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December 19, 2016

          Tonight, as I ponder the affairs of our world, Christmas is only two weeks and two days away.  Some people are focused on holiday preparation, while most of our world is focused on survival.  The United States of America is in chaos over the recent elections, as the Zionist Cabal is still fighting to win.  War continues in many countries, leaving refugees and destruction and death behind.  Immorality runs ramped throughout the affairs of mankind, and Mother Earth groans from the onslaught against Creation.

          Our world awaits a sunrise.  We are told it is darkest before the dawn.  Are we at the dawning of our “new day”?  Truly our world appears very dark tonight.  The people need hope, and help—medical help and financial help.  The people need joy and love and peace on earth and goodwill of which the Angels sang.

          My friends, we have the power through our God Spirit to make a difference!  Let us petition the Lighted Realms to come to the aid of our planet and her people, to help us right the wrong.  Let us petition Creator God Aton of Light to help us confront the lies with Truth, to use our Light to sweep the Darkness from our homes, our nations and from our entire planet.

          It is time we win!  It is time the Light wins!  We can do it!  Together, with our Power of Spirit we can bring the dawning of our “new day”!  Let us pray to that end!


In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer