive ones who said as much.  Is it not possible you have missed a little Photon Belt--especially when revealing of same is bearing a penalty of firing squad death?

In fact, the Solar System is depicted with ALL the planets you know today and some you don't, orbiting quite accurately.

Now, since some of the depictions are a bit different (today) than are yours and perhaps they represent errors??  Perish the thought for these are not errors or misinformation; on the contrary, the differences--two of them--are very significant.

The first difference concerns Pluto.  It has a very odd orbit--too inclined to the common plane (called the Ecliptic) in which the planets orbit the Sun, and so elliptical that Pluto sometimes (as at present and until 1999) finds itself not farther but closer to the Sun than Neptune.  Astronomers have therefore speculated, ever since its discovery in 1930, that Pluto was originally a satellite of another planet, the usual assumption is that it was a moon of Neptune that "somehow"--no one seems to be able to figure out how--got torn away from its attachment to Neptune and attained its independent (though most bizarre) orbit around the Sun.

This is confirmed by the ancient depiction, but with a significant difference.  In the Sumerian depiction Pluto is shown not near Neptune but between Saturn and Uranus.  And Sumerian cosmological texts, which we shall consider here at length, relate that Pluto was a satellite of Saturn that was let loose to eventually attain its own "destiny"--its independent orbit around the Sun!  Oh heresy!  Could it be?  I would ask Mr. D. to explain this to me in detail which is understandable to a "child", as is required of me regarding Pleiades and Photons.

I would point out that the ancient explanation regarding the origin of Pluto reveals not just factual knowledge but also great sophistication in matters celestial.  It involves an understanding of the complex forces that have shaped the Solar System, as well as the development of astrophysical theories by which moons can become planets or planets in the making can fail and remain moons.  Pluto, according to Sumerian cosmogony, made it; YOUR Moon, which was in the process of becoming an independent planet, was prevented by celestial events from attaining the independent status.

Modern astronomers moved from speculation to the conviction that such a process has indeed occurred in your Solar System only after observations by some of your space-probes.  It is now determined in the past decade that Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, was a planet-in-the-making whose detachment from Saturn was not completed.  The discoveries at Neptune reinforced the opposite speculation regarding Triton, Neptune's moon that is just 400 miles smaller in diameter than Earth's Moon.  Its peculiar orbit, its volcanism, and other features indicate that Triton was an "object" sailing through the Solar System" several billion years ago when it "strayed" too close to Neptune, came under its influence and began orbiting the planet.

So what do the Sumerians say about this?  It will become quite evident that not only is much of modern "discovery" merely a rediscovery of ancient knowledge but that ancient knowledge offered explanations for many phenomena that modern science has yet to figure out--like how it is the Hosts know so much!  My, my, just HOW COULD those ancient ones have known all about these things so long ago--even at the dawn of civilization?  What kind of proof do you want, Mr. D.?  You haven't liked us since we brought forth AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL, have you?  I do not mind honest inquiries for man should question and search--I object to the inference that my people (crew) are less than even intelligent.  I believe it is not "our" intelligence in question, sir.


The answer lies partially in the second difference between the Sumerians' depiction of the Solar System and your own present knowledge as it has unfolded.  It is the inclusion of a large planet in the empty space between Mars and Jupiter.  You aren't aware of any such planet; but the Sumerian cosmological, astronomical, and historical texts insist that there need exists one more planet in your Solar System!--lets call it the "twelfth" member: they included the Sun, the Moon (which they counted as a celestial body in its own right for reasons stated in the texts), and ten, not nine, planets.


It was the realization that a planet the Sumerian texts called NIBURU ("Planet of the Crossing") was neither Mars nor Jupiter, as some of your scholars have debated, but another planet that passes between them every little old 3,600 years.

It was from that planet, in fact, that the Sumerian texts repeatedly and persistently stated, that the ANUNNAKI came to Earth. What in the world does THAT mean?  "THOSE WHO FROM HEAVEN TO EARTH CAME!"  IN YOUR BIBLE THEY ARE SPOKEN OF AS THE ANAKIM, and in Chapter 6 of Genesis are also called Nefilim, WHICH IN HEBREW MEANS THE SAME THING: "THOSE WHO HAVE COME DOWN, FROM THE HEAVENS TO EARTH!"

AND--it was from the Anunnaki, the Sumerians explained--as though they had anticipated the question today--that they had learnt all they knew.  The advanced knowledge found in Sumerian texts is thus, in effect, knowledge that was possessed by the Anunnaki who had come from Niburu; and theirs was a very advanced civilization.  The Anunnaki came to Earth about 445,000 years ago, give or take a month or two.  Way back then they could already travel in space--oh my goodness.  Their vast elliptical orbit made a loop--this is the exact translation of the Sumerian term--around all the outer planets, acting as a moving observatory from which the Anunnaki could investigate all those planets.  And so, dear ones, this is how everything was and is already known by your elders.


