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January 1, 2005 Greetings, I am Mira a messenger from the Pleiadian High Council. We serve the Earth and are with you as you begin the next phase of the Earth’s evolutionary process. We ar

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Greetings, I am Mira a messenger from the Pleiadian High Council. We serve the Earth and are with you as you begin the next phase of the Earth’s evolutionary process. We ar Mike Quinsey

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Diane of the Galactic Federation 01.01.05

We monitor all energies that are on Earth. Our interest is to ensure that they do not in any become imbalanced, and we have the means to make adjustments as seen necessary. You might ask why we did not take action that would have prevented the tsunami. We could have done so, but you are looking at negative energies that were deep within the Earth and Mother Earth needed to take her own form of action to clear them. What we did do was to lessen the intensity of it, otherwise damage and loss of life would have been more severe. As the vibration increases upon Earth so the likelihood of more incidents like this are possible. The Earth has to prepare itself for the Ascension, and has to “shake” off the negative energies that have accumulated over eons of time.

As you lift the vibration upon Earth even higher, this will have the effect of alleviating the degree to which cleansing will be necessary. We continue in our many tasks to make your transition as smooth as possible, and you will find many minor incidents that will result in very little loss of life. The rest of the story is now known to you, and once we can openly appear to you, which will be later this year, we can set about working with you upon the Earth. You will enjoy the ease at which many tasks will be carried out, simply because our technology is simple to use, yet extremely effective. We already know of the many volunteers that are excitedly waiting to welcome us, and all we ask is a little more patience. Humans are a most excitable Race, and once they get an idea in their head, they seem unable to wait. We admire your enthusiasm, and the energy you are prepared to put into the projects that are ready to go ahead.

What we are quietly astonished at is the degree to which you have opened your hearts to the victims and survivors of the tsunami. Your re-action was almost immediate and our monitors registered the most amazing rise in Love and Compassion. It shows that given the opportunity, you can come together and perform acts of great humanity. Over the centuries you have been lead to believe that because some one drew imaginary boundaries between you, that you must be different and work as individual units. I know that you have what you may call tribal partition with different cultures, but this did not mean that you could not have found common ground to gradually come together.

However, this will no longer be an issue as with our coming all of those false barriers will be broken down. We know that once the fear is removed between people, you will find that you are all the same in essence. What is now happening on Earth will ensure that you never go back to the old ways, and the people in power are feeling decidedly uneasy when they see you exercise your own power. They see how they will lose their control over you, and that you will not be so dependent on them in the future. An immutable change has taken place in the consciousness of the people, and it is their will that will be done in future. We marvel at the sudden explosion of such powerful energies, yet we always knew of your potential. You might reflect on how a great tragedy has been turned into a wonderful opportunity for you to exercise your highest interpretation of yourself.

It is all coming together at the most opportune time, and we are excited at the prospect of announcing ourselves. It will be done in such a manner that we control the media, and we have prepared our presentation in a meticulous way. It is intended to address everyone, and all will hear regardless of their native language. It is a serious matter yet there will be a carnival atmosphere everywhere. Many of you will be experiencing a great feeling of freedom and elation that you have not felt for a long time. We will lift you out of your depression, we will treat your ills, and we will treat you with respect and honour the God within. We do not come as some superior race, we are equals and we have simply gone ahead of you and now our realities are coming together. It was planned this way, you were never forsaken and we had to allow you to follow your chosen path of duality without interference.

Dear Ones, we are so close to you and you will see that our presence in your skies will become more obvious. Have no fear, at this stage nothing short of a divine edict will prevent us coming together. We look forward to seeing you very soon.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey
