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Arch Angel Raphael Coming To Terms With Your Inner Being

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money or fame could ever be, and that is why my friends, when you ask Spirit for abundance we give you lessons. If you want money or fame just ask for money or fame.

This said, let us proceed to the Inner Being. With the common view that you should discover and take note of the God or Goddess within and that Ego is a drawback to connecting with your God-self, it seems that the Ego is bad or that the Ego needs to be tamed now prevails strongly. Yes, the Ego can be a drawback and the Ego could be seen to come between you and your Spirit self, but no-one ever said to put the Ego in the closet and ignore it. Your Ego is there for a purpose. It is an aspect (not as "aspect" in creating time locked clones of yourself) of your Inner Being and cannot be amputated. It must exist within your Inner Being for your Inner Being to function properly. The Inner Child is also an aspect of your Inner Being and the Inner Child, like the Ego is an essential part of your Inner Being. It also cannot be amputated or ignored. Both these aspects of the Inner Being are essential.

The Sub-Conscious is also a feature of the Inner Being which you obviously cannot do without and so too is your physical body. This completes the description of the Inner Being in a practical sense, but let me say that the Inner Being is usually a melancholic sort of personality who takes life and responsibility rather seriously. The Inner Being is meticulous with housekeeping, record keeping, time keeping and any other sort of keeping that needs to be done with regard to your physicality. The Inner Being is in touch with Mother Earth and all of her intimate secrets. He or she is also in touch with the moon and the planets, your Sun and the Great Central Sun. He/She is in touch with all of Nature for He/She is part of Nature. There is no separation with your Inner Being. He of she is the Pagan within and the Pagan without. They respond to crystals and fairies, and goblins and pixies, and elves and trolls. That is why children, especially your Inner Child, responds to stories of these folk. This is why the movie, "The Lord of the Rings" is such a box office hit. The Inner Being knows all this and more.

Now that we have an insight into the Inner Being, how do we come to terms with such a being?

How do you come to terms with meeting such a personality in your daily activities? There is no difference except that you can't see you Inner Being, although that is not true either. It is more correct to say that ALL you see when you look at yourself is your Inner Being, and that you can't see YOU, the Consciousness. Since you have grown up with looking at yourself, you assume that what you see is you. This is splitting straws but you get the picture, I'm sure.

Meeting such a personality? Well who do you know who is a total melancholic, compassionate yet has a defensive manner, Earth connected and loving all of Nature and totally childlike? It is certainly not like anyone I know, yet certainly like everyone I know, for when you take a different vantage point you can see these qualities in every being. Maybe not the melancholy but the child, Yes! Compassion? Yes! Defensiveness? Yes! Earthbound and in love with Nature? Yes! You may need to look closely at some but deep down, Yes!

If you can see these qualities then I would suggest that coming to terms is easy.

Each of us responds to children. Each of us responds to compassion. Each of us recognises defensive behavior and each of us, deep down if not showing on the surface responds to Mother Earth and all of Nature. So what do we need to do? Absolutely nothing, you have already done it. You have taken this message and recognised the truth in it and that is sufficient.

Coming to terms is easy. Putting this all into everyday practice is another thing altogether. Do we need now to do anything different? I would suggest that you do and that you will.

Back to the Ego. It is your protector possessing a collection of evolved responses, generated and honed over all of your lifetimes. Do you really want to lock away all of this experience? Sure there are Ego responses that may no longer be appropriate but there are countless others that are.

To the Inner Child, should children really only be seen and not heard? You judge this one for yourself, after all it is your life and your lesson.

To the physicality, is your body only a vehicle to carry you from birth to death? If that were the case why don't we just implant consciousness into robots? It would serve the same purpose.

And the Record Keeper, apart from tax obligations would any of you really keep records? Maybe some melancholic diary writers but in general very few, and besides what good are records anyway? Well, cosmic records my friends are your memories and I hold up those people who have lost their memory connections as an example of why record keeping is necessary. Life is rather pointless without your memories. Nobody really wants to know you.

So you see my friends, the Inner Being is not such a dramatic being to come to terms with. It is the very essence of you yet remains in the background until called into action, especially the Ego. The Inner Child aspect seems to be buried in the seriousness of your life, even judging this aspect, when it surfaces, as "childish". You may have lost the ability to play but your Inner Child hasn't.

