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Message From Master Djwal Khul

Through valerie Donner, March 20, 2003

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kes sense to you when you know that love is the only truth. You wonder how so much separation could be winding its way through the love on such a beautiful Earth. Well, beloveds, I tell you it is a challenge even for us in the Light Realms to comprehend this flagrant lack of regard for life. Life itself is such a beautiful gift. It is Creator's expression of creation yet even at that some of creation has fallen away in separation. It has forgotten its point of origin as God. The question is will the part of you that has forgotten who it is find a way back to God realization? When this happens beloveds, you will make the way for eternal peace on your planet.

The war within Self must be won before the mirror of the external world is won. Make your intention one of reversing the illusion of what is occurring now. Make your charge of one finding the compassion and love within. Find the oneness within and you are on your way to peace.

You are all sensitive beings. What you feel right now affects everyone. What you choose to believe affects all of life. If you have feelings of hatred and despair beloveds, you are missing the boat. When you are in love, oneness and compassion you are sailing the vessel home.

Certainly the energies and feelings you are now experiencing are uncomfortable and undesirable. As you conquer those feelings within you will rise in consciousness and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you never want those feelings again. Release them to the Light and imbibe upon the Light for your sustenance and the work about to be done.

I am Djwal Khul in loving service to you and the Light.

.................WE ARE ALL ONE CREATING A NEW REALITY..................

....This message is with compliments of Phoenix Ascended News Group.....

................ Hosted by Jim Langman and Tony Wicks...................

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