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Sky Doc Rafael, #3

by Candace Frieze

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decision, as was suggested earlier, to directly intervene in the announcement of NESARA. We are now in the intervention process. The date has come. Last weekend was quite busy, with some great battles of various sorts again being fought, but we did of course prevail. Candace has received a number of letters from those who are empaths, feeling of the darkness that was encountered these last few days.

It should not be much longer now until the announcement. The announcement team is simply on notice continually, and can get to Washington in pretty short order. The US military have been reluctant and require evidently more support than originally supposed. The higher the rank, the less brave they prove to be! Most disappointing, these "warriors" only of the office.

I wish I could give more details, but at this time, a bit of secrecy is important. We are possibly going to have to set back the date for the Second Coming, but not by much. We do need a small amount of time to acquaint the public of the world with our presence first. About 2 -3 weeks should be sufficient. This, as I have mentioned before, will start with the NESARA announcement, as there is a star person on the team, for just that purpose. The announcement of our presence in your skies will come at the end of the initial teaching process, taking a couple of days by the announcement team.

I have no other news, other than you remain patient and faithful that the process is happening, and that you shall see the announcement. There are many changes throughout the world related to NESARA going on, and these continue. I remind you that this is a worldwide project, and work is happening that you do not see.

One of the problems in the USA has been getting the proper orders of arrest for the Mr. Bush filed. You have never openly removed a President before, using the military, even though there have been a number of them most deserving of this process. At this time, it is not suitable for Congress to impeach him, as the office was stolen, and the impeachment process is not applicable. Too many in your Congress are also guilty of various crimes, and would be most reluctant to incriminate themselves in the process.

I myself have faced disappointment in this process, and that the timing has not been what I had wished for. I certainly did plan that all would have occurred much earlier. But at the same time, there is the solving of so many problems, that cannot now occur after the announcement.

I do also remind you that the announcement process I am describing, is for the United States, and that the process may occur somewhat differently for the many other countries. Some will just flow into it, minus an official announcement, as is going on now in many places.

Something of interest to mention, about the Kumara past. Under the leadership of my father, Sanat Kumara, our group extricated ourselves, from the inside without help from others, from the matrix of another world long ago. This is why my father's commitment to Earth in the first place, he is a survivor of such a system as Earth's, albeit a little different circumstance. Earth is a tougher job, and needs outside assistance, as it is the last hangout of Lucifer's group and the Reptilians, and a few other BBB&G’s.

Continue to hold the faith, and be in peace of the process, my friends. Namaste, Sananda Immanuel

Rafael: Now my dearest ones, I will address a number of your questions that we have received the last few weeks. First, I will discuss organ repair and regeneration via the use of stem cells. You have heard from your media and Mr. Bush various opinions about the use of embryonic stem cells. The use of embryonic cells is not only not necessary, but in fact does not work well, as the genetics belong to the embryo and not one's self. You are seeing techniques discussed which imply that the DNA from one's self is inserted into the embryonic stem cell after its DNA is removed. Pray tell, to use a common earth expression, what then is the point?

You all have a huge variety of stem cells in your own body. These do decrease with advancing age, and more attention must then be placed on the culturing of these to get sufficient numbers, but that is only a small issue. You have stem cells in the lining of your mouth, in the fat around your abdomen, in your blood, in your nervous system, in your bone tissue even. The presence of these cells is one significant way your body heals itself.

I am going to let Candace tell her story here now about what we have done for her in this area.

Candace: In 1991, I experienced failure of the anterior lobe of my pituitary gland. This condition actually started years before, after the C- section delivery of my first child in 1971. I had a great deal of blood loss. I won't spend time here in this message which is long to describe why, but let it suffice to say, I should have sued a few people, and the hospital.

Over the years of multiple stresses, including many surgeries, my MS resulting from the Swine Flu vaccine, the damage from the aspartame and several other issues, my pituitary gave up in 1991. I have been on supplementary hormones since, which include hydrocortisone, thyroid, and estrogen. One can live without the pituitary, but life is compromised. The name of this condition is "Simmonds’ disease." To function at my desired level as a member of the Second Coming committee, and my organization being created as a part of this, this tired body needs to work a little better.

