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Mawuvia And The Mawuvian Council Of Divine Light

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ds of life forms volunteered. Seraphims, Elohims, Archangels, Angels and

life forms from other planets wanted to participate (Yes, Beloved Ones . . . there

WAS life before Earth). Of course, this meant that the Seraphims, Elohims and

Angels who were chosen to participate would have to "turn in their wings" (so to speak) and

descend to a much lower vibration. Many of the other life forms who were chosen came from

various stages of spiritual, mental and physical evolution.

One of the major differences between the Mawuvia experiment and the Earth experiment

is that those who chose to participate on Mawuvia remembered who they were. There was no veil.

AND the lower life forms provided the various illusions which were designed to make the

experiment interesting as well as challenging.

Without the veil of forgetfulness, many of the inhabitants of Mawuvia ascended very quickly

from physical to energy forms. However, while some of them had raised their vibration to the point where they were pure energy forms, they still had some Third Dimensional Ego challenges to work through. As a result, a major challenge evolved which eventually

led to the accidental destruction of the planet.

At that time, 1000 of those who participated in the Mawuvia experiment volunteered

to descend once more and participate in the great Earth experiment. This time,

there would be two major changes in The Plan:

1) A Veil was created which could only be penetrated as the participants raised their vibration

through Love. This meant that none of the participants would remember their true origin.

2) The planet would be the first and only planet where ALL inhabitants

would be given "Free Choice."

Because Earth was much larger than Mawuvia, ALL those who originally volunteered (but were not chosen) were allowed to participate in the Greatest Experiment of all.

One of the Higher Dimensional Light Beings who participated in the Mawuvia experiment chose not to participate in the Earth Experiment. He chose to participate in The Plan from the higher dimensions. On Mawuvia he was known as Nirih.

There is an "extension" (aspect/essence) of Nirih who contracted to work with Sananda

and many Light Beings, incarnate and discarnate as well as from other planets and realities. Those of you who contracted to work with this "extension" of Nirih,

know him as Ashtar and are members of The Ashtar Command.


Those who participated in the Mawuvia experiment and who chose to descend to Earth are


These very special Light Beings have two major roles to play in Earth's Ascension process.

1) To assist others in Metaspiritually Awakening to their Divine Origins.

2) To act as Beacons of Light to all of the other planets which are

also working on their Ascension Process.

Once Earth has ascended to the Fifth Dimension, there is still much work to be done.

Those of the MAWUVIAN COUNCIL OF DIVINE LIGHT have already contracted

to remain on Fifth Dimensional Earth and continue their work from this most special planet.

(Of course, we feel that we must mention here that since Earth has been bestowed with "Freedom of Choice", members of the council may choose to return to that Dimension from which they came once they raise their vibration to the Fifth Dimension and become fully realized).

During his final lifetime on the planet Mawuvia, Nirih (Ashtar) was bonded with a Light Being by the name of Lyria. When Mawuvia was accidentally destroyed, Lyria chose to descend to

Earth. She was given the additional assignment of gathering together the MAWUVIAN

COUNCIL OF DIVINE LIGHT as Earth moved from the Fourth into the Fifth

Dimension and assist them in remembering their "mission".

Knowing that the spiritual evolutionary process of each of the members of the council would vary

(because of "Freedom of Choice"), Lyria was also given the task of assisting them in "remembering" how to connect with their Divine Source and communicate

inter-dimensionally with all life forms.

Lyria is here, now, to fulfill that which she has promised to do. She has fully awakened

to her Divinity and to her Interconnectedness (her Oneness) with

Ashtar, Sananda and all of the Ascended Masters and Angelic Hierarchy

who are assisting in Earth's Ascension Process.

Many of you know Lyria as Maya Ohm Mahatma.

And . . . NOW that the Vibration has been raised sufficiently by those members of The Ashtar Command and The Mawuvian Council of Divine Light who contracted to work with Nirih,

Nirih has merged with his Ashtar Essenceto lead those who choose to volunteer in their Mission. This Mission is called The Terra Nova Project.

We realize that this may be difficult for some to comprehend (because of the Illusion of Duality), but those of you who are members of The Ashtar Command will continue with your work under the leadership of the Essence you know as Ashtar. Those who volunteer to work with the Terra Nova Project will be working with the merged essences of Nirih and Ashtar. Because it seems easier to use names and labels while still in the Third Dimension, Maya will be referring to the merged essences of Nirih and Ashtar as Nirih~Ashtar. So, there is Nirih, Ashtar and Nirih~Ashtar. Each has unique contracts which are all related to the Great Earth Experiment. Many of you will be working with all 3 Essences of The One. Some of you will only be working with One of the Essences of The One. Everything is Perfect according to Divine Will.

If you have any questions, please feel free to E-mail Maya or post them on the

Terra Nova Project Message Board.