Why anyone would bother to go to your little speck of matter called Earth, not by accident, not by chance, not once but repeatedly, every 3,600 years or so, is also answered in these Sumerian texts and doesn't longer have to be "wondered" about--for the inquiring minds of today.  On their planet, the Anunnaki/Nefilim were facing a situation which you on Earth may also soon face: ecological deterioration and life was increasingly difficult.  There was need for protection of their dwindling atmosphere, and the solution was to suspend "gold" particles above it, as a shield.  How many of you realize that you coat the windows of your "spacecraft" with a thin layer of gold to shield the astronauts from radiation?  Guess what, these Anunnaki had discovered this rare metal on what they called the "Seventh Planet" (counting from the outside inward), and they launched Mission Earth to obtain it.  At first they tried to obtain it effortlessly, from the waters of the Persian Gulf; but when that failed, they embarked on toilsome mining operations in southeastern Africa.

Some short 300,000 years ago, the Anunnaki assigned to the African mines mutinied.  It was then that the chief scientist and the chief medical officer of the Anunnaki used genetic manipulation and in-vitro fertilization techniques to create "primitive workers"--the first Homo sapiens to take over the backbreaking toil in those gold mines.

The Sumerian texts that describe all these events and their condensed version in the Book of Genesis have been extensively dealt with in other writings available today.  The scientific aspects of those developments and of the techniques employed by the Anunnaki are the subject of which wondrous speculations can be made and perhaps my projections of "replicas" and "robotics" won't seem so far-fetched to the inquiring minds.

Modern science, as you call it, it will be shown, is blazing an amazing track of scientific advances--but the road to that "future" is replete with signposts, knowledge, and advances from the past which can no longer be ignored.  These Anunnaki have been there before and as the relationship between them and the beings they had created changed, as they decided to give Mankind "civilization", they imparted to you some of their knowledge and the ability to make your own scientific advances.

As we write a bit more on this subject, I think you will find it interesting to simply realize the truth about something so CLOSE to you as the planet "Niburu" and its civilization and then perhaps you can more openly look at other possibilities as you head into this incredible time of destruction and chaos.

The Sumerians were correct in what they were recording and I suggest that you pay close attention to the "discoveries" of "new" planets and "unseen before " planets and, and, and--.  Chelas, you HAVE CONFIRMATION that there ARE intelligent beings "out there"--people so advanced that they could get to your place, almost half a million years ago, through travel (space) and people who were coming and going between their planet and Earth Shan every 3,600 years on a regular round-trip basis.

So what is the worry?  Well, it is the WHO that is "out there" that shakes existing political, religious, social, economic, and military orders on your planet.  ONLY YOU DO NOT KNOW!!

This is all B.S.?  Come now--let's look at gold mining.  There is absolute evidence that mining took place, in southern Africa, during the Old Stone Age.  Your own Archaeological studies prove it.

Realizing that sites of abandoned ancient mines could indicate where gold could be found, South Africa's leading mining corporation, the Anglo-African Corporation, in the 1970's engaged archaeologists to look for such ancient mines.  Published reports (in the corporation's journal Optima) detail the discovery in Swaziland and other sites in South Africa of extensive mining areas with shafts to depths of fifty feet.  Stone objects and charcoal remains established dates of 35,000, 46,000, and 60,000 B.C. for these sites.  The archaeologists and anthropologists who joined in dating the finds believed that mining technology was used in southern Africa "during much of the period subsequent to 100, 000 B.C."

In September 1988, a team of international physicists came to South Africa to verify the age of human habitats in Swaziland and Zululand.  The most modern techniques indicated an age of 80,000 to 115,000 years.


Regarding the most ancient gold mines of Monotapa in southern Zimbabwe, Zulu legends hold that they were worked by "artificially produced flesh and blood slaves created by the First People".  These slaves, the Zulu legends recount, "went into battle with the Ape-Man" when "the great war star appeared in the sky" (see INDABA MY CHILDREN, by the Zulu medicine man Credo Vusmazulu Mutwa).

I certainly hope that perhaps we have kindled a spark of curiosity.  You certainly do not "have to" listen to me or believe a word I give you--but it seems the better part of wisdom to do so.  May the Truth rest gently upon you for the burdens you shall be bearing are going to be most heavy about thine heads and shoulders in the next years of counting.



Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, June 9, 1992, Volume 19, Number 8.

THANK YOU Rocky Montana