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Mike Quinsey

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at you desire is in the process of being removed. The dark fight, scream and struggle as they are called to answer for their actions. The energy for change has never been stronger, and those of you who are sensitive to them feel a new buoyancy around you.

Having waited so long, you are impatient for the actions to quickly bring you what you see as the first leap forward. By the nature of what has been taking place, it was always envisaged that events would take a sudden turn when least expected. The Illuminati face the day of reckoning and their reign is nearly over. What was once the unspeakable is happening, and the bastions of power are crumbling because the people have provided the energy for it. There is a magical point where once the energies of Light reach a certain level; there can be no turning back. The power of the Light then grows exponentially and transforms the energies of dark.

No matter who you are and where you are, you cannot escape the impact of the rising energies. Many feel disturbed and uneasy by them, but this is simply a re-action when they are unaware and unprepared for what is happening to them. The focus of energies is in America so as to balance the dark energies, but remember that this is a world-wide phenomenon. The world will watch events with much interest, and once they see changes for the good of all, they will follow suit. Everyone wishes for a peaceful existence and to lead their life in their own way without interference and Draconian measures imposed upon them. The fetters of those in power have delegated Man to a lowly position where freedom of expression is being denied.

The new energies give you a lightness of feeling, almost like walking on air. There is a purpose in your step that has been missing previously and it is great to be alive. You are drawing the waters of life from the fountain of All that Is, and a new you is emerging. In fact, you have hardly noticed these changes before, but you have been growing in your Light quotient for quite some time. Everyone has been offered the same opportunities, but you choose your own path and pace at which you travel. All learn from being present at this time, and for those who are not ready for a quantum leap forward shall continue on a similar path with the advantage of having been here at this time. All experience is carried deep within, and there has never been a time when it has not been of benefit.

Evolution does not happen by chance and there is a plan that moves you on at appropriate times. The changes now manifesting are of great import and allow for the termination of this cycle. No matter what influences come to bear upon you, the fact is that the Plan has been divinely decreed and no mere mortal can usurp it. The Creator has spoken and the Heavens reverberate to that command, and Lightworkers from all over the Universe are here to ensure it is manifest. Many of you who are here for this occasion also have your roots elsewhere, and once your full consciousness is restored you will truly know who you are.

The more you can go with the flow of energies, the easier life becomes and your upliftment will be a pleasant experience. Where there is resistance it causes imbalances within the body, and the blockages will often show themselves as illness. Your body is a complicated system that relies on energy from many sources, and if it is not maintained correctly it will breakdown. Right food and exercise are fundamental to your quality of life, but so also are right thinking and actions. The body is a holy place that houses your energies, treat it as a temple in which you can go in your quiet moments and meet with your Higher Self. Follow your intuition and you will not go astray.

Life is about to take off, and much credit can be given for your persistence in spite of the restrictions placed upon you. You are those who have anchored the Light upon Earth, and you are continuing to bring in the higher energies. The dark have no answer to what is happening except to try and cause more disruption, but it will not succeed and is being contained until they can be removed. What you have started we shall help you finish and you will be ready to receive us very shortly. The tasks ahead need our help, as time is now a factor and we are primed to do whatever is necessary to prepare everything for the conclusion of this cycle. A great future awaits you as you claim your status with us and move into the higher dimensions.

We are so pleased for you, and we acknowledge the incredible achievement you will have made to overcome duality. Ascension is something you have earnt through consistent application to raising yourself up, and your determination and dedication are something to be admired. When we say you are great Beings, that is not an idle comment as you are magnificent Beings of Light. When you are told that you are physical Angels, please believe it as it is true. On one level we see your magnificence as a beautiful lighted Being, carrying all the colors of the rainbow, in their purity and clearness.

I am Ag-agria and continue as Michael’s guide, but address you all at a momentous time in your lives. Live every moment and enjoy them as you bring the final changes into being. It is within your power to do so, and many are with you and assist you from our side of the veil. Connect with us and we will be with you carrying great love for you all.

Thank you Ag-agria

Mike Quinsey