About 1 1/2 years ago, I had a stem cell transplant to create a new pituitary. These cells were taken from the lining of my mouth, and cultured, and then simply inserted where they were to grow. Stem cell transplants will pick up information from the surrounding tissues, and know what to do! My new pituitary is functioning well. My thyroid gland recovered very well from the years of inactivity from my using Synthroid and I have been off this now for about 14 months. My adrenal glands, that is another story. They are responding, but not adequately. I do make now about 1/2 the steroid hormones I need for a quiet day, but can't manufacture anywhere near enough for a stressful day.

So, the procedure I had almost 2 weeks ago, that I mentioned recently, was to help out the Adrenals. This time the stem cells came from my fat. (I have plenty of this!) These are apparently more appropriate, and are also in greater abundance. After the cells were taken, they were cultured for about 3 weeks. They then were inserted into multiple areas of my adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys. This required a labroscopic procedure, quite similar to what is performed on earth. Gas is put into the belly to distend it, to create space to reach the kidneys, and the cells put injected into place.

Excess gas is removed, but some remains, to be absorbed. This produces abdominal pain, and nausea, and this I had. However, I did not have angry incisions due to the knitting technique! This is a major improvement over previous laparoscopies I have experienced. The cells will have to multiply over time, so this is not an instant cure. Rafael said I might begin to notice a difference in a couple weeks. Last Sunday I began to cut my hydrocortisone down, and am beginning to have more energy in the evenings, a very good sign.

Rafael: As you see in her story, important glands such as the pituitary and the adrenals can be healed with this technology. We harvest the desired cells, culture them, many times in the presence of assorted hormones or growth factors to prepare them for the job, insert them, and they follow the directions of the surrounding tissues. We can replace lost or missing limbs, build cartilage, new lenses for the eye to replace cataracts and corneas, new cells for the lungs to use and repair themselves, and even the replacement and repair of tissue in the gastrointestinal intestinal tract.

We had a question about the repair of detached retinas. Here we are a bit limited. If the damage is slight, and splotchy, the insertion of cells usually will cause repair to occur, but if the damage is major and of long standing, then the answer is no. But we do have a very good substitute for the eye in general. This substitute will work, even for those born blind in many cases. The case being, what the blindness is from. There must be normal development of the visual areas of the brain for this to work. Our substitute for vision, looks like an eye, it is not as your character in Star Trek used that looks like a set of blinders. There must be training to condition the person and the brain to this substitute eye.

You are already aware, many of you, what is happening already in your world for those that are deaf. Here, if it is deafness due to disorder of the hearing mechanism in formation of the body, we can do more than with the eye, but the sounds are not as normal. This technique involves using the bone conduction for sound, which works, but not as well as natural hearing, but is still of great benefit. Deafness due to injuries is very workable with, and can involve stem cells, or electrical technologies, just as you are seeing now for your deaf peoples. You already have a good deal of star medicine.

What can be done for spinal cord injury? A great deal, especially with the use of stem cells, which can be conditioned and implanted to create new circuits. This is time consuming, not an instant cure. The best "cure" results in the treatment of the injury immediately following the accident, if an accident is the cause of the problem. There must be rapid decompression of pressure. This is very true also of head injury, the resultant swelling putting prolonged pressure on tissue causing the damage. You are being taught now some techniques already, which include the use of temporary comma, to assist healing. We will show more techniques after we are on your soil.

Some have had joint replacement, and this is good therapy, and you should settle for this, if your joints are working well. The Titanium used does not cause rejection problems, and in fact, having a bit of titanium in the body can be very beneficial to the immune system. You have been given new techniques that are much less invasive in joint repair, and after we come, the knitting technique further reduces tissue injury and makes surgery much more comfortable. You already have cartilage replacement now, but I know it is not yet widespread. Bone can be grown in culture, from your own bone cells and shaped and implanted to repair a variety of injuries. If you had our knitting technique, many injuries from accidents can be repaired without scarring.

Many want to know about getting rid of addictions. There are a variety of helpful aids, but these are aids, and will only be of real benefit, if you truly desire to heal the addiction. Addiction is a spiritual issue, and you must take charge of your problem, or the addition will come right back. In this area, the results are totally dependent on your desire to be whole.

