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Source Of Light Presents: Liaison Bauge & June Stephensen


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and unconstructive elements that can be off-putting to others. And so we are seeing many spiritually awakened resisting what is inevitable. We ask you to “Resist Nothing”. If something goes wrong, and it makes you mad- “Resist Nothing”. When you find things don’t go your way or people do not agree with you or say things about you- “Resist Nothing”. When they are in your face and you push back, you are “Resisting”. Again we ask you to “Resist Nothing”. Take all in stride. No one is wrong nor are they right. “They and you are Resisting.” See what it is and recognize all that is- Remove yourself from the game, for it is only a 3 D game that cannot be won by poor sportsmanship.

Integrity is a word that you must hold fast to. This word has many facets to it and all the meanings are all important to what stands in the way of you becoming the “I Am”. You see you cannot just talk the talk, you must walk the talk! Being in “Complete Integrity” allows for you to move forward. You must do the work required to move to the next level. No one can do the work for you. Removing yourself from the 3 D stuff is a long and grueling process but it does not have to be. Allow yourself the time and space to clear and cleanse. Your Guides are here to help you through the process. If you find yourself not changing, then it is you who is sitting on the fence. No one can force you to clear your stuff, for you have “Free Will” and it is only your decision to make. No one is responsible for your growth except you.

Some of you may have “Ego” issues and refuse to clear the stuff, just remember you cannot move forward until these issues are removed for they cannot come with you into the higher vibrational frequency of 5 D. When a person speaks of someone else having an “Ego”, it’s because their definition is 3 D. If you identify with that and agree with it, you are still thinking in respect to 3 D. You might want to start reflecting on how you can change this way of thinking.

Truth finds it way through the spiritual thoughts, inspirations, philosophies, and writings. You may not agree with everything written or said but that is part of the discernment that you are all capable of using. Not everything will you be in agreement with, but respect those who hold to their “Truth”. Opinions are allowed but not negative abrasive damaging hateful words. Respect others, the way you want to be treated. 5 D is a place where people finally come together with love, respect, compassion, and yes integrity. Hold onto your Truth and respect other’s Truth.

Honesty is a state of mind that allows for everyone to except each other without fear of being taken advantage of, lied to, and led down the wrong path. So, “Honesty” is a state of being in Integrity with ones self, holding to legitimacy of your own power. It is really important to hold to the Truth, for if one does not, others will see very clearly your diminished integrity and avoid you at all costs. The 5 D Earth realm removes many of the veils of deception. Many evolved humans will have the capability to see others untruths. Many humans will not be able to hide anything. All will be revealed. It is a fact that many 3 Der’s moving to the 5 D will remain out of Integrity. This is a fact of Truth. Spiritually evolved humans will have the capacity to see the untruths and deception of these humans but will be expected to show compassion for those who are not willing to change.

I would like to introduce June Stephansen as the Earth Liaison to the “Sirian High Council”. She was chosen by an article she wrote, “Who We Are”. I am pleased to be working with her in the coming years in the new 5 D Earth.

I am Bauge from Sirius A, and the Ambassador sent to Earth representing the “Sirian High Council”. My Earth duties will include numerous updates of all “Sirian High Council” activities and how they will directly communicate with the Earth. All “Sirian High Council Updates” will come from June Stephansen and me.

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“Sirian High Council”

Liaison Bauge

Greetings, I am Bauge, Liaison to the Sirian High Council. The Harmonic Concordance has brought you all the abundance of New Energies of the likes of- you have never seen before. These New Energies and Gifts of the Universe will welcome you into the 5 D realm. There will be new Technologies, new Healing Modalities, new Sciences, and new Experiences beyond your capacity to envision. But imagine if you will a life of non-complexities that simply will free up time and allow for one to connect with all that is.

The Whole Universe is going through the Ascension process. Presently we of Sirius A and Sirus B have moved into the 11 D realm. Many of our comrades have returned through the Star Gate from your beloved planet Earth to undergo the Ascension process only to return 11th dimensional and resume their contact and missions with you. You see we have cycled also. We are most impressed with your push to move forward and this advancement has moved you to the 5 D much quicker than the Sirian High Council has anticipated. And so it is, you are ready to receive the Gifts that were promised so long ago. This auspicious moment has passed onto you most phenomenal experience you about to engage, Welcome to the Universe!

Many Blessings, Sirian High Council

“Christos Light”

By June Stephansen

Who We Are

We came here from many different places in the Universe. From Many different species of alien life. We are the Galactics of the 9 D. Waking up moment by moment and connecting to our higher aspect of ourselves will allow us to know who we are, where we came from and why we are here.

Approximately starting some 70 years ago seedlings were planted here on the earth here and there over the many years. Our souls from elsewhere were sent here to do a mission on behalf of humankind. Many of you who are reading this are being nudged to contact me. Some of you already have awakened to enough knowledge of yourselves to question what your mission is but when do I start? You know that you have a mission to do but it is all too sketchy in your mind and are not sure what it is you are suppose to do. Some of you know that you are Healers, and others know that they are teachers of one form or another, and still others have other responsibilities. But you do not know something is amidst and the clock is set to go off for each and everyone of us. The DNA in your bodies is activated and the symptoms uncomfortable. But somehow reading this message makes you want to find some help. Maybe I can open a door for you.

Why we came here is an easy enough question to answer. It was to help with the Ascension process of the Earth at this time so it was ready to move to the 5 D earth. But why are you here- because you volunteered for this mission. Amnesia made us feel homesick for what we do not know- that feeling of loneliness was more than one could bare but you knew that one day while looking up at the stars, the thoughts of knowing that one day soon, all will be revealed. Your antsy and want some answers, but where do you turn? Who can open the door?

Many of the ET souls are reptiles of the Light, and humanoids of the Light, and cairns of the Light, and felines of the Light and the list of entities goes on. So many different species who gave up a life time to be here for such a grand occasion for a most spectacular event that is shared by all the members of the Galactic Federation of Light and the many different governing groups that are coming together for the auspicious occasion.

We are here because the Grand Experiment is coming to an end. The celebration of the Earth’s Ascension, allowing us to become an accepted member of the Galactic community .as a Healing planet. The planet Earth was always designated to be a Healing Sanctuary for 5th, 7th, and 9th dimensional beings throughout the Universe will come to Earth otherwise known as Hera (Healing Sanctuary).

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