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8000 Sacred Drums And Cosmic Sound Ceremony For The Healing Of Mother Earth, For LIfe and Peace January 26, February 26 and March 26 of 2005

January 26, February 26 and March 26 of 2005

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From: [PagPawnt]

In the face of the wound of Mother Earth, opened in the Indian Ocean and caused by the earthquakes and seaquakes (Tsunamis) on the ancestral lands now called Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, The Maldive Islands and Malaysia, the Wise Elders and Guardians of the Otomi Olmeca Tolteca Teotihuacan Tradition send an urgent message to the heart and conscience of this region of the world and to all humanity.

We send our greatest offer of songs and prayers of light, peace and love to all the families and communities in the disaster area. We join all the brothers and sisters so that they can find fast healing and balance in the physical, mental and spiritual dimensions affected by the catastrophe. We connect in spirit and in truth so that the dead can find peace, and the survivors can sustain hope in life. Women and men of planet earth, we call on you to work together, to take action to avoid in anyway the presence of possible epidemics and infectious diseases, and to avoid more death and its undesirable consequences. Humanitarian help must arrive and must be given in physical, material or economic, mental and spiritual form, always sustained by our love for life, Mother Earth and peace.

The indigenous people and nations, as Guardians of the Earth, know that the centers of energy and the vibratory fields of different regions of the earth have been affected considerably by the loss of the sacred and the lack of connection with the spirit of Mother Earth. The tsunami catastrophe has brought forth vibrations of pain and tears; waves and feelings of fear, suffering, anguish, distress, worry, anger, loneliness and lack of trust have been created in the disaster area as well feelings of abandonment and death. It has spread throughout the planet and can cause fields of negative energy at different levels, and in different ways, as well as diverse epidemics and illnesses, affecting Mother Nature-- mainly human beings, but also plants and animals. It is important to transcend it with acts of Sacred Love. We are all co-responsible for what is taking place. It is time to feel, think, say and act. In order to transform this situation, it is necessary to generate high harmonious frequencies by the power of invocation and prayer, meditation, music and songs, musical instruments, ceremonial instruments such as the sacred drums, including the drum in our heart. As in the prophecy revealed by our Wise Elders to all humanity, and our Honorable Ancestors’ vision, the day that we sound eight thousand sacred drums will be the beginning of the true healing of Mother Earth, all the species and the human family. We will be able to coexist in Sacred Peace in harmonic connection with the universe, Mother Nature, the community, the family and our own heart. This is the time for the seeds of the Four Directions to reunite and meet to reactivate the cosmic energy, heal the historic wounds, and heal our own Mother Earth.

The call goes out to the family from the Four Directions to unite and heal the wound caused by the tsunami, originated by our lack of connection to the cosmos and the sacred. Let’s honor those who passed on, thousands of sisters and brothers who offer their lives for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and for Peace.

Our Sacred Work:

To seal and heal the wounded vortexes of Mother Earth

To identify and activate the Magnetic Center of the Sacred Vortexes.

To seed and strengthen the conscience of Love and Respect for our Mother Earth.

To follow the ancestral indigenous recommendation to foster and practice the Great Culture of peace and life.

To recognize the energetic and healing use of our sacred instruments as the beginning and objective of our mission.

With the harmonic planetary connection, this ceremony of the 8000 Sacred Drums will help to regenerate an unlimited field of powerful vibration, a huge effect of cosmic sound of high frequency which will be focused on the Island of Sumatra and The Philippines-- where the tsunamis originated on December 26. It will then expand to Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Maldives and Malaysia in the form of concentric waves through the ocean, air and earth, irradiating intensified light, impregnated and bathed in love for all the human family, healing all the living beings (humans, animals and plants in the areas directly affected and the rest of the planet). This will help purify and harmonize Mother Earth and humanity. With our love, a field of energy of positive vibration will emerge and it will help transform the suffering, anger and pain into greater peace, justice and dignity all over the world. Our purpose will be to transform the conflicts via peaceful and non-violent ways. Here and now, Guardians of the Earth, we call on you to reaffirm the human fraternity for the survival of the Planet, so that past, present and future generations know that we have honored our mission of Light and Love; that our sacred fire continues to burn; that our own sacred sound continues to be heard and our song to life blooms forever.

We call to the Four Directions: to all people, nations, communities and indigenous traditions of the world.

The Great Ceremony of the Cosmic Sound and the 8000 Sacred Drums for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and Peace, will take place in the Isle of Sumatra, Indonesia, March 26, 2005, with simultaneous ceremonies in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Maldives and Malaysia. Also, we will reunite spiritually and energetically in our hearts with homes, ceremonial centers and sacred sites from America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and all the regions of our Planet. This magnificent event will be preceded by two ceremonies that will take place in January 26 and February 26, 2005. There will be a total of three gatherings. According to the Indigenous calendar, these ceremonies will coincide with the period of the full moon, so that we can intensely bathe in light, health and love every living being and the earth.