In fact, for successful healing in any area, your cooperation is needed spiritually. You can be given antibiotics, as a simple example for a pneumonia, and knock that back, but another infection will come in its place, or the lungs might sustain other damage, if there is not the spiritual desire to heal. And some succumb anyway, despite the treatment, as there is a desire to end the incarnation. Antibiotics become obsolete with the use of frequencies to remove infection. Another substance, which is good for many infections, in fact all of them, is the use of colloidal metals, namely silver, gold and titanium.

I think I already discussed cancer treatment, using the idea of frequencies to identify and eliminate cells. Another useful treatment, which in the USA is rather depressed, in favor of noxious drugs and radiation, is the use of heat to kill localized cancers. Heat would be most simple and effective for skin cancers. Heat is also useful to kill surface bacterial infections. Many of you know to use heat on boils, as an example. The local heat will kill many microbes. In Europe and Russia there is the development of technologies using heat to kill cancers that are localized still, or only with minor spread.

As I mentioned before, we can't treat widespread cancer aboard ship, and it is also difficult to treat on the ground. The problem is related to damaged genetics from your current "therapies." It is also related to damaged genetics, when there is advancing age. The immune system is less able to do its job. When you are in these advanced stages of illness, it takes mighty spiritual abilities to help effect your cure, and if you had these abilities to begin with, you probably wouldn't have the advanced cancer. Spiritual work on your world is still vastly unknown, which can be used to help in your survival. Do not put yourself down, if you fail to heal illness with the use of mind. You know not how to do this, although some are occasionally successful.

The BBB&G’s are responsible quite intentionally for many diseases. These include the "bird flu" they are currently working on, to begin the fear tactics. Many, who might die from this flu, will do so, out of fear of it. They are banking on this fear factor, as the flu itself, is easily overcome by someone that does not let getting the flu get them down.

Of course, many with poor immune systems, again in part a spiritual problem, will succumb to it. This disease has been unleashed upon your world. But not to worry, as we can get treatment to many very quickly. In the USA, they want to use the bird flu to further enhance the patriot act, and your imprisonment. You will be forbidden to travel, and others won't be able to come to the USA, it will be quarantined. That is the plan at least at this point, to use flu to further install marital law.

We are working in the background in many areas of the world to slow down the progress of this bird flu, and others of a similar nature such as the West Nile Virus, and SARS. This is why you have not seen major problems with these diseases to this point.

Many of the starships have been manufacturing devices that detect the frequencies of viruses and destroy them. These will be available in abundance after the Second Coming event, to handle the variety of problems that crop up from both nature, and the work of the BBB&G’s. I mentioned before, we are going to work heavily with AIDS and get this scourge under control, and people healed, so that they have opportunity to make the ascension decision.

Many of you complain of a low-grade tinnitus (ringing of the ears). Often the source of this is the low energy beams from the cell phone towers. It may also be the result of an implant, if you are a star person, and your people have placed such a device to enable better communications after our coming. Many are doing this at this time in anticipation of the coming events.

In fact, until such time as you become telepathic, such an implant is quite useful and much better than the radiation from your cell phones. There is some very interesting technology coming your way, that will suffice quite well until there is telepathy.

We have also received some questions regards the long-term effects of the use of interferon. If you recovered from its use, you are probably going to be all right. If you didn't recover, you aren't on the planet anymore. Interferon is not the greatest of substances, in the hands of your scientists at this time. They should have given up long ago on this idea, given its lack of results, and the horrid symptoms it can cause. Your scientists are still too stuck in the use of chemical this and chemical that, to fix things. Yes, some chemicals are valuable, but in general there is too much emphasis, as a chemical can be used to make money. Especially if it doesn't work but some of the time. The chemicals used for cancer treatment would be an example.

Every planet has in its plants, for the most part, all that is needed to heal, if the plants are grown healthily. These plants can be utilized, best in their whole form, most of the time, in the very early stages of disease. This reflects the importance of evolution on each evolutionary planet, and the importance of not making a mess of it and interfering in the lack of knowledge.

As evolution progresses, so do many solutions to illness on a planet. Some of your scientists are getting smart and observing how animals in the wild treat their problems. These animals do not separate from the plants what they need and condense the substance. They eat the entire plant or portion of the plant that works.

Many of your companies involved in the manufacture of substances sold in the natural food stores are after the money. I am talking about the supplement extracts. An example would be the assorted carotenes available. Better to get them in the food. I have Candace eating a large quantity of low calorie vegetables, pureeing them to help release these natural substances. Many of the plant nutrients and substances work best in concert with the other parts of the plant. You will be most amazed at how much better you will be, when you learn to eat whole foods, grown properly.