You and your Inner Being are on intimate yet not well known terms and this is due for a re-evaluation. If you remember the happiness of your childhood then reacquaint yourself with your Inner Child. If you want to take your power, don't ignore your Ego. If you want to co-create with Spirit, make your Inner Being comfortable with doing this for if you keep your Inner Being in the dark, then forget about co-creation for it surely will be blocked.

Your Inner Being has this power and the responsibility to keep you safe, and what is safety but an absence of fear. You keep fear at bay with knowledge, and lack of knowledge stems from not being informed. If you don't tell your Inner Being what you intend then how will it know? Don't assume that because you know that your Inner Being knows also, especially when it comes to matters of Spirit since your Inner Being can be locked out of Spirit communications. This is especially true for meditation. The Inner Being is not included, as you know, for a very good reason. That is to keep your home base on Earth, on Earth.

OK, now we'll cover the Inner Being's likes and dislikes.

The Inner Being LIKES to:

Be acknowledged;

Be kept informed;

To plot and plan;

To be with YOU all the time;

To not have you place yourself in danger;

To have other recognise you;

To use the body as a temple to yourself;

To have you keep your body in top physical condition;

To avoid confrontation of any kind:

To use the senses both physical and non-physical;

To keep you informed of your surroundings;

Gossip, especially about you;

Trust and compassion from others;

Praise and recognition;

Child-like treats (as opposed to childish);

Animals and Nature;

Being Earthbound and Earthy;

Being resourceful;

Being at home with family;

Punctuality and being meticulous with time;

Being close to the sea and being in the mountains (not at the same time obviously);

Peace, quiet and tranquillity;

To have the physical senses stimulated by beauty in their specialist field eg beautiful sights, smells and tastes etc.;

To clear clutter from your life;

To foster new talents and abilities; and

To be itself.

Well of course the opposite of all the likes with the addition of such things as:

Meditation. Inner Being's dislike meditation because they cannot accompany you;

Dreaming. For exactly the same reason as meditation; Utilising the power of Spirit. Once again because they cannot comprehend what is happening; and

Being "In the Now". Inner Being's love order and planning which goes totally against being ITN. When you and your Inner Being are confronted with any threat whatsoever, you Inner Being will go into autoresponse and if they don't have an autoresponse they panic. This is called trauma and your Inner Being cannot cope with trauma. Trauma can manifest in a number of ways ranging from stress to unconsciousness. Unconsciousness results when your Inner Being withdraws all the connections to your Consciousness until the Inner Being is satisfied that the trauma has passed.

When your Inner Being withdraws the Consciousness connections in this fashion ie., when you lose consciousness, YOU are not carted off into the Astral or beyond by your Higher Self, you are effectively quarantined by your Inner Being while your Inner Being sets about bringing the body back to a fit state for you to be reinstated back into it.

Occasionally at these times the Inner Being will prematurely release the Consciousness to Spirit, when it looks like all is lost, allowing Spirit to take you on the homeward journey, only to find that the body has recovered enough to accept YOU, the Consciousness, back in. This is your classic NDE. When this happens, the Inner Being reclaims the Consciousness and drags you back into the body. Most, but not all traumas result in your Inner Being creating an "aspect" of which we spoke in our previous lessons.

The purpose of this lesson then is for you to realise that your Inner Being has control of an immense portion of your being and in that realisation you should also realise that your Inner Being can override your Higher Self's aspirations at any time if they have sufficient reason. They are the judges of that reasoning. You cannot stop them and if you cannot stop them then you need to come to terms with them.

It is all very well to be comfortable with Spirit and your spirituality but if your Inner Being feels threatened and thwarts your attempts then all of your efforts will be in vain.

Life as you know it in all you daily activities is a compromise. Now it is time to realise that your spiritual life is also a compromise and that you must learn to compromise between Sprit and Body. This IS your biggest task and getting it right is an art form. It is diplomacy of the highest order and it is essential.

Good luck with perfecting this art form. You must do it by yourself, for yourself but you may ask our advice.


