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Group Channelling - Pleiadian Council Members

Through Sally Rossiter

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- who support and guide this sacred planet through the zenith of her rebirth. I am a member of the Galactic Federation, and I stand within the Council of Twelve, whose responsibility it is to guide the planet and her inhabitants, and to co-ordinate the flow of light and vibration between the central sun in my galaxy - the Pleiades, and your own solar logos. However, it is our message which is of greatest significance, and this is what we share with you now.

There are three beings, including myself, who will address you today, and we each have information relating to specific areas; but know that we all work towards the same goal - which is to liberate you, divine emissaries, from the web of matter which presently holds you bound and forgetful. To liberate not only yourselves, but those who may have come with you, of their own free will, to rise above the thickened consciousness and the forgotten Self; to embrace all that is and lives within your own divine beingness. This is our purpose.

At present, there are many vibrations which are being sent backwards and forwards between the central sun and the solar logos, in turn affecting the sacred planet Earth and her inhabitants. We would tell you a little about these frequencies within yourselves now, so that they bring to you greater understanding of the comforts and discomforts within your own experiences at this point. Know that firstly, in order for vibrations to be raised, there is no stone that can remain unturned, and as the stone is turned up, so the shadow which lies beneath her must be revealed and brought into light. What transpires with you at present is what we refer to as the "duality". The severity of the duality is becoming increasingly obvious to you - in the world around you initially, but more recently within yourselves. But while you remain trapped and forgetting of yourselves within the thickness of the vibration of matter, you experience this duality.

So for every mountain there is a valley; for every shadow there is a light; and within each of you, for every magnificence, there is an equal and opposite resonance. Many of you experience this within yourselves at present, and I wish to say this to you: there is nothing satanic within what you experience. The shadows that dwell within you are hard, and it would be difficult for you to grasp and to integrate them. For many of you lay judgement upon them, and you like them not. But the truth is, shadow is as necessary as is light within the context of your own human characters. We ask you not to resist, but rather to embrace what you experience - knowing that it is necessary.

And as you embrace it within yourselves, you will guide others to do what is similarly felt and seen through your examples. The qualities that exist within you - the energies that vibrate within you - both light and shadow: there is not one that is greater than the other. There is not one that stands above the other - but it is necessary to learn the appropriate methods, manners and situations to which each energy is appropriate; to know what aspect of yourself to draw on in which situation. Do not be confused as you feel aspects of yourself move into great conflict with one another. Do not try to crush one aspect to allow growth within another. Simply recognise that it is a question of allowing both to dwell within you - to live side by side, and to be expressed within the appropriate time and circumstances. For example, you may find yourself experiencing a warring energy within you which seeks to expose divine truth - no matter what the cost; and at the same time experience the energy of the one that would experience only peace - no matter what the cost.

Both energies are valid, and you must learn how to use these energies appropriately. This type of inner conflict stimulates much aggravation within your psyches. Your mind is thrown into chaos and over-activity, and you seek areas to place blame. This is a natural reaction of your mind energy as it connects with the ego-self which finds the situation confusing and so seeks not to take responsibility.

Children of Light - know that these situations will pass, and that they are minor. If you experience these things within yourself (and you all will - it is simply the degree that will vary as you connect with and experience the duality within yourselves) stand not in judgement of yourselves. Recognise that your essence exists beyond and above the duality, and that this is a necessary part of the clearing process of this beloved planet.

I would refer you now to one who speaks with far more wisdom and gentleness than I. I thank you for being here - for each of you has been called. We will talk again in the future as and when the need arises for us to communicate with you. Stay connected, and do not allow the doubt that is created through the chaos to take hold within you: that is shadow out of control, and this has no place within your being. We walk with you, and we await the time when we will walk amongst you. We hail you, great light-bearers. We honour your efforts, and we send to you much energy of blessings and faith.

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Children of great light - what joy there is in communicating with you! Our love for you is immense. I stand before you - a member of the Supreme Council, who guides and serves this magnificent planet on which your feet walk. I have walked this planet, and I long for the time when once again I will touch her with physical matter. But this aside - for now, I remain nameless, but I will explain to you what I represent and why I speak with you today.

I represent to each of you the embodiment of the feminine - of the feminine power that exists within each of you; and my message to you is very simple. Dearest children, beautiful light-bearers - you are magnificent. Each of you has within you a pre-arranged contract; a pre-arranged arrangement - not only with the Council members, but within yourselves, to bring certain feelings and certain lights to this place, at this time.

I know that there are many of you who feel unfulfilled within this contract. I wish to say to you that you are wrong; that it is the simple presence of your beingness on this planet which makes possible the fulfilment of your contracts. You may feel disconnected from us time-wise, but the truth is that when we need to access you, we will.

This, again, is the nature of our contract - of our connection, of our oneness. Be where you are at any given time. Do what you enjoy: do it consciously. And when time for action comes into you and into your contract, make no mistake - movement will take place. Do not doubt yourselves. Do not allow the sadness that exists within the group consciousness to seep into you. You must realise that each of you carries within you the power to alter the vibrations around you, instead of being altered by them. Do this through intention, and it will be so.

