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The Daily Motivator - Enjoyment and Accomplishment

Ralph Marston

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getting anything done, then the result is that you don't get anything done. You may be very positive and cheerful, at least for the moment, but after a while it will seem quite empty.

On the other hand, if you're driven to achieve, without any consideration for the quality of your life along the way, that can be empty, too. Sure, you may get what you want, but you're also likely to become burned out and resentful.

Instead, seek to combine enjoyment and accomplishment. There's no need to struggle against your own desire to enjoy life, and there's no need to let that desire prevent you from achieving what you intend to achieve.

Your best choice is to make the effort, move toward your goals, and delight in the moments along the way. When you enjoy the journey there's never any reason to stop.

Ralph Marston