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Bridging The Wisdom Of Our Past With The Science Of Our Future

By Gregg Braden

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texts hint at a common Source for all of the religions of today. Hopefully, with the advent of the internet, we can harness the power of this global technology to our own inner technology of focused and unified human emotion. Using Quantum Science and the powerful human emotions of LOVE and COMPASSION it IS possible to synchronize a tremendous forcefield, in order to create the peace and abundance for which we ALL so desperately yearn! You can't win if you don't play, so it seems we're at the point where the advantages certainly outweigh the "risks" of uniting for the greatest good of ALL!!

Blessings and Peace

Bridging The Wisdom Of Our Past With The Science Of Our Future

May 4, 2003


Questions regarding "The Isaiah Effect"

Q. Why did you choose the title of "The Isaiah Effect"?

A. The discovery of The Great Isaiah Scroll among the Dead Sea caves in 1946 revealed keys to our role in creation that were lost in the biblical edits of the fourth century AD.

Among those keys were the instructions to a "lost" mode of prayer that quantum science suggests has the power to heal our bodies, bring a lasting peace to our world and perhaps avert the greatest tragedies ever to face humankind. Each time we employ this inner technology of prayer, we experience The Isaiah Effect.

Q. What makes the Isaiah Scroll so unique?

A. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered as approximately 25,000 fragments of papyrus paper, pounded copper rolls and animal hide, written in at least four languages. Of the 800 scrolls that were eventually pieced together, The Great Isaiah Scroll was the only text discovered completely intact. Because of its integrity, the Isaiah Scroll may be viewed as a guide to understand similar concepts of healing and prophecy offered through other traditions, in a less complete form.

Q. Where is The Great Isaiah Scroll today?

A. The Great Isaiah Scroll is displayed in Israelıs Shrine of the Book Museum, fully unrolled on a vertical cylinder, designed to retract into a steel and concrete re-enforced vault beneath the floor to protect it in the event of a nuclear attack.

Q. Describe the essence of what "The Isaiah Effect" offers to readers.

A. Through a new interpretation of a two-thousand-year-old text, two "inner technologies" are identified that allow us to transcend the prophetic visions of global war, personal suffering and, perhaps, avert the great tragedies envisioned for our time in history.

The first is the ancient science of prophecy, also known today as remote viewing, allowing us to glimpse the future consequences of choices that we make in the present. The second is a lost mode of prayer that allows us to determine which prophecy we live.

The book illustrates these technologies through case histories, true-life accounts and well-documented studies offering renewed hope in light of the many frightening scenarios predicted for our future.

Q. How do you explain the non-physical experience of prayer making a difference in the physical events of our world today?

A. In the words of the ancient Essenes, authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we are reminded that our outer world is a projection of our inner condition, a direct mirror of the feelings and beliefs within us. In such a world-view, we may fully expect our families, schools, social policies and places of business, our outer world, to reflect the frustration, anger and jealous competition, as well as the joy, compassion and peace that we experience within.

Q. How does this kind of prayer make a difference in the events of personal, as well as, global tragedy and suffering in our world today?

A. Through this deceptively simple yet eloquent perspective, we are reminded that the tragedy and suffering, as well as the joy and compassion in our world, arise from the conditions within the single consciousness that links all hearts and all minds. To experience new outer conditions, we are invited to become new inner conditions.

The Great Isaiah Scroll describes how we may become the healing within our bodies and personal relationships that we choose to see in our families, societies, governments and even the patterns of nature that surround us.

Q. How can a 2,000-year-old scroll describe the sophisticated physics that we are just beginning to understand today?

A. The author suggests that the answer to this question leads us to a study of the words that have been used to describe our world. Through todayıs language of parallel possibilities, vertical time and string theory, quantum science has developed a vocabulary of multiple dimensions with many outcomes for each moment of our lives.

Through twentieth century discoveries of "lost" texts, and new techniques of translating such texts, a growing body of evidence suggests that similar views were held by ancient spiritual traditions until the fourth century biblical edits.

Q. If this is such an empowering technology, why are we just learning of it today?

A. The kind of information that we find in the Isaiah Scroll appears to have been more widely accepted by societies of our past, including those of the Mayan, Egyptian, Native American, Buddhist, Vedic and pre-Christian traditions. We do see references to this inner technology today as we study ancient traditions through the language of their time.

The key lies in our ability to recognize such quantum concepts when they are offered through a language that does not use our vocabulary of western science.

Q. How could so much information have "disappeared"?

A. Scholars openly acknowledgethe fourth century edits of the westıs most sacred texts by the Council of Nicea, under the direction of the Emperor Constantine in the year 325AD. Among the tremendous amounts of information that disappeared with the edits were references to the power of human feeling as the secret to breathe life into our prayers.

Q. What impact could the edits of fourth-century texts possibly have on the sophisticated technologies of our lives today?

A. As well as the language of modern science explains the mysteries of our world, our science works only where the scientific method is applied.

In the fourth-century edits, we lost the written records that remind us of subtle relationships between our bodies and the forces of nature. In many instances, however, the memories remained and were kept alive as myths and stories passed through time.