This money would be better used put into healthy farming, and the growing of fully healthy and nutritional food. You need to feed the people the plants, and not use the plants to feed the cows you eat. Much is lost in the process. And even your cows are considerably less healthy than they used to be, for the lack of proper food for them. An example, I think we mentioned another time, is the using of unnatural foods for the cow, which eats grasses, and is given grains and soy to grow faster, and get fatter.

Soy is people food, and a fine protein source for most of you, to supplement your diet with a useful food that can be made into milk, tofu, Tempeh, and a variety of seasonings, such as miso and soy sauce. I deplore the genetic engineering going on the with soy bean, that was perfect in the first place and needs no "engineering."

You have many perfect foods that have been messed with, to create further supposed perfection. I would like to say, that the human genes should not be used in plants, as is being done. Then others eat of the plants and this can create problems. The BBB&G’s are doing this intentionally as another game of population control.

Now, we have had some questions about teeth, and some asked, how do you get them to last, considering that you will be living longer. Good care is one idea, keeping the mouth free of infection. Good nutrition helps. Fluoride does not. Many of you have calcium loss from your teeth; you are using the calcium to bind your excess phosphate, or using it up from the over consumption of protein, particularly animal protein.

All teeth will still wear down over time. There are a variety of options available. On your planet at this time, you have crowns for example. If teeth are lost, you can use a titanium implant to hold a new tooth. Some of your dentists are now using titanium implants to hold the entire denture in place, with much better results than the stickem type pastes. Of course these are currently expensive, and only available to a few. That will change.

Now back to stem cells: guess what else they can be grown in to! Tooth buds, than can be placed in the gums, and a new tooth will form in a properly prepared socket. We had several letters, over these weeks. Apparently someone has put out the word about these, and people have written, giving their addresses, and requesting these to just be dropped off. However, my friends, we need your stem cells for the process, and it also requires a competent health care professional. Drop offs not possible!

We also have questions about the mercury in fillings. Some of you are bothered by this, others not. As the changes come, and better care becomes available and affordable, you should probably get rid of these fillings, but if you are healthy and have other priorities, this can wait. We do have techniques to remove metals from the body, and you already have some of these, what you label chelation. I have Candace adding large amounts of parsley to her ground up salad mixture, as the parsley type plants tend to draw metals. Your naturopathic type doctors usually know more about this than your medical doctors.

Now, what about weight and diabetes. Usually there is a connection between the two. Many of excess weight will often develop adult diabetes. Excess weight causes many problems for the body. The cure, no matter what is put out on your TV and by your pharmaceutical companies, remains to pay attention to what you eat, and to get off your behinds and move around. Some of your excess eating may be related to the fact that the food is lacking in nutrients, and you eat to excess to take them in. Even though your whole food is not what it used to be, the problem comes mostly from eating white, white, and more white, plus way too much fat. White flour, white sugar, white fats (Crisco) with food coloring maybe added and then called margarine.

Our favorite example of diet misunderstanding, is the fat person, who lines up at the salad bar, eating a ton of salad. Healthy, yes, if you just have the vegetables with a bit of dressing. But instead, there is 1/4 to 1/2 cup of salad dressing, lots of cheese, maybe some eggs, add some meat, then that muffin (or several) on the side, made with lots of grease and sugar, and white flour, and then you complain, that you only had a salad for lunch!

Another example, you had only coffee and a muffin for breakfast. But that fancy coffee, say from Starbuck’s or whatever, may have up to 800 calories of nothing but goo in it. And that giant muffin, well there's another possible 500 calories, if you eat it minus any extra butter or jam. And how many calories are in the many super sized, or even the regular sized burger meals? You pile your plates full, and know not when to quit.

Some of you eat out of a different reason for your hunger. You hunger for a more meaningful life. That too, usually is in your hands, and if not, then the solution is in your attitude. (Candace: That would be me, folks!) The problem with excess weight, is nearly always the result of too much food, and not enough exercise. It rarely is related to glandular problems alone.