One of you is carrying a burden which is weighing very heavily here (indicates heart region). We will assist you with this, for your heart must be liberated. Do not be sad. My message to you - and perhaps the most important piece of information that I give to you today - is to recognise that your true divinity - the true power of your being - rests within the female aspects of yourself. We do not refer here to the sex of your physical body. We refer instead to the magnificent gentleness and flow of your divine creativity. Remember - your healing, and the healing of the beings around you, must be fulfilled - can only be fulfilled - through the feminine vibration, which of course must remain balanced through the masculine; but it is the feminine vibration that will lead you into understanding, change, and liberation.

I must leave you, but I love you. There is another who will address you. Above each of you I place the blessing of the great stars that govern your universe. You will feel the integration of this magnificent light into yourselves - some more subtly than others - and you will understand it more in your dreams.

With my blessings to you.

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Greetings, dear ones. Today, light dawns, when we have the opportunity to introduce ourselves to you through a new source - what we refer to as "channel". The energy in the surrounds in this space is very good, although there is a small amount of fear - concern, worry. This is because, as you are changing, as you are growing through what you experience as chaos, you alter your power, and this area is affected very strongly. I would talk to you of the more human symptoms of experiences that you are working with, to help you understand these at the level at which you must live most oftentimes.

Because the power centre is affected, so too are the organs in the area - the liver, spleen, gall bladder. These organs are the ones that would experience certain types of detoxification as your power centres alter. This may affect the lower centres, and to a very small degree the upper centres, but largely, you would experience various symptoms relating to these organs. To some degree, because detoxification is present, the kidneys may take a certain amount of difficulty upon themselves to assist in the process of elimination. Look after these organs at this time, and your physical discomfort will be lessened. Recognise, also, that the predominant emotions connected with these organs will be prevalent: that would be copious amounts of anger, and in possible equal amounts, sadness. You have come to understand, earlier, why conflict is being created in the body, in your being, in yourselves. I am similarly explaining to you the results of those conflicts on a more emotional, physical, and to some degree mental level. Your lives are changing; your bodies are altering. To reflect these changes, the very cells within your being are being shaken up, and it is within each cell that your duality is being experienced.

Children, because of the nature of the physical symptoms, the difficulties being experienced through the over-active mind energy at this time, and the immense emotional energies that will come up for release, you will need more rest - and so you want to sleep. For many, your sleep patterns will be broken, with most of you experiencing disruption between the hours of approximately 2:30 and 3:30 in the morning. This has to do with the cycles of body rest and activity of your spirit in the work that it does while the normal waking consciousness rests also.

Take what you need. Be gentle with yourselves, because the organs are affected. The symptoms relating to these organs may include disruption to your digestive system if the emotions remain unexpressed and undealt-with. The respiratory system may be affected also, as well as your system of elimination, including glands in the lower areas of your body. By this I refer to the lymphatic system.

Do not be upset with yourselves because you find meditation and spiritual practices particularly difficult at this time. This is normal. The vibrations and energies that you are drawing to yourselves in your sleep and dream states must be integrated into your physical, working reality, and because of this, we require that you sit in your normal consciousness and not leave your body constantly in meditative practice. However, because of the over- activity of your mind energy, you may need periods of solitude or contemplation to simply bring calm to this state.

Depending on the type of experience that you choose for yourself at this time, it is important that you are aware of your protection. It is not common to all, but there are those who draw to themselves negative experiences of an energetic variety, and this is done at the level of consciousness where there is a need to "taste" one's power against an equal but opposite force. Do not be afraid of these experiences, but recognise that you have chosen them and have drawn them to you for the purpose of knowing your power more clearly. Should you need assistance at any time with this type of experience - which I would remind you is held within the realms of duality and has no power beyond the realms of duality - call on the Light aspect of yourselves, of your own greatness. And call on the Council - and we will help you.

There is one other area which is affected by these changes, which may continue for weeks or months, depending on what you are choosing to hold within yourselves, and pull towards yourselves. This is in your physical, waking reality - and most importantly, in your relationships. Children, there are those around you whom you believe you know well, who will behave as though you know them not at all. Out of character, you would call it. It is simple and easy to stand in judgement of one another as this type of behaviour flourishes. But remember, if one of us - one of our own - steps from the light into shadow, is it not better for us to gently assist them back into the light? Do your best in this, but do not be disillusioned by the breakdown that will come through changed behavioural patterns of those around you. Rather assist where you can, and hold the highest visions of those who step out of their own divine integrity. The discernment between good and bad - and I use these words loathly - between light and shadow - is personal, and can only be bridged successfully by examining the integrity that dwells within your own heart centre. Be gentle with each other. Remember that this is the time of duality - outside of you and within you. There is no wrong or incorrect behaviour or action or choice. If all experience is taken with consciousness, there is life and there is light present. This is important. Beloved light-bearers, recognise that we work to serve, as you do. Be in touch with your greatness. Do not be bogged down by your humanness, and be Love.

We take our leave of you. We thank you for your patience, and for your ears, for you hear things at many levels, and although your physical ears may hear one thing, your higher hearing has been affected also.

Blessings, and Love, always.