The Spirit of the 8000 Sacred Drums ceremony is to transform the tsunami energy into Light and Love. The messages from the wise elders speak of the need to change the drums of war into drums of peace, to recognize the importance of working for the transformation of the resolutions to the conflicts taking place worldwide, and to give our message of love and respect to all the manifestations of life in all the confines of the planet. We must recognize that everything is sacred, that our mission is to work for a balanced life in our families, communities, towns, humanity, plants, animals, air, earth, fire, water, the cosmos and our own heart, and to give our present and future generations the option of Mother Earth, Life and Peace. The prophecy of the Ancestors of the Firs Otomi Olmeca Tolteca Tetihuacan Nation foretells of the waking of the indigenous people and all humanity reunited to sound 8000 Sacred Drums, so that the vibration of all the Sacred Drums generates the Powerful Sacred Medicine (Mähki ‘Ñithi) and the Intensified Healing Energy (Ts’edi Pa) for the healing of Mother Earth, focusing our energy in the Indian Ocean.

There will be gatherings in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Maldives and Malaysia. Those who cannot attend and live outside of this area (America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania) can connect with this Great Ceremony from your own homes. We invite you to join us with all the love and respect in our hearts. Your family, group, council, aggregate, association, community, indigenous people or nation from any country or region of the planet can meet in a sacred place (valley, desert, jungle, isle, lake, wood, mountains, cave, river, waterfall, ceremonial center, temple or site that is special to you), at the altar of your home, cultural center, educational center or a meeting place such a public plaza, garden or any space adequate for this meeting.

Join the sound of the Sacred Drums with your sacred musical instruments or your prayers, for one hour (at 12 noon, local time in your area) on the following days: Wednesday, January 26, 2005; Saturday, February 26, 2005 and Saturday, March 26, 2005. According to the conditions and possibilities of each place, you can conduct your ceremonies or meetings for one hour (at noon) or for 12 hours (from dawn until dusk or noon until midnight) or even 24 hours (a whole day). Or you can perform these ceremonies on the full moon of each one of these months.

You can play and achieve a connection with the cosmic sound of the Sacred Drums with other native ceremonial instruments. You can also connect with other musical instruments, with dances and sacred songs, with a ceremony or ritual or with meditation and prayer. Join the drum of your heart with the hearts of all humanity. Our focus will be on the Indian Ocean, then radiate to the area affected by the tsunami and expand to the rest of the planet. May the blessings of Nzuni and the Cosmic Sound (sacred vibrations) reach every being, uniting us for the good of all, reuniting us in peace, reconciling us in love, healing us with light and bringing joy to our hearts.

We ask every sister, brother, family, group, council, collective, association, community, Indigenous people and any tradition of every region on the planet to join us with any activities before, during and after the Great Ceremony of the 8000 Sacred Drums. Our focus will be on the healing of Mother Earth (isles, jungles, woods, communities and cities, sacred sites); the protection and defense of these places; Peace (prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, end to war, respect for the collective right of the people and all the traditions of the world); Life (balance in animal, vegetal, mineral and human life) and for the sacred life, harmony and dignity of every living being.

We ask that you keep in touch. Let us know if you are conducting a ceremony, festival, gathering, meditation, or any cultural or fraternal activity around the Sacred Drums.

We respect the sacred ways in which each country, community or tradition will connect with this Great Ceremony for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and Peace. With love and respect we would like to offer suggestions for the ceremony:

Rising Sun Ceremony (greetings to the Four Directions, to the heart of the Sky and Earth, and our own Heart).

Offerings to Mother Earth, Father Sun and Grandmother Moon.

Meditation to the sound of silence for the healing of Mother Earth.

Ceremony for the blessing and harmonization of the Sacred Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

Consecration of the Drums and Musical Instruments.

Harmonic beating and cosmic sounds of the Sacred Drums for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and peace (12:00 P.M.)

Message from the Four Directions.

Sacred Celebration (music and songs)

Closing Ceremony (greeting the Four Directions, the heart of the Sky and Earth, and our own Heart).

Our people, the First Otomi Nation, organized the Great Ceremony of Cosmic Sound and the 8000 Sacred Drums for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and Peace at the Otomi deTemoaya Ceremonial Center in the state of Mexico, Mexico. We also organized the First International Indigenous Gathering of the Sacred Drums last March 21, 2004, where thousands of people from all over the world joined in prayer and sound for the balance of the planet. The vision of the Wise Elders, Guardians of the Planet and Ancestral Wisdom, is to dedicate our lives to this grand Planetary Harmonic Concordance. In order to achieve this, we have to join all our energies in love.

If you would like to contribute to support this mission please contact:

Mexico: Tel. No. 01-722-773-2240 or 01-722-291-0748

Email address:

--Council of the Elders and Guardians of the Otomi Tradition of the International Indigenous University.
