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Forgetting to Fall-The Choice is Yours

Star Elders Channeled through Aluna Joy

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feel great anticipation for something you do not understand.

It is so close you can almost taste it, almost touch it...almost see


This impatience is almost too much to bear.

You feel it pushing you, but you freeze before you take a simple


You feel stuck in the mud, trapped in quicksand,

abandoned by your empty life, job, relationship...

You forget that your life is in your hands.

You forget you can fly.

You are puzzled by why you feel the light yet place your faith in


We wonder why you believe that you are in charge of your destiny, yet

continue to act like a victim,

why utopia comes second place to catastrophia.

We wonder why you prepare for the fatalistic vision, the prophesied


You prepare for the worst and hope for the better.

And you wonder why life does not get better.

We wonder why you let your dreams die.

You dream to be free, to fly into the glorious vision...

you let others tell you that it is a fantasy, unrealistic, crazy...

You doubt your vision, and then you doubt yourself.

You hide the dream, you cage it up, instead of setting it free...

Why do you take so long to make up your minds?

When are you going to see yourself as we do?

You think the governments have more power than you do.

You think that those with more money, more education, more things,

have more power than you.

You believe in the prophesies of quakes, famine, plague.

You believe the future is set in stone...that your days are numbered..


that there is no hope but to endure or survive what is coming.

Why do you take so long to make up your minds?

When are you going to see yourselves as we do?

We thought you knew your power!

You are reminded in so many ways that

you are the creator of your expression, maker of your destiny,

inventor of your world, architect of your reality...

yet you don't embrace this creative power.

The fact is that this creative power is all you are.

When are you going to make up your mind?

When are you going to see yourself as we do?

When are you going to quit looking down?!


Flying is easy...

it is about taking the leap and forgetting you don't know how to fly..


to simply forget to fall...

You keep looking down at the darkness

and the blind barbaric world you wish to leave behind,

And you wonder WHY you fall...

Wings lose power, crumple up and drop like falling stars.

And in the darkness, there you are.

You scream.. .God, I am here-- God why don't you see me?!"

You forget when you focus on darkness,

you can't see that God is YOU!

It is a choice...not to see.

Why do you take so long to make up your minds?

When are you going to see yourself as we do?

Things are going to change so fast...

CHANGE SO FAST.. that it will be hard to hold on.

So don't. Don't hold on.

Don't hold on to the past.

Don't hold on to what has been.

Don't hold on to blindness.

Don't hold on to those still investing their energy in the dark


in armageddon fantasy.

Let go...forget to fall...and FLY

You can rise up out of the blinding darkness in a second.

It is your choice!

So...When are you going to make up your mind?

When are you going to see yourselves as we do?

When are you going to love yourself as much as we do?

When are you going to believe in the immaculate vision?

When are you going to remember that you are

the virgins birthing a new dream into reality.

It is your choice!

Source: Voices of the New Earth
