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4/5/94  #2    HATONN


As we attend other duties this morning and "life" itself seems only a myriad of frustrating tasks which seem difficult to culminate in positive ways--let us look into this time of chaos and see that which came before.  Only briefly will we linger on the subject--for that which is gone before is only worthy of the lessons harvested and progression learned.

Your scientists today tell you they have "found" another galaxy in your heavens.  They say they had missed it while assuming the "stars" to be part of your own.  Pray, how do thee miss a galaxy??  So be it.

What I would mention here is something to which you can relate a bit more "closely" than that of either your relationship with original "Pan" or "Lemuria" (a much more "akin" civilization).  We will speak of Atlantis for it was so much like what your "technical" projections have brought you to this day.  We still refer to some of those old places as Poseid.  What could have happened that would awash a wondrous civilization such as was Poseid? The same that is nearing your own qualifications.

You have progressed (a very bad term) to the point of breeding out of your generations the goodness of soul "christness" (small letter please, it is simply a "term").  You have technically copied that which has come into your places without any capability to control that power which you now are ready to unleash without capacitors or transformers--energy so great in its recycling as to change the orbit and polarity of your own globe.

Face it, you have reached the level of natural decadence which shall decide your direction and fate as a planet of continents.  Some will perish, some may remain aloft to offer a "start" again if man will amend his ways.  Just as with Atlantis, the nation came to a greater glory of mechanics, of science, and of physical condition than had been experienced prior to that civilization.

But then, guess what happened?  As sequence unfolded, the scholars found that those things which had always been possible only through mechanical contrivance, were more easily accomplished by purely psychic means; they learned it was possible to divest themselves of the flesh, and in astral body go wherever they wanted and could appear, instant as an electric current, at any distance.  So good so far?  Furthermore, if only goodness would have been THE projection--even better.  They learned that they could perform material actions when they had then projected themselves and indeed, yes, I recognize the quality of which I speak!  Then, as is the usual evolution of man in dense perspective, next would come the cruder methods of physical expression to be suffered to lapse into the semi-forgetfulness of experience.  And guess what--the masses began to rely on others, most especially the priesthood of the day--as they became Earthbound--to direct all things.

Thus it came that only the "few" exalted minds could reach out into that deeper side of nature and the "many" would remain in the lesser places. Inevitably then came corruption of power; the few were masters and the many had no recourse because the master of physics is invulnerable to the laws of physicality when wielded by men less than he.

Then, indeed, was the day come when ripeness was on the land and on the people.  The ripe fig cannot keep perfection, but at heart begins to decay which spreads from center to cortex, and lo, the end!  At the core is the "education" of the people.  Whenever Earth's nations cease to educate the coming generation, decay begins for the people.  The "few" will have attained such exalted knowledge of natural forces that the many cannot over take them--as happened in Atlantis.  Then, discontented with the comparative non-education the many had, they allowed all the "marvels" to diminish and weaken.

As you read back in those Hebrew scriptures upon which originally ALL of you based your historical recollections, you fail to realize that the accounts of doom often projected were in fact the same forces "out of control".

Ah, Poseid arose to the heights which the wildest dreams of science have not predicted for the modern world--for you came first to the destructive mechanisms of war and death.  She arose, flourished and decayed, in the fullness of cyclic times.  Let us consider that perhaps America is Poseid come again--with all the promise of a chosen creation, reincarnated, and shall see its scientific people repeat, but on a higher plane, the attainments of Atlantis.  How can this be?  Will it be before or after a time of total apparent destruction?  I am not a fortune-teller, good people--which do you believe it to be?  I will give you insight, however, in that you can be expecting the remnants of Lemuria to rise again, bearing some of her ancient gifts unto human to SEE what it is ye shall do with a final act from God as to reclamation of civilization.

Will this mean ALL persons will have flight into glory and fun and games?  No, for the evil shall rise against itself and the clash shall be to the point of total devastation and Mother shall cleanse herself.  Man will destroy man to the extent that it shall be but remnants of civilization which shall be ultimately preserved.

In its beauty and harmony shall the Americas rise in consciousness at some point of sequence wherein man shall move back into his relationship with God--by whatever label you call your Source/Spirit.  But the "debts owing" humankind are great.  The "original" American (and you better look at that term carefully) bore the enfleshment of those souls which in those olden days made that land proud and strong within the Great Spirit in harmony and balance of life force.  However, it is upon the face of that nation that man shall "make it" or "break it" for she is the bastion of hope--now dimming in her radiance.  Strength and power of "might" has reached a point of urgent importance as to possible restoration.

Are there enough of the Goodly Company to accomplish that which seems impossible?  Yes--IT ONLY ACTUALLY TAKES ONE!

You reached a time of near greatness--but you have followed the evil path--taking from the perfection and moving into destruction of your resources and yourselves.  You have allowed that which is "physical" expression to bind you to inability to move beyond the physical shackles.

Ones of spiritual expression are come again to show you the way from your darkness but few there will be who see and hear.  However, it will be sufficient unto that which IS and shall forever BE.

The point of this little discussion is to assure you that you have gone about as far down that incorrect pathway as you can go--AND MAKE IT.  It is time you turn again into your eternal quest and realization that you can release from the wheel of misperception.  Ye are LIGHT and only within light can you "see".  Only those things created in the spiritual are eternal--those which are manufactured in the physical are but passing fancies of the imaginings of thought manifest.  You have become trapped in your own thought manifestations and they mostly be evil in intent.  Such intentions direct you into the wrong direction of growth.

In those wondrous places of what you call the Pacific Ocean whereupon the ancient crystal cities shall find again glory of the radiant sun of your orbiting cycles--shall also come "the way" for therein dwell the ancient dwellers of the many planets--and other dimensions--WHO HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN THEIR TRUTH OF THEIR WAY!  They are the guardians of your journey as it takes you down the roads of unfoldment within the physical evolution into regaining of essence expression.  They shall come again up out of the depths or from the core of your placement--or they shall join the Hosts as we share this time of expression evolving again into that which can lead you home.  Will you welcome them/us or will you effort to kill them/us?  It is your own demise which shall come from your evil actions--for these ones are without physical death!  We shall see...!




Source: CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, April 12, 1994, Volume 5, Number 3.

Thank you, Rocky Montana