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Intersection Of Probabilities

Channeled By Gillian MacBEth -Louthan

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tinually by your doings and your un-doings. It shifts into another energy manifestation by your fears, by your beliefs, by your limitations, and by your understandings of what and whatnot you have the capability of doing, of creating, and of manifesting.

Each one of you believes externally for others. When you look at another, you believe that they can succeed. You believe they have the ability to heal. You believe they can grow younger or older, thinner or bigger, richer or poorer. You believe externally for them. This belief you have about each other does influence the outcome of one another's world, sculpture and creation to a small degree. As a planet, what you believe about your world, your state, your government, your laws, and your people as a mass awareness has an affect on the world's consciousness.

You each stand at this intersection of probabilities. Each day you entertain a new thought about a new direction in your life, something new that you would like to try on and see if it fits yourself. You open options and opportunities that were not available until you took an action on that thought. That action could be applying for a new job, a loan for a new home, looking for a new love in a new place in thought and action.

Each action that you take and each thought that precedes that action then ushers you into a connection point of probabilities and outcome that were not available before. So even though there are many aspects of you that are designed as highways and byways of self you will travel, ultimately the outcomes and the probable selves that you enter into are destined not pre-destined by your choices.

Say for example that you had a dream and in this dream, you were a great artist. But in your real world, you can only draw stick people. So you say to yourself, I should take a class to learn how to become artistic. I feel that I have that ability, but I do not see it in my life. As you take the class, you find that new abilities surface that were dormant from past lives, from other dimensional selves, from other probable selves. And thus, your artistic abilities surface. It would not have surfaced if you had not acted upon that thought. To procreate the future, to re-create in the future you must act upon the thoughts that come to you in your relaxed subtle average thinking. Take an action any action. That action could just be looking up things in your phone book to see if such a course is available and maybe next week you may call and maybe the week after that you might visit there or visit on your Internet communications. Just by taking a few baby steps forward into any of these thoughts, you change. You change who you are. You change your abilities and you draw to you new understandings and new vibrations and new light energies that will escort you in to these hidden aspects of self.

You have within you, every ability that is experienced by every person on earth. You all have the ability to be great cooks, great lovers, great financial advisors, great spiritual advisors, great healers, great doctors, great artists, and great lawyers. Anything that anyone on this planet can do, you all have that innate cell structure within your biological body to do the same. You may not have the drive to do it, but you have the ability of being able to pro-create from that cell, from that thought, from that Creational vortex. And thus, you each stand at this interesting highly visible intersection of probabilities.

As a world, you can create a world of peace if enough of you believe. You can create another war if enough of you believe. You can stop a war short in its tracks as you did. You can make world leaders invisible as you did. You can change the chemical composition of any food. You can change laws by choosing not to allow them to be birthed and thus they will not be enacted, you have that ability as a people. It starts as a single thought in a single cellular thought unit of the mind. And then two gather and communicate then three and then a small group and then a large group and then a world and then it is broadcast, decreed and anchored. It is the same with all inventions and inventive beliefs.

Everything begins as a single thought in someone's head. You can create days of observation. The spiritual communities create energy days that say, "Look at this day as an energetic portal because this and this and this is lined up." Your world says, "Look at this day as a day of tragedy, as a day of mourning, as a day of sadness." The Memorial days of celebration on your earth were created at days of sadness, no longer are they observed as such. They are observed as a day of play, a day of gathering with others, a day of celebration - no longer a day of mourning. You have the ability as a single person, as a group, and as consciousness to change every outcome, to change the probabilities, to change the prophecies, to change the conjunctions of thought. That is how much power you have. Every thought you hold for 13 to 16 seconds begins to create. Great events can be sculpted in 13 to 16 seconds of thought. Now what are you going to do with that divine power? Do you want to create all of the lack of finances that you are still complaining about? Do you still want to create all of the pain in your body that you hold the focal point for? Do you want to create a world that is loveless and a loveless relationship with self? Do you want to create an empty church, an empty class, and an empty business? Or something so filled to the rims, it blooms into the next octave of light? It is by your beliefs that you create. If you will hold enough energy in any belief for intervals of 13-16 seconds of thought, it has no choice but to manifest. That is universal law. There are no by-laws on that. Do you still choose to be alone? Do you still choose to be poor? Do you still choose to be sick? To be unhappy? To be without? If the answer is yes, then go and create such. If the answer is no, then you know what to do. We are the Pleiadian Council of One and we welcome you to this building block of knowledge.

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