Ashtar: Those people will go into the Fourth Dimension through the change called death and from there they will have another chance to consider what has occurred on the Earth and at that point they will go through just exactly what you know happens in Spirit where they think over their Earth time, they contemplate what they can do to assist the Earth Mission because that's all there will be to do right then and they will prepare to go to the Fifth Dimension or they will change and go somewhere else. There are very few people who, at that time will decide they are not ready. This is what we have been calling the "The Period of Grace." There is a period of grace for all those who are unsure on the Earth; their period of grace is going to be that time in Spirit when they have one more chance to think it over.
Becky: Linda wants to know about the animals. What happens to them?
Ashtar: The animals go through the very, very same process. Those that are with the Earth at the time will ascend with the Earth. The others will die and go back to their group soul or the human they loved when they were living in a physical body. It's the same old story. Some people want to put big ramifications and different ideas into it but it will end up being the same old story.
Question: Where will those people go that choose a different way? Will there be another Earth prepared for them somehow or do they go to other Third Dimensional planets in bodies that would be appropriate?
Ashtar: There are many places for them to go, each to their own level of vibration. They will be drawn to the most comfortable place for them throughout God's Universe. Each situation is different and most cannot even be fathomed by your Third Dimensional minds.
Question: Will there be animals on these other planets?
Ashtar: Animals are a very special life form and many of them are unique to Earth. Not all planets are such gardens of beauty as your dear Mother. What is appropriate for each planet is supplied and few can compare to your homeland. Know that all life forms will be taken care of, each to their own level of vibration and comfort.
Question: What about those lost souls who have not been able to properly make it to the Fourth Dimension? What will happen to them when Earth ascends?
Ashtar: Everything possible is being done to clear the lower astral of life forms of negative vibrations and save the lost souls that have not found their way to the Light. For all those that definitely choose a different way, they will be recycled into the energies of the Great Central Sun. As to the lost souls, more and more spiritual groups are learning ways to rescue these dear ones and the work of saving them goes on constantly from the side of Spirit.
Blessings Ashtar
May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!