Then there is the condition of hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. This is the result of training your pancreas to dump too much insulin all the time, because of consuming too much sugar frequently. Only you can untrain this problem, by eating whole foods, and stopping the sugar and white breads etc. Try eating a little less at a meal also. You have to put out a huge quantity of insulin to process this sugar. When it is processed, there is usually some left over and this drives down the sugar a bit more. Over time, the body conditions its self to constantly putting out insulin.

Only you can stop it. You can do it by cutting back to no more than 1/2 to 1 small serving of whole carbohydrates at a time, until the extra insulin goes away. This will work in a few days time, but you must use will power during the process. A carbohydrate free diet will also work, but usually people feel pretty bad during the process, and a high protein, low carbohydrate diet is not conducive to good health, in anyone over a long period of time. (Candace: I used this diet for an extended period of time, and my adult onset diabetes worsened on it. I was not eating enough carbohydrate to stimulate insulin production, the exact opposite of too much insulin.)

The diet that will work is paying attention to what you eat, conscious attention. You need top quality carbohydrates, whole grains, some protein, such as from beans, and soy products, many good vegetables, a few whole fruits, and some healthy fat, most of which should come from nuts and other high fat vegetable foods.

Large quantities of oils are still separated parts of food, and should be used in small quantities, and not fried with at high temperatures. We have no diet pills to offer you. This is a nutritional and spiritual issue. The above is what works for adult diabetes also, which is usually the result of long term hyperinsulinism and excess weight. You can fix your diabetes, unless you have the type requiring insulin, by simply stopping all the bad foods, and getting the weight off. Period.

And now, one more diet question. Many asked if fish and seafood are OK on a vegetarian diet. During transition, in small quantities, maybe, but animal flesh is animal flesh. Granted the fats in general are better in seafood for you, than other meats, unless of course, you eat that fish fried in oil, that has been overused and full of transfats from the process. Heat causes the oil to hydrogenate. Your fries and fish, especially in restaurants, are often cooked in oil, until it darkens. If you cook with oil at home, you notice that after a while it becomes solidified, or at least gets thicker? This is hydrogenation. Bake the fries and fish!

There is one area where we can't help that much, and this is the area of severe brain damage from strokes, accidents, and surgery. We can repair very small areas, again with stem cells, but there is too much that is lost from major injuries.

There is yet another option, if ones genetics are reasonably OK, and that is cloning. However, most of you would be better off to start over with a fresh body. There is here is the possibility this way, of having some improved genetics, the being brought up in a better environment, your new earth. Clones age much more rapidly, no matter the technique used. What works the best, is still the time honored method of conception and incarnation.

You will also receive technology, some of it spiritual, some of it using manipulation of time, to restore yourself to your younger years. Much of this will come with the aid of your Inner Earth peoples, who have become quite advanced with this concept, of maintaining the body, for as long as the body is needed for the incarnation at hand.

I think this answers the great majority of the health questions sent in. Candace made a list of them. I will end by saying, again, what you eat is probably the most important issue in good health, and living on processed foods is at the root of many health problems. Regular use of the body, as in get off the couch, is also quite valuable. I was told that Sananda covered a good deal on food in a couple previous messages, so review them also.

Myself, and many others will be working heavily after the Second Coming to update your medicine, and your food. Be patient please, as it does take time to change. You will need to participate in the changes. We want to work with those most ill first, as I have said before. Your medical people need a great deal of retraining, with an emphasis on holistic techniques. Those of you interested, start now to change, and take charge of your own health. We have great medicine, but we have no magic wands. Salu, I AM Archangel Rafael (or Raphael, as those who speak English prefer to spell it).

Candace: Last week, I chose a domain name for my upcoming website and a kind person registered it for me. The site is There is nothing on it yet! I have a bit to learn about websites so I can converse intelligently with whomever I will have to assist in the development of the site.

On this site, I will have information, written in a manner that most can understand, about such issues as how the light body is built, how our soul gathers and stores the information of all our lifetimes and related issues. It will have much information about a variety of subjects regards ascension. I am inviting you to write me questions in this area, to use as an aid to development of this area of the website. I won't be sending you answers to these, but rather putting them into a file for future use. Please note this in the subject line!

I lost some letters recently. I have to put the ones I don't get to on my hard drive within about 3 weeks or these disappear. With being out of town, and some days off, I neglected to do this. I am sorry. Once I have some secretarial help, I will get to the letters I have yet to answer. There is no way I can answer or even read all of them anymore. Take care, Candace
