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Channelings From Space Friends About Space Friends

Channeled to Tom H. Smith

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practically all over the universe, not just within this solar system. In numbers, most of us are from nearby star systems, but others are represented as well. When a new energy arrives on the scene, so to speak, we have an orientation of sorts, especially for those from far, far star systems. This orientation is not to suggest how the new arrivals are to "act" and what to teach, but more a way for those on the council to meet them, if they have not already. We advise them of the "current" situations. We can give them an entire history of information in a few seconds. Most energies who come here to help the Earth and humankind are already somewhat familiar with the Earth and the human energy. We wish to do a certain amount of coordinating, as you might well imagine the number of potential energies that need or ask for assistance - how many are on the Earth? Of course all do not ask, but there is plenty to keep us busy.

Each of us must be aware of the guidelines we use for physical manifestation and craft landings. Many new energies will arrive when it is time for the connectivity with an individual who is reaching the need for that awareness. This is somewhat like calling on your guardian angel. It is often done instinctly. Or there may be a general awakening taking place, so many of us will arrive for that. We also allow many here for viewing only. This could be for a number of activities. The 11:11 has drawn tremendous numbers, as you are personally aware. But there are other events as well.

As you should know, we do not invite any negative energies. We must abide by certain balancing criteria given us by other very high vibrations and in some instances from the God Source. This does have us allow for entry of some negative ET energies into the Earth's geosphere. These energies are allowed to carry out the contracts that many on the Earth have agreed to do. Unfortunately, other additional negative actions are also taken. We are aware of almost all of this, but we must use love to help humankind overcome these things. This the God Source has already mentioned to you. For what the Source has said applies to all things in existence. There are instances of the negative energies entering the Earth's auric field without permission. We cannot cover every doorway. But we become aware of their presence very soon after their "illegal" entry.

I leave in the love of the One Creator. Bestra, of the Ashtar Command --- All Is One
