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Message For Everyone

By James Gilliland

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ace. You can assist in this becoming a reality. Love & Blessings, Suzy Star

If you were to meet an off world visitor, what would you ask them? In a deep meditation on day I had the privilege of a telepathic communication with an off worlder known as Blaji. She is over a million years ahead of us in the time flow as we know it. Here is how the conversation went.

The first question I asked is what level they were coming from? They told me they bridge the 5th and 6th dimensions. Then she said we are actually on a ship just above the Sanctuary. I asked how this was possible? She said we are interdimensional time travelers. Our spirituality and technology are one. To converge from a physical being to a light principle and undergo the same process on our ships as they transform into a light principle you must have a strong spiritual understanding or you will loose your mind. You have to operate consciously on many levels, some nonphysical and not be afraid of loosing physicality and the personality self. No attachment to limited identities. When you understand this you will also understand creation, the continuity and connectiveness of life. You are much more than a personality and a body. You are an interdimensional being existing on a vibrational continuum. Through the other less dense spiritual bodies is how we can communicate.

I told her I understand, we must rise to the occasion, get beyond our physical and personalities to have meaningful conversations. The hard part is bringing it back to the physical with clarity. I asked her several questions already knowing the answer but wanted to hear it straight from her. The first question was how do you perceive Earth humanity? She said as very primitive, with a very aggressive selfish and warlike leadership. A civilization bent on destroying itself and the very platform for life. Your civilization is much like our far distant past which we have transcended. In fact we are your most ancient ancestors. We see you as a part of creation that needs help, inspiration and guidance. We serve The Creator by serving its creation, helping it to evolve. We cannot interfere in choice and free will. Wisdom is gained through experience and we cannot take your creations and the wisdom that come from them away from you. We can only inspire you to make better choices, take actions that won't have harmful reactions. We can only work with those who choose to be open to the guidance and inspiration, those who initiate it through prayer and meditation. Not all guidance is coming from Angels and Masters which most of humanity is conditioned to believe.

I then asked her why she would not beam up those who continue to act in an aggressive and harmful manner. Take them to a primitive planet with lots of predators to reflect back to them their own predatory nature? She said on one level this is a good idea, it has been offered on the table at the consortium. On our level it is not allowable. This behavior needs to be quarantined, why infect another planet or the rest of the universe. Your planet is under quarantine for this very reason. You cannot bring the aggressive warlike behavior into space. This is why so many of your military projects go up in flames or explode after launch. Those billions of dollars would best be spent on humanitarian efforts, feeding and housing the poor.

I asked her how she feels about the militaries aggressive stance towards all off world visitors. Surely you could destroy everything they send to do harm. She said one of our ships could deactivate and destroy all the military bases on the Earth yet this would be an aggressive act and we are not aggressive. We take the high road. There are others who are not so non aggressive and understanding. Our very presence keeps them in check. In the interest of national security it would be wise for your governments to form an alliance with the non aggressive, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders. They are the ones with the power of creation, the true protectors and can offer a defense that far surpasses any other offerings. The only catch is the Earth humanity much choose universal peace. Most of humanity desires peace yet they must hold their leadership to the same desire. Profit and greed at the expense of humanity and the environment is the manifesting force behind present day leadership on Earth. When this changes you will see an end to war, disease, poverty and crime as well as the pollution and destruction of the environment. We have transcended all of this and can assist Earth humanity to do as well. We can only inspire and guide. In some cases we can protect those who have aligned with us in service to humanity and the Earth. The collective consciousness of Earth must choose to live according to the universal principles and understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment. These are the understandings that have been brought to every culture through many masters which eventually become corrupted by kings and religions.

There is one more question everyone asks and I already know the answer but would love to hear it in your words. Why don't you land on the White House Lawn?

In July, 1952 we appeared at the White House. It created quite a stir. There was panic, we were met with aggression and the people were not ready. Since then there have been a myriad of films demonizing off worlders conditioning the minds of Earth Humanity to fear off world visitors. They have been conditioned to believe we came to conquer, enslave, eat Earth humans etc which is far from the truth. There is the belief that technology is power, those with the best technology are the ones who will be superior. In the interest of national security the UFOs must remain a secret because of the immense power to be gained from back engineering. This is all in error. The real power and technology is in the hands of those who understand what real power is. Real power serves, it empowers never overpowers. This understanding opens the door to the power of creation, technologies beyond your wildest dreams. These technologies will not be available to those without the consciousness to handle them.

The next question is concerning nuclear war. It is obvious we are not advanced enough for nuclear energy. We are killing the planet with the waste and creating weapons of mass destruction which can destroy the Earth ten times over. UFO activity heightened after the detonation of the first nuclear bomb. Any comments?

Yes the detonation of a nuclear bomb did attract the attention of the consortium. There were many off worlders who came to investigate and it sparked quite a debate as to whether of not to intervene. Suggestions were made from severe consequences to allowing the experiment to continue. The Earth is an experiment. There are life forms on Earth from many civilizations throughout the universe. Humanity itself is a genetic soup created from the genes of many nations often referred to as the Star Nations. There was a knuckle dragger, a form of humanity that was developing naturally as well on the Earth. This diversity of life on Earth is worth preserving. You will never have a nuclear war. It is not going to be allowed. The Earth experience is like none other. It is best to realize how precious the diversity of life is on the Earth and cherish it.

So what you are saying is we have to get back to basics and simplicity to evolve. We have to choose Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, and behave as if the God in all life matters, honor the Creator in all creation to join the rest of the universe, the greater family of man?

Yes, this is what we are saying, it is the same message delivered by every prophet and teacher throughout the millennium. Any other course ends in destruction, the collapse of civilization and the very platform for life. Choosing to live by the universal principles and understandings will bring an end to war, disease, pollution and the destruction of the environment. It is the only path that will insure the continuation of this civilization. The Earth will always survive. She will reset and cleanse herself. Earth humanity has the option of starting over as primitives loosing all technology as it has in the past or continuing forward in evolution eventually joining the greater family of man. We are the inspiration behind the forward evolution. We cannot choose for humanity, we can only inspire, guide and in some cases protect life for all life is precious.

One last question. How does one go about contacting the greater family of man? There are so many skeptics out there demanding proof be delivered to them.

Many of your skeptics often referred to as debunkers already know we exist. Some have not been educated in what is outside the box of the mainstream which is based primarily on recycled ignorance. To prove or force knowledge on them is an act of trespass. It is not in alignment with their free will and choice which is to remain in their present understanding. The greatest fear is the unknown yet when it is known it is not to be feared. In order to have contact one must rise to the occasion. Advance themselves spiritually, open the sacred senses such as telepathy and clairaudience. Learn to transcend the body and the personality. When you do this we will find you. You will be like a beacon in a primitive world that needs your help. One last thing I might add. It is destiny for Earth to heal and cleanse herself. It is also destiny for Earth humanity to join the rest of the universe. During this process the skies will be filled with ships because to do their work in assisting with the preservation of man it will be necessary to show themselves on occasion. It will escalate exponentially. There will come a time when even the hardest hearts and the closed minded skeptics will have to admit the obvious. It is destiny. Remember this it will give you strength in the days to come.

On that note I heard a loud ringing in my ears followed by a deep pulsating hum. The telepathic transmission ceased and my two sisters came running to the front door banging on it with excitement. I opened the door and they said, "Did you see it, the ship hovering over the house"? I said no but now I have to own the fact that this is not my imagination.

Be well James Gilliland

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
