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Relay Relay Relay - Ashtar -June 4, 2008
Spirit Eagle
I am Ashtar and I call upon you all to Remember Who You Are!
As the Changes approach in every aspect of your societies, you may notice some panic and fear among the people. It is Your Assignment to calm the people in your communities with reassurance and with information regarding just What is happening. It is your assignment to be Liaisons in your neighborhoods, in your hometowns, and in your cities. It is your knowledge that will be needed. It is your Light that will be needed! As you suffuse yourselves with Light, Love and Compassion you will be the Light to which others will be drawn.
Stay centered within yourselves and remain peaceful regardless of what is going on at any given moment. Remember that Humanity is All One Family! Be the Best Family member that you can be! Without you, our work would be much harder. You have grown in Light and in confidence as you have traveled this road with us over these past years. We are Proud of All of You! Rainbow Warriors, put on your Rainbow Capes and join the Rainbow Warriors from the Stars in bringing the New World into being! It is Time NOW! Be Ready! Be Joyful! Use Archangel Michael's Sword of Blue Flame to remove the remaining dark remnants of the Old Guard! Bring the Sword of Truth to All! Be in Peaceful Anticipation! It is the Time for that which you have been waiting! You are at the Threshold of the Final Phase of this Great Cosmic Shift! We will speak again!
Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle Wednesday June 4, 2008 10:06 pm