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Chemtrails / Aritificail Intelligence / A Declaration for Humanity / My Energy

Rich Work

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in perfect sequential order

on all levels of consciousness.

I command all energies

involved with chemtrails,

as far as those energies extend,

be transmuted into the divine expression of Creative Love

and returned to Creator Source

to be used only as a positive, productive energy.

I command all tissues in my body

and aspects of my being

that have been damaged by chemtrails,

interfering with my ability

to experience my divine perfection,

whether it has been created with or without my permission,

now be restored to divine perfection.

I command that all damage created by chemtrails

to all life forms living in cocreation with humanity upon the planet Earth

interfering with their ability to experience their perfected state of being,

now be restored to divine perfection

in a manner that will restore peace, joy and harmony upon the Earth.

And so it is.

Artificial Intelligence

From the Divine Love within my Being.

I am one with Creation on all levels of consciousness.

I command this proclamation

reflect through all time and space and beyond

and on all levels of consciousness.

I call forth all individuals and factions of beings,

regardless of name, rank or title,

that harbor the intent

or have initiated the process to enslave humanity

on any level of consciousness.

I command a cease to all such activities.

I command this intent and process

plus all activities that have been put into motion

be transmuted into the divine expression of Creative Love

and returned to Creator Source

to be used only as a positive, productive energy

in cocreation with humanity.

I command all energies that have been used

with or without my permission

to create and perpetuate artificial intelligence

in a manner that violates the free-will of humanity

and those life forms cocreating with humanity

be reversed in perfect sequential order

and be restored to a state

that is in harmony with humanity

and all life forms upon and within the planet Earth.

I call forth all individuals that have been compromised by this effort,

to be enslaved or rendered less than human,

and the totality of their soul to integrate in divine perfection,

while at the same time the artificial intellegence and programming

be removed synchronistically,

one replacing the other in perfect harmony

in a manner that will bring joy and peace to all humanity.

I call forth each individual within humanity to speak

as one in voice,

one in consciousness,

one in intent,

as humanity declares its independence

as a sovereign species,

claiming responsibility for its actions

and dominion over its creation.

I call forth all individual Beings to stand before me

as I stand before you, in love.

I now offer you this proclamation to accept or reject

according to your free-will choice.

Go in peace.

And so it is.

A Declaration for Humanity

As a spokesman for humanity

I choose to walk through the veils of illusion.

I will no longer live in a world that distorts my truth.

I will no longer allow another life form to manipulate,

violate or coerce my efforts to exercise my free-will,

or experience my divine expression.

I claim my free-will and my sovereignty.

I call forth all energies that have been blocked,

distorted or manipulated

in an effort to control my life,

my world or my creations

in any form

on any level of consciousness,

and transmute them into the divine expression of Creative Love.

I stand empowered.

I choose to experience my divine expression.

I claim responsibility for my world, my creations and my choices.

I call for all individuals within humanity

who hold this vision

to stand as one in voice,

one in mind

and one in intent

to be well, whole and perfect

in mind, body and soul.

And now . . . as one in consciousness,

I dissolve the veils of illusion

and transmute them into the divine expression of Creative Love

and return them to Creator Source

to be used only in the divine expression of Creative Love.

I command this take place in a harmonious sequence

for all life form cocreating with humanity.

I claim my spiritual truth

as I honor all others

as I honor myself

in my words, deeds and actions.

I am the divine expression of Creative Love.

I am whole.

And so it is.

My Energy

I acknowledge that I am one with all that is.

I am Creation on all levels of consciousness.

I am the microcosm and the macrocosm simultaneously.

As an individual expression within creation,

I acknowledge the energy within creation,

on all levels of consciousness,

that no longer resonates with Creative Love.

I rescind all vows, contracts or agreements

by which it is bound to creation

and command this energy be transmuted

into the divine expression of Creative Love,

and be used only as a positive, productive energy.

I will no longer permit

the inappropriate or disharmonic use of "My energy".

I claim ownership and assume responsibility for my creations.

I see those energies within me

that are connected to Creation

flowing through my Being,

reconnecting with the Earth in Divine Perfection.

I command this action take place in harmony with all life form,

and in a manner that will bring me joy and peace

And so it is.