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Ode To Hatonn

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From: J
To: "Bellringer, Anne" <>
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:44 PM
Subject: Thanking Hatonn
Ode To Hatonn

By the Spring of 2004 I had, among other things, read Zecharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicles, The Keys of this Blood by Malachi Martin, read 3 of David Icke's books, and was a 3-year veteran of Coast-To-Coast.  All this, and more, had clued me into the idea that public education, governments, and peoples' in authority often were not the "nice guys" they pretended to be.

After hearing a lot of UFO stuff on TV programs and Coast and other radio talk shows, and not finding any concrete answers to our human origins and history,

I started thinking more about Enki and Enlil being half brothers.  I thought maybe having different mothers, and perhaps being different races, might account for their bitterness towards one-another.  It was when I "googled", who where Enki's and Enlil's mothers?, that I came across the fourwinds10 website, and.the Phoenix Journals, and.Hatonn!, in 2004.

I've concluded that the 8 years of steady reading and searching I had done up to that point was preparation for Hatonn's information.  Sitchin's Genesis Revisited and The 12th Planet hit me like a ton of bricks, then knocked me for a loop.  The idea that aliens created Earth humans through DNA manipulation, to do slave work for them,  struck me as applauding.  Those two books got tossed across the room more times than I can count.  But I couldn't stop reading them because something in my gut told me there was some truth to what Sitchin was saying; and as wild as the information was, it sounded truer than the Bible's version of human origins.

Today, I continue to read the Phoenix Journals, Newsletters and daily updates.  I have not read all the published and unpublished journals, nor have I found the answer to the question that lead me to this information.  (If anyone knows which journal contains that info, I'd appreciate knowing it.(:))

However, I have read many of the Journals, and listened to many guests on various radio talk shows, and continue to read a steady stream of books.  (I'm a valued Amazon customer.)  I'm beginning to perceive who I think has read Hatonn's information, and who hasn't.  I've even turned it into a game I play, just to see if my discernment skills are improving.  What strikes me is, all the so-called truth-speculators and truth-bringers that I've heard and/or who's books I've read, never mention Sananda, Hatonn, the Phoenix Journals, and rarely mention the Urantia Book.  I'm not sure why this is.  I've emailed radio talk show hosts, informing them of Hatonn's information (just in case they really didn't know), and after 4 years of careful listening and noticing, still no mention.

I will give an example.  One of the author's (the most vocal one) of a recently published book that tells us the truth about the goal and history of NASA, says something to the effect that he doesn't pay too much attention to lights in the sky or UFO stories because what's important is WHO is driving those UFOs.  That my friends, is sooooooo Hatonn information.  Who else tells us that UFOs could be good-guy space brothers, not-so-nice space brothers, Germans, Russians or, Americans?

Never have I read nor heard him mention or give credit to Hatonn.  I understand there is probably an information blackout by the controllers of the USA government on mentioning Hatonn's information on TV or the radio, and some websites.  Perhaps the blackout extends to book publishers as well.  Or perhaps folks figure they would loose credibility if they made any references to the Phoenix Journals.  Or, perhaps they are afraid.  Perhaps they have good reason to fear, given how many authors and scientists and other truth-bringers have been silenced. 

Also, when I read and hear science guys talk about hyper-dimensional physics and plasma physics, it reminds me of some of the science info Hatonn wrote in regards to LIGHT. (PJ #31)

I'm sure it doesn't bother Hatonn, Sananda, Dharma or Space Crew that they aren't getting much credit for wising up at least some of the Earthly sheeple, but I'm glad some of the truth-speculators have heard about and read the Phoenix Journal information.

As a seeker of the truth, I'd like to thank Hatonn, Sananda, Dharma, Patrick and Anne Bellringer, and all the other folks who have helped me find the truth, including the "vocal author".

PS: I also want to personally thank Hatonn (in public) for his wonderful sarcastic sense of humor.  It's still keeping me sane in an insane world.

In Love and Light