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Ashtar Speaks On The Weather And Letting Off Steam

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u’re by the oceans, because you’re going to drop into the deep blue sea if you don’t.

And we’ll tell you again. Here’s the latest weather forecast. It’s one you’ve heard before. On the days when the sky is blue, but there are clouds, we’re there. On the days when you see blue skies, and no clouds, it still means we’re there. We’re as close to you as we need to be, but we’re not always doing maneuvers in your clouds. And when you have people that are telling you that there are going to be monumental earthquakes, and spewings forth from your volcanic mountains, and that Mother Earth is going to shake you right off of Her surface, or under the sea, or whatever, check within yourself, and see if that doesn’t feel a little, what you say, far fetched.

Now you can check in and say, ' Well is this the dimension, or the parallel of the dimension that I’m in at this moment?' That’s a good question to ask. Somebody has said this. 'Are they looking at the same parallel that I’m in?' It’s a very realistic question to ask, very valid. See what information you come up with, but here’s a little clue. We like to give clues and hints. You’re all on the same parallel, you’re all hearing all of this information. It all pertains to you.

And I am going to repeat, there will be nothing that will be causing great destruction in your part of the world. Now there will be some shakings, this is true, and you know that there have been some spoutings, here and there. And this will continue, but we’ve talked about boiling the pot. You lift the lid a little bit, and you let some of that energy escape from the pot, and then you can put the lid back on, or you can turn down the burner of course, so it’s not quite the same, but you get the picture. Let off a little steam, then there’s not so much pressure inside.

Is it not interesting that that same theory, or practice applies to you humans. Are you not all volcanoes to some extent or other? And so you can let off a little bit of steam, and there are many, many ways to do that. We are not saying that you need to be destructive, when you do it. You can do 10,000 laps around your house, and you’re letting off steam. You can switch from whatever it is that is really digging at you, to something that you enjoy thinking about, putting in front of you. You can switch from looking at that gloom and doom picture, to one where the angels are flying. It’s all up to you, and it’s all your choice.

How much of a volcano do you want to be? Have you ever thought of that? Perhaps when your lid is lifted, you might find that what erupts is Joy, ohhh! Love, beautiful radiant waves of colors, and sounds of the Angels. You get the picture, right? You’ve got choices.

So it comes as no surprise that Mother Gaia too has choices, and she responds to the Love that she’s feeling from you with loving actions. Her intent has never been to hurt you. After all, you are one of Her Kingdoms. Have you ever thought of that? Yep, there you are another kingdom, right along, oh with the stones, and the rocks and the kitty cats, and the snakes that slither along the ground, and the birds that fly in the air, and the marvelous plants, that help make your air cleaner. Isn’t that wondrous? You are one of Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms.

Let’s put that into perspective a bit. Think about that. Do you rule over Mother Gaia, as a lot of third dimensional power hungry types think? No! you don’t rule Mother Gaia. You are here to be in harmony with her, and she is here to be in harmony with you. Does she set herself up as having control over you? No! But she does have influence, when she receives messages that are low frequency, and somewhat negative in tone.

Remember those rain forests we were talking about. That’s an extremely negative message to Mother Gaia. That’s about as negative as you can get, wantonly destroying vast, vast numbers of her kingdom. That is a negative message to Mother. So she will not support some of the plans that these people have for her lands, but she chooses to be in harmony. When you send Her Love, and do loving actions, then She reciprocates in kind, and She does not find it as necessary to do as many harsh adjustments.

Look at it this way. Most of you here have been to the kind of medical practitioner, called the chiropractor. When something is out of place, or out of joint, you go to the chiropractor, and have it put back the way it needs to be. Well, this is exactly what Mother is doing. When She adjusts Her plates, She is simply bringing Herself back into the balance that She needs to be in. She is adjusting to all of the new energies that are coming, and adjusting Her frequencies, so as to be in balance in harmony with that which the Earth is becoming. It’s so simple. All is in harmony.

It’s when you step outside of that harmonious grid, and you become, oh, a person of anger, or wanting to be in control of others, not recognizing their sovereignty. Truth be known, you really take away your own sovereignty too, because you need, you start needing, you start relying upon that control over others. It spirals downward very quickly. So, if you keep yourself in balance and harmony, and keep on radiating that Love, what are you going to have? Well, you’re going to have a happy planet. You’re going to have a planet in ascension status, full bore. So this is good for your health, and it’s good for the health of all.

So we suggest that when you need to let off steam, you think about ways that you can do it, so as to benefit not only yourself, and your own health. That’s a good way of describing it, because you’ll also benefit the entire planet. You all have steam to let off, just think about ways to do it that are beneficial. We are bringing this up, because in the days to come these new energy waves, and all that is going on, the combination of the news that really isn’t the truth, and the news that really is the truth, and all of the actions that people are taking, are creating a lot of actions, that you might call a little bit on the crazy side. You’ve got some nut cases running around, and they’re going to be doing some real strange things, and it’s going to get even stranger.

Unfortunately for those who would live in harmonious balance, these people are going to be doing destructive things. Now keep yourself in the high vibrations, and they will not affect you personally, but you will know about them. You will witness them. You will see some very interesting goings on in the weeks to come, and it will continue after the Big Announcement, because that is the way. Talk about the steam that is going to be let off when that Announcement comes. Can you imagine the relief that people are going to feel?..."

Excerpt from Ashtar's message 3-03-05, Olympia, WA

Given through Susan

© Susan Leland 2005. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
