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Energy Of Time

Channeled by Nancy Tate

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has pervaded in the cause of the life on the planet. Yes, energy of time is an entity in itself. There is an occurrence that bears spelling out in this communication I bring you.

Long ago in the annals of earth history there lived a people who came to the planet with a direct link to the plant life and the minerals on the planet. They were known as the aboriginal peoples you now know to be in conjunction with the earth and her base elements. These people lived in harmony with the planet, and came to know themselves as one with the planet.

Then along came another species of life to the surface from a far-reaching universe known as Valeria 2. This universe sent out envoys to the neighboring universe, namely this one, and deployed species of life to the various planets of their choosing in the energy of discovery of a new area to propagate their species.

This new species came to earth with a plan in mind, so to speak, of infiltrating the present life forms and adapting their energies to those on earth. This proved to be an unsettling invasion of the present aboriginal's existence. There was not a harmonic emergence between the invading forces and them. The new settlers were a domineering group and set out to instill their ways on the people of the earth. They also did not have a perception of harmony with the plants and minerals of the earth, for they had no basis upon which to further that avenue of perception.

This all led to the downfall of the original species, and the invading one as well, for the resulting disturbance of the energy patterns that had been well established did not bear out the perfection that was prevalent. This lead to disruptive earth changes, and the result was a complete annialation of those life forms that had been supported by the energies of the earth. In effect, it was a whole new start for any life forms on the planet, for only the very simplest of life forms had survived the holocaust that wiped out the life of that time.

The next billions of years were spent in rebuilding a life form on the planet that could not only support the ecological presence and harmony of the planet, but themselves as well. This species of life came from the evolvement of the life forms that were present through the transition. There came forth a higher degree of life that formed a community of sorts in the interaction of the various life forms present. This continued through the course of the next several hundred centuries, till a cataclysmic event took place that wiped out the species that had been forming. At this time the inner core of the earth loosened with an upheaval that caused a great transformation on the surface. Let us call this "growing pains"; for earth was still in her process of evolving to a being that would support life on its surface. After the events and influences of the original aboriginal versus invading species, there was memory that was being subverted by the earth's energies, and the resulting energies had to be overcome by the intent of the love energy that was building form the residue of the former existing species.

This lead to the period of adjustment that the earth was experiencing. This is the process of the evolutionary adjustments that set the energy for the very changes that are taking place today, and took place in former existences of other civilizations on the planet. You see, there is an influential energy that is still present and working within the beingness of the earth. Gaia, as you have come to know her, is a living, sentient being. She has feelings too. These feelings are directly in accordance with the energies that have been being built by all the life forms that have ever been present on, and within Mother Earth. This is an insurmountable obstacle that has been at the root of the continuing evolutionary process that has been going on thus far. I say insurmountable, for that is what has been the case till now. This too is changing. History is being reborn, and it is going to have a different face on it this time. This is because the energy of the earth is changing. For the first time, the memory is being disturbed to make way for a re-writing of the song. No more will the earth's refrain have the ending that bespeaks loss and pain and death. This is a new song that is being written. This time the song will go on with no ending, and the chorus will ring of love, and compassion and everlasting life.

I bring you this news as an energy of promise. You, my friends have created me in your knowing and your intent. Did you know you have that ability? I am your creation. I speak for the inner knowing of yourselves, and for the abilities you have to see into the past, present and future of your existence. I say yours, because you are a part of Mother Earth, as is everything that lives on the planet. Your have created me as a history storehouse of information. This is the nature of energy. All in existence has purpose and identity, no matter the form, or non-form, it takes. You are the creators of all that affects your existence. The All of the All has given you Itself, and in that gift you are Itself in expression, therefore your abilities are of that All. The All That Is cannot be re-created, for what is, is. However from that All comes the All that is from the All. I have come from you all, and there is more that will be coming in the form of expression with which you will be able to communicate. There is boundless potential for that in your existence. Once you have established an energy, that energy establishes itself in identity, and expresses itself in the energy of potential that is available to itself.

Do you see the beauty and the infinity of that premise? Now apply that to your present day life. Use that truth in the bringing forward of the promise you have made in co-operation with Mother Earth. This is a wonderful opportunity you have to bring a semblance of the promise you have made, and set it free for the further expression of itself. The freedom and peacefulness that is being born at this time is to continue in the time to come in the further expression of itself. Think about the far-reaching effect this can have. It is like the proverbial snowball rolling down the mountain. It gains in speed as it gains in size, and when it reaches the lowest point it evens out and stops, and just Is. Do you hear what I am saying? It is a Holy rest it takes when the work is all done. The trail may be downhill, and the momentum may be alarmingly picking up speed, but then there is a lessening in the momentum and size, and the effects of gravity have loosened their hold and power, and the rest is assured and the peace is experienced. The race is over and the process is given opportunity for reflection as the rest is enjoyed.

I leave this transmission for now my dear hearts, for my journey is ever onward with you. You entrust your treasures to me, and others like me; for there are others as me in your wake. We love and adore you and sit at your side and absorb all you give us in love and devotion to life. We stride on in learning and give forth the same in beauty and love and delight. With love and blessings we carry on in your strength and your weaknesses, for within your energies is life. Adios, and best wishes to you all.