Many "mysteries" of our world today remain mysteries because the knowledge of our relationship to creation was lost with the biblical edits.

Q. What is the source of controversy that surrounds this book?

A. The Isaiah Effect crosses the boundaries of traditional science and scholarship to offer an empowering, new interpretation of a twenty-five-hundred-year-old text. With the new interpretation, the author offers a powerful message of hope and possibility.

"Mr. Braden's viewpoint is considered to be a radical departure from traditional biblical and indigenous prophecies describing events of our present and future world. Using easy-to-understand language from quantum science, Gregg Braden suggests that the frightening times of "tribulation" and "purification" are possibilities only, among the many possibilities that exist as our personal and collective futures." Whether or not such predictions actually materialize is being determined by each choice that each individual makes in each moment of their personal lives.

"Mr. Braden goes on to suggest that it is in the seemingly insignificant moments of our daily routines, when we respond to lifeıs challenges through anger or forgiveness, compassion or jealousy, that we are choosing the path for the next moments of our future."

Q. How do modern religions view your interpretations of such texts?

A. Interestingly, as different as the specific doctrines of many religious beliefs appear to be from one to another, for the most part, todayıs major religions have found that their beliefs are supported in The Isaiah Effect!

This suggests that beyond the outward differences of specific traditions, there may be a common wisdom that is the source of all religious beliefs, and that Isaiahıs message may have originated from such wisdom.

Q. What is the "Lost Mode of Prayer"?

A. This way of praying transcends religion, science and mysticism as we know them today. Our lost mode of prayer has no outward expression of form, movement or words. It is an active form of prayer based in achieving the feeling that the prayer has already been answered, rather than the thought of asking that the answer come to pass through divine intervention.

Q. How is this kind of prayer different from the typical western prayers of today?

A. Prayer researchers today identify four modes of prayer and suggest that when we pray in the west, we use one or some combination of these modes.

In no order of significance the four modes are identified as colloquial prayers, petitionary prayers, ritualistic prayers and meditative prayers. The common denominator of these, and all prayer, is that each mode is based in a quality of thought, feeling and emotion.

The technology of prayer stems from our ability to choose which thoughts, feelings and emotions we embody in the moment. As we do so, science tells us that we create specific chemistry within our bodies, with the effects extending far beyond our bodies, through the medium that we now recognize as consciousness.

Q. How does this kind of prayer differ from a religion or a religious practice?

A. Our lost mode of prayer is based in abilities that each of us already have. To participate in such a prayer requires no leader, asks for no outward sign, physical posture or expression, and has no words that may be misinterpreted. Our lost mode of prayer is based only in attaining the feeling as if our prayer has already been answered.

Quantum science now suggests that it is precisely such feelings that "touch" the world around us and allow the miracle of our prayers to be answered! While religions and organized spiritual practices may have been built around the knowledge of this kind of prayer, our ability to speak directly to God and creation preceded any organized rules regarding how such communication takes place.

.Q. Why did you write "The Isaiah Effect"?

A. "The Isaiah Effect" is my response to the question that I am asked many times each week of "What can we do to alleviate the suffering and tragedies in the lives of those that we love and hold dear?"

An empowering message of hope and possibility, this book is my way of bringing the wisdom of the Essenes to bear upon the conditions of our world today.

"At the close of 1999, prominent scientists and engineers suggested that within the first decade of the new millennium, humankind would be faced with the greatest challenges of recorded history. The scientists described scenarios ranging from the destruction of precious natural resources and the loss of a significant percentage of the worldıs population to AIDs, to unprecedented extremes of weather and a third global war. The same scientists suggested that our outer technology may fail us in the presence of these challenges!

"In the event of such scenarios, we are reminded of another technology, an inner technology, that ancient traditions suggest is the single-most potent force in creation. Quantum science now suggests that it is this very technology, the power of focused and unified human emotion, synchronized through global communication networks, that may hold the solution to averting humankindıs greatest tragedies.

"To bring lasting change to what is happening out thereı, we are invited to change the conditions that out thereı is showing to us."



Q. Do you have to be religious to pray?

A. While Western traditions have linked prayer with religion, the most basic teachings of the ancients make a clear distinction. Prayer is our ability to commune and actively partcipate in the events of creation. Religions were constructed at a later time, around the science of prayer, in an effort to regulate the teachings with proposed guidelines and rules regarding how we use our access to creation.

Prayer is an "inner technology", non-religious and non-denominational, accessible by every human that walks this earth, requireing no special tools or knowledge beyond understanding our relationship to creation.

Q. Of the five types of prayer described in your book "The Isaiah Effect", is one more powerful than another, in your experience?

A. The power of a prayer is relative. It is possible to view one mode as more "powerful" than another only through our judgment of the outcome -- which outcome is "better" than the next?

In our highest levels of mastery, we are invited to look beyond the judgment of the outcome, to the outcome itself. From this perspective, each mode of prayer has its purpose and reason for use. None is better, worse, stronger or weaker than the others. Each is simply different. They are tools in our toolbox of life.

My intent in identifying the Isaiah material and the fifth mode of prayer is to add another tool to our collection.